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Melody Of The Heart Pt . 2: Singing With Grace. Text: Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16. Col . 3:17: We must submit to & act under the authority of Christ. Mt. 28:18-20: Christ affirmed His authority. 05/19/13: Elders at the Heritage church of Christ
Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace Text: Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16
Col. 3:17: We must submit to & act under the authority of Christ Mt. 28:18-20: Christ affirmed His authority • 05/19/13: Elders at the Heritage church of Christ • (Ft. Worth, TX) announced they were allowing • instrumental music • Made announcement on their website • Released a 7-page Q&A document justifying their decisions • Their decision was made under the guise of bringing more people to know Christ! Intro Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Eph. 5:19 19. speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; Col. 3:16 (NKJ) 16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. • Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 • Saints are commanded to sing, making melody from the heart (G5567 psallo: to sing a hymn) and singing with “thanksgiving” (NKJ: “Grace”). Intro Saints are commanded to sing, making melody from the heart with grace! Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
“Music” is a general term, but “Sing” (Vocal Music) & • “Play” (Instrumental Music) are specific: • If N.T. says, "Make music," this general term authorizes both singing & playing. • The general term “music” is not used in reference to worship in the New Testament. • Christ authorizes singing (Vocal Music): • Mt. 26:20 – “Sung” • Acts 16:25 – “Singing” • Rom. 15:9 – “Sing” • I Cor. 14:15 – “Sing” • Eph. 5:19 – “Singing” • Col. 3:16 – “Singing” • Heb. 2:12 – “Sing” • Heb. 13:15 – “Fruit of Lips” • Js. 5:13 – “Sing” • Direct command (Col. 3:16), Approved example (Acts 16:25), & Necessary implication (Heb. 13:15). What Does the N.T. Teach about Music in Worship Today? • Christ authorized individuals (Acts 16:25) and congregations (Eph. 5:19) to sing in worship! Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Christ gave No Authority for instruments of music • in worship: • To use instruments is to speak where the Bible is silent – parallel to the office of the pope and to sprinkling for baptism. • No instruction from Christ in any form authorizes instruments of music in worship. • No passage of Scripture authorizes the practice • Christ (Jn. 16:13) did not use general or specificterms for it • No Direct statement or command • No Approved example • No Necessary implication What Does the N.T. Teach about Music in Worship Today? Divine silence excludes, prohibits, & forbids the practice! (Acts 15:24) Saints are commanded to sing, making melody from the heart! Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Instrumental Music is defended as an “Aid” • An “aid” is something which helps to obey a command. • “Aids” come under general authority. • Song books and lights are “aids” to singing • They are authorized but not specified. • Instrumental music is not an “aid” but is another kind of music, an addition to God's Word. • Rev. 22:18: We must not add to God's Word! • Instrumental Music is defended as an “Expedient” • An "expedient" is something which serves a useful purpose in fulfilling a command. • “Expedients” come under general authority. • Song leaders and announcing song numbers are “expedients” • They are authorized but not specified. • Instrumental music is not an “expedient” but is another kind of music. • Rev. 22:18: We must not add to God's Word! What Defense Is Given for Instrumental Music in Worship? Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Instrumental Music is defended as a matter of “Liberty” • A matter of liberty is something permitted but not required, matters left to our judgment or choice. • Such liberties come under general authority. • How many songs to sing and in what order are matters of liberty • They are authorized but not specified. • Instrumental music is not a matter of “liberty” but is another kind of music. • Js. 1:25; 2:12; II Jn. 9; I Cor. 4:6: Must not go too far in our “liberty!” • Instrumental Music is defended by O.T. Worship (Ps. 150) • Gal. 5:3-4: The O.T. does not provide authority for the gospel age. • Col. 2:14: We worship under Christ not Moses – O.T nailed to the Cross! • The Psalms speak of worshiping God with various musical instruments and with “burnt offerings of fat beasts” (Ps. 66:15) • Heb. 10:9: Jesus Christ provided a perfect & final sacrifice for sin. • Heb. 1:1-2: God has now spoken to man through His Son! (Not Moses) What Defense Is Given for Instrumental Music in Worship? Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Instrumental Music is defended because “It is pictured in • Heaven” (Rev. 5:8) • “Every one” pictured in Rev. 5:8 held a harp in one hand and a bowl of burning incense in the other. • If the harp is literal, how did they play it? • Should we burn incense today? • In Revelation, the harp represents the beautiful sound of singing: • Rev. 1:10; 4:1: John hears a “voice” with the power of a “trumpet.” There is no literal trumpet! • Rev. 5:8-9; 14:2-3; 15:2-3: “They sung,” not played, and John heard the beautiful voices as harps. What Defense Is Given for Instrumental Music in Worship? Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Instrumental Music is defended as a “Command” • (Eph. 5:19: “psallo”) • “Psalms” is translated from the Greek word psalmos (G5568) and “making melody” from psallo (G5567). • It is sometimes argued that these Greek terms refer specifically to singing with harps or other instruments. • Commands are not optional but are necessary and essential to obedience. • If instrumental music is commanded, we will be lost in Hell if we disobey • If instrumental music is commanded, then all who worship must play because Eph. 5:19 applies to all! • If the Greek language requires instruments, why did hundreds of translators not know it? (Eph. 5:19 never rendered, “play instruments”) • The basic meaning (psallo) was to “pluck or pull” and the object of the verb had to be named: hair, plumb line, bow string, or harp strings, etc. • Eph. 5:19 names the object to be “plucked or pulled”: The heart! Melody comes from the heart! • History confirms that instrumental music was not used in the early centuries of the church – a cappella is Latin for “as is done in the church!” What Defense Is Given for Instrumental Music in Worship? Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Instrumental Music is defended with the silence of the • Scriptures on the matter • This argument admits no passage authorizes the instrument! • The affirmative position on any issue must give positive divine authority for its practice. (I Pet. 4:11) • The fallacy of this argument is that silence (absence of authority) gives permission. • No, silence excludes & forbids action! • Gen. 6:14: God authorized gopher wood, but was silent about other woods. • Heb. 7:14: God authorized the Levitical priesthood, but was silent about other tribes. • Acts 15:24: God authorized the gospel message today, but was silent about the Law of Moses. • Col. 2:12: God authorized baptism as a burial in water, but was silent about sprinkling. What Defense Is Given for Instrumental Music in Worship? Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Instrumental Music is defended as an “Aid” Instrumental Music is defended as an “Expedient” Instrumental Music is defended as a matter of “Liberty” Instrumental Music is defended by O.T. Worship Instrumental Music is defended because “It is pictured in Heaven” Instrumental Music is defended as a “Command” What Defense Is Given for Instrumental Music in Worship? Instrumental Music is defended with the silence of the Scriptures Defending instrumental music in the assembly is to defend false doctrine on false premises, and to ignore the evidence that saints are commanded to sing! Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
I Pet. 4:11 11. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. • Is instrumental music authorized in worship today? • No, it is unauthorized & sinful (Rom. 6:23)! • All that we say and do must be according to the standard • left for us under the authority of Christ! • I Pet. 4:11: We must “Speak as the oracles of God” (NKJ). An oracle is a divine revelation. • G3051 logion [log-ee-on]: a brief utterance (of God), a divine oracle (Thayer). Conclusion • We must have Scripture for what we preach or practice! (General or Specificterms) • Direct Statement, Approved Example, or Necessary Implication. Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
The silence of Scripture (the absence of Bible authority) always excludes, prohibits, & forbids a doctrine or action (Acts 15:24) In regards to the authority of Christ, no elders, church, or anything else can change the pattern given for the church! (Col. 1:16-18) Saints today (as in 1st century) are commanded to sing, making melody from the heart, with grace! (Mt. 24:35; Heb. 13:8) Conclusion Melody Of The Heart Pt. 2: Singing With Grace
Hear The Gospel (Jn. 5:24; Rom. 10:17) Believe In Christ (Jn. 3:16-18; Jn. 8:24) Repent Of Sins (Lk. 13:35; Acts 2:38) Confess Christ (Mt. 10:32; Rom. 10:10) Be Baptized (Mk. 16:16; Acts 22:16) Remain Faithful (Jn. 8:31; Rev. 2:10) “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” For The Erring Child: Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (I Jn. 1:9), Pray (Acts 8:22)