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Probabilistic (Average-Case) Analysis and Randomized Algorithms

Probabilistic (Average-Case) Analysis and Randomized Algorithms. Two different approaches Probabilistic analysis of a deterministic algorithm Randomized algorithm Example Problems/Algorithms Hiring problem (Chapter 5) Sorting/Quicksort (Chapter 7) Tools from probability theory

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Probabilistic (Average-Case) Analysis and Randomized Algorithms

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  1. Probabilistic (Average-Case) Analysis and Randomized Algorithms • Two different approaches • Probabilistic analysis of a deterministic algorithm • Randomized algorithm • Example Problems/Algorithms • Hiring problem (Chapter 5) • Sorting/Quicksort (Chapter 7) • Tools from probability theory • Indicator variables • Linearity of expectation

  2. Probabilistic (Average-Case) Analysis • Algorithm is deterministic; for a fixed input, it will run the same every time • Analysis Technique • Assume a probability distribution for your inputs • Analyze item of interest over probability distribution • Caveats • Specific inputs may have much worse performance • If distribution is wrong, analysis may give misleading picture

  3. Randomized Algorithm • “Randomize” the algorithm; for a fixed input, it will run differently depending on the result of random “coin tosses” • Randomization examples/techniques • Randomize the order that candidates arrive • Randomly select a pivot element • Randomly select from a collection of deterministic algorithms • Key points • Works well with high probability on every inputs • May fail on every input with low probability

  4. Common Tools • Indicator variables • Suppose we want to study random variable X that represents a composite of many random events • Define a collection of “indicator” variables Xi that focus on individual events; typically X = S Xi • Linearity of expectations • Let X, Y, and Z be random variables s.t. X = Y + Z • Then E[X] = E[Y+Z] = E[Y] + E[Z] • Recurrence Relations

  5. Hiring Problem • Input • A sequence of n candidates for a position • Each has a distinct quality rating that we can determine in an interview • Algorithm • Current = 0; • For k = 1 to n • If candidate(k) is better than Current, hire(k) and Current = k; • Cost: • Number of hires • Worst-case cost is n

  6. Analyze Hiring Problem • Assume a probability distribution • Each of the n! permutations is equally likely • Analyze item of interest over probability distribution • Define random variables • Let X = random variable corresponding to # of hires • Let Xi = “indicator variable” that ith interviewed candidate is hired • Value 0 if not hired, 1 if hired • X = Si = 1 to n Xi • E[Xi] = ? • Explain why: • E[X] = E[Si = 1 to n Xi] = Si = 1 to n E[Xi] = ? • Key observation: linearity of expectations

  7. Alternative analysis • Analyze item of interest over probability distribution • Let Xi = indicator random variable that the ith best candidate is hired • 0 if not hired, 1 if hired • Questions • Relationship of X to Xi? • E[Xi] = ? • Si = 1 to n E[Xi] = ?

  8. Questions • What is the probability you will hire n times? • What is the probability you will hire exactly twice? • Biased Coin • Suppose you want to output 0 with probability ½ and 1 with probability ½ • You have a coin that outputs 1 with probability p and 0 with probability 1-p for some unknown 0 < p < 1 • Can you use this coin to output 0 and 1 fairly? • What is the expected running time to produce the fair output as a function of p?

  9. Quicksort Algorithm • Overview • Choose a pivot element • Partition elements to be sorted based on partition element • Recursively sort smaller and larger elements

  10. Quicksort Walkthrough 17 12 6 23 19 8 5 10 6 8 5 10 17 12 23 19 5 6 8 17 12 19 23 6 812 17 23 617 5 6 8 10 12 17 19 23

  11. Pseudocode Sort(A) { Quicksort(A,1,n); } Quicksort(A, low, high) { if (low < high) { pivotLocation = Partition(A,low,high); Quicksort(A,low, pivotLocation - 1); Quicksort(A, pivotLocation+1, high); } }

  12. Pseudocode int Partition(A,low,high) { pivot = A[high]; leftwall = low-1; for i = low to high-1 { if (A[i] < pivot) then { leftwall = leftwall+1; swap(A[i],A[leftwall]); } swap(A[high],A[leftwall+1]); } return leftwall+1; }

