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Mental Health Crisis: Overlooked Treatment Needs and Tragic Consequences

Many in the U.S. with mental disorders face long treatment delays and inadequate care. Serious mental illnesses in public systems lead to premature deaths. Various preventable health issues claim lives. Depression impacts other chronic diseases, increasing medical costs and impairing daily life. The burden falls heavily on individuals, with indirect costs affecting employers.

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Mental Health Crisis: Overlooked Treatment Needs and Tragic Consequences

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  1. People Are Not Getting the Help They Need • While approximately 80 percent of all people in the U.S. with a mental disorder eventuallyseek treatment at some point in their lives, • the median delay across all disorders is nearly a decade. (NCS-R, 2005) • less than one-third of people who seek help receive minimally adequate care. (NCS-R, 2005)

  2. Taking Lives • People with serious mental illnesses served in the public system are dying, on average, 25 years early, from a full range of preventable health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. (NASMHPD, 2006)

  3. 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20% 24% Disability Impact Illness Related Disability (U.S.) Alcohol/Drug Use Mental Health Conditions Cardiovascular Diseases Cancer Alcohol/Drug Use Arthritis Diabetes Infectious Diseases

  4. Direct and Indirect Costs Annual Costs Per Employee

  5. Prevalence of Depression with Other Chronic Conditions Percent With Depression Medical Condition Pincus HA. J Clin Psychiatry. 2001;62 Suppl 6:5-9; Schatzberg AF. J Clin Psychiatry. 2004;65 Suppl 12;3-4.

  6. Mental Illness & Other Chronic Diseases 4 3 Average Number of Impaired Days/Month 2 1 Hypertension Arthritis Asthma Ulcers Chronic Disease Chronic Disease and Mental Illness

  7. Impact of Depression on Medical Cost Impact of Depression: Comorbitities Actual annual medical costs per patient based on claims data for 229,776 patients, 1995-1998. SOURCE: OCI 2001 Un (2006) MHA Policy Conference

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