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Campus Cuernavaca. Cuernavaca, The City of Eternal Spring . Cuernavaca is the capital and the largest city of the state of Morelos.
Cuernavaca, The City of Eternal Spring Cuernavaca isthe capital and thelargestcity of thestate of Morelos. The city was nicknamed the "City of Eternal Spring" by Alexander Von Humboldt in the 19th century. It has long been a favorite escape for Mexico City and foreign visitors because of its warm, stable climate and abundant vegetation. Aztec Emperors had summer residences here, and even today many famous people as well as Mexico City residents maintain homes here. Cuernavaca is also host to a large foreign resident population, including large numbers of students who come to study the Spanish language.
Campus Cuernavaca International - Locatedin the City of Eternal Spring which has analmostconstanttemperature of 70sF° allyear round. - Anhour drive awayfrom Mexico City and a threehour drive away fromthebeautifulbeaches of Acapulco. - Wellknownforitsmulticultural environment. - Personal approach to education and services. - Great tradition in teaching Spanish as a Second Language combined with a specific field project. - 2008 PCI DesignAwardforBest University Facility.
Testimonials of Our International Alumni 2010 - 2011 “I’m enjoying everything here and the campus is nice. The forest in the middle of the campus is great! The array of activities is fantastic; I’m learning to dance salsa while practicing basketball with the school team.” - Peter Nakamura - South Korean/ Queen’s University, Canada “I love the city Cuernavaca and the school Tec de Monterrey. Before I arrived in Mexico I had only two classes in Spanish. I learned a lot at Tec de Monterrey! I also enjoyed the trips to Tepoztlan, Acapulco, Puebla, Oaxaca, Teotihuacan, Mexico City and Taxco. Another way I learned about the culture was from living with a host family. Now I have two families. This experience is unforgettable once in a lifetime!” Sharon Lynn Smith- North American, Purdue University, USA
Testimonials of Our International Alumni 2010 - 2011 “Cuernavaca has been a wonderful experience for me. I have learned so much about the Mexican culture and I have met Mexican people, European and American students, that I will never forget. I hope I am able to return to Cuernavaca many more times in my life, I feel like it is now my second home. Thank you for this experience.” Carven Lee- Australian, The University of Sydney, Australia “What I like about my study abroad in Mexico is learning about the differences between the Mexican cultura and the culture of the United States. To see these differences first hand is an exciting learning experience that I will treasure and keep with me as I grow older. Since I have been in Mexico I have developed a strong appreciation for Mexican culture and this appreciation will help me as I grow older. The memories that I will keep of Mexico are fond and I hope to one day return.” RuiLuo- Chinese, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Testimonials of Our International Alumni 2010 - 2011 “Pueden creerme, me encantó mi estancia en el TEC - Campus Cuernavaca!Desde el punto de vista académico tuve la oportunidad de cursar materias que no hubiera podido cursar en mi Universidad, es decir cursos de Relaciones Internacionales sobre México y América Latina. Los maestros así como el personal de la oficina de los estudiantes internacionales son muy serviciales y amables. Además el ambiente entre los estudiantes es relajada y hay una simbiosis agradable entre estudiantes mexicanos y intercambistas. Por añadidura mi nivel de español progresé bastante durante este semestre. In fine, este intercambio fue una experiencia muy interesante y enriquecedora para mi.” Joseph Schmitz, Luxembourger, UNIL-Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
Testimonials of Our International Alumni 2010 - 2011 “My experience in Cuernavaca has been amazing. This was my first time having the opportunity to study outside the United States, and I could not have dreamed of better experience. I was able to have full access to the Mexican atmosphere and culture both within Cuernavaca, and on the trips to other cities including Acapulco, Mexico City, Oaxaca and Taxco. Thank you to Tec de Monterrey Campus Cuernavaca Staff for setting up such a wonderful program.” Crystal Wray- North American, Carnegie Mellon University, USA “The reason why I came to Campus Cuernavaca is because it’s the perfect setting to learn Spanish and immerse myself in the culture. The city has everything you could ask for, it’s not too small, yet it’s not too big and everyone is very friendly. The school has new and up to date technology making the classroom an effective learning environment so that students can excel.” - Oliver Grant – North American, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Academic Calendar January - May 2012 * Please note that the above schedule is subject to possible changes.
June Short-TermProgram Calendar 2012 * Please note that the above schedule is subject to possible changes.
AcademicCalendarAugust-December 2012 * Tenga en cuenta que este calendario está sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso.
Academic Calendar January - May2013 * Tenga en cuenta que este calendario está sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso.
Academic Programs Business Management Finance Management Marketing and Communication International Business Management and Business Strategy SustainableDevelopment
Academic Programs Communication and Digital Media Animation and Digital Art ComputerTechnology Industrial Engineering and Systems Mechatronics Biotechnology Industrial Design
Organized Cultural Activitiesduringtheweek *Each participant must pay for his/her transportation and museum entrances.
FamilyHomestay • In Cuernavaca the students willstaywithMexican Host Familieswhohavebeencarefullyevaluated and selected and complywithourHousingPolicy. The students becomepart of theMexicanfamilytheystaywith and are encou-ragedtospeakSpanishduetoourSPANISH ONLY POLICY. • Familieswillprovide 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and ligthdinner). Usuallytwostudents are placed withthesamefamily and willbesharing a room.
Contact Us • Directora de Asuntos Internacionales: • Antoaneta Antonova • antoaneta@itesm.mx • Website: www.cva.itesm.mx/internationals • En Facebook: http://es-la.facebook.com/people/Programas-Internacionales-Profesional/100001918541028 • Tel. (52-777) 362-0809, 362-0810 • Fax: (52-777) 362-0811
Taxco 1.30 hr. drive Mexico’s Silver Capital