  13. Worst Case for Quicksort

  14. Average Case for Quicksort?

  15. 0 n/4 n/2 3n/4 n Intuitive Average Case Analysis Anywhere in the middle half is a decent partition (3/4)hn = 1 => n = (4/3)h log(n) = h log(4/3) h = log(n) / log(4/3) < 2 log(n)

  16. How many steps? At most 2log(n) decent partitions suffices to sort an array of n elements. But if we just take arbitrary pivot points, how often will they, in fact, be decent? Since any number ranked between n/4 and 3n/4 would make a decent pivot, half the pivots on average are decent. Therefore, on average, we will need 2 x 2log(n) = 4log(n) partitions to guarantee sorting.

  17. Formal Average-case Analysis • Let X denote the random variable that represents the total number of comparisons performed • Let indicator variable Xij = the event that the ith smallest element and jth smallest element are compared • 0 if not compared, 1 if compared • X = Si=1 to n-1 Sj=i+1 to n Xij • E[X] = Si=1 to n-1 Sj=i+1 to n E[Xij]

  18. Computing E[Xij] • E[Xij] = probability that i and j are compared • Observation • All comparisons are between a pivot element and another element • If an item k is chosen as pivot where i < k < j, then items i and j will not be compared • E[Xij] = • Items i or j must be chosen as a pivot before any items in interval (i..j)

  19. Computing E[X] E[X] = Si=1 to n-1 Sj=i+1 to n E[Xij] = Si=1 to n-1 Sj=i+1 to n 2/(j-i+1) = Si=1 to n-1 Sk=1 to n-i 2/(k+1) <= Si=1 to n-1 2 Hn-i+1 <= Si=1 to n-1 2 Hn = 2 (n-1)Hn

  20. Alternative Average-case Analysis • Let T(n) denote the average time required to sort an n-element array • “Average” assuming each permutation equally likely • Write a recurrence relation for T(n) • T(n) = • Using induction, we can then prove that T(n) = O(n log n) • Requires some simplification and summation manipulation

  21. Avoiding the worst-case • Understanding quicksort’s worst-case • Methods for avoiding it • Pivot strategies • Randomization

  22. Understanding the worst case A B D F H J K A B D F H J A B D F H A B D F A B D A B A The worst case occur is a likely case for many applications.

  23. Pivot Strategies • Use the middle Element of the sub-array as the pivot. • Use the median element of (first, middle, last) to make sure to avoid any kind of pre-sorting. What is the worst-case performance for these pivot selection mechanisms?

  24. Randomized Quicksort • Make chance of worst-case run time equally small for all inputs • Methods • Choose pivot element randomly from range [low..high] • Initially permute the array

  25. Hat Check Problem • N people give their hats to a hat-check person at a restaurant • The hat-check person returns the hats to the people randomly • What is the expected number of people who get their own hat back?

  26. Online Hiring Problem • Input • A sequence of n candidates for a position • Each has a distinct quality rating that we can determine in an interview • We know total ranking of interviewed candidates, but not with respect to candidates left to interview • We can hire only once • Online Algorithm Hire(k,n) • Current = 0; • For j = 1 to k • If candidate(j) is better than Current, Current = j; • For j = k+1 to n • If candidate(j) is better than Current, hire(j) and return • Questions: • What is probability we hire the best qualified candidate given k? • What is best value of k to maximize above probability?

  27. Online Hiring Analysis • Let Si be the probability that we successfully hire the best qualified candidate AND this candidate was the ith one interviewed • Let M(j) = the candidate in 1 through j with highest score • What needs to happen for Si to be true? • Best candidate is in position i: Bi • No candidate in positions k+1 through i-1 are hired: Oi • These two quantities are independent, so we can multiply their probabilities to get Si

  28. Computing S • Bi = 1/n • Oi = k/(i-1) • Si = k/(n(i-1)) • S = Si>k Si = k/n Si>k 1/(i-1) is probability of success • k/n (Hn – Hk): roughly k/n (ln n – ln k) • Maximized when k = n/e • Leads to probability of success of 1/e

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