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Analyze the similarities and differences in political structures, cultural practices and interactions of Classical Southwest Asia with one of the following regions from the Neolithic Period: 1. East Asia 2. North Africa 3. South Asia. ANALYZE.

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  1. Analyze the similarities and differences in political structures, cultural practices and interactions of Classical Southwest Asia with one of the following regions from the Neolithic Period:1. East Asia2. North Africa3. South Asia

  2. ANALYZE to study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts Draw a conclusion Cause and Effect – The HOW and the WHY Describe and give evidence for

  3. THESISEverything I Write Will Answer the Prompt; Every Sentence, Every Word, Every Time!Analyze the similarities and differences in political structures, cultural practices and interactions of Classical Southwest Asia with one of the following regions from the Neolithic Period: 1. East Asia 2. North Africa 3. South Asia While the people of Classical Southwest Asia shared commonalities with the Neolithic North Africans in the areas of cultural practices as both built impressive monuments and produced literary works and in interactions because both the Classical Southwest Asians and the Neolithic North Africans engaged in warfare to expand their empires and in short and long distance trade, however, the Neolithic North Africans differed from the Classical Southwest Asians in the area of political structures because the Neolithic North Africans did not divide up their kingdom and held their ruler as a god whereas the Classical Southwest Asians managed their empire in small units and did not hold that their ruler was divine

  4. First Paragraph Both Classical Southwest Asia and Neolithic North Africa developed impressive monuments and developed literature and writing as part of their cultural practice. The Persians of Classical Southwest Asia built extensive architectural tributes at the court of Persepolis detailing Persian victories. The Persians also wrote extensive literatures such as the Gathas about the faith of Zoroastrianism and the power of Ahora Mazda. These achievements in cultural practices resemble those of the Egyptians of Neolithic North Africa as, like the Persians, the Egyptians also built large works of architecture. The pyramids of Giza and many tombs in the Valley of the Kings indicate a deep interest in the afterlife and express pride in Egyptian achievement. Literary achievement is also evident in the Egypt as well as evidence by the Book of the Dead which details the rules and path of the afterlife. The similarity in cultural practices of the Neolithic North Africans and Classical Southwest Asians were caused by the need for both to glorify their leaders display power of their nation and to provide direction for spiritually based moral living and safe passage through the afterlife.

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