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Electron-Cloud Effects in Fermilab Booster. K.Y. Ng Fermilab Electron-Cloud Feedback Workshop IUCF, Indiana March 14-15, 2007. Motivation I. E-Cloud observed at CERN SPS. Want to know what happens to Fermilab Booster. Motivation II. Fermilab Booster is injected at 400 MeV.
Electron-Cloud Effects in Fermilab Booster K.Y. Ng Fermilab Electron-Cloud Feedback Workshop IUCF, Indiana March 14-15, 2007 ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Motivation I • E-Cloud observed at CERN SPS.Want to know what happens to Fermilab Booster. ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Motivation II • Fermilab Booster is injected at 400 MeV. • Space-charge tune shift is ~0.4. • Sextupole tune spread << 0.4 will be shifted awayfrom coherent frequency. • Or no Landau damping • How come sextupole tune spread work in damping coherent instabilities? • Is it possible that e-cloud cancels part of thespace-charge effect of the beam? • However, e-cloud effects should not be too large to introduce new instabilities. ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Simulations with POSINST • Booster circumference: 474.203 m. • 80 consecutive bunches + 4 empty buckets. • Bunch intensity Nb = 6 x 1010. • Near injection, total energy E = 1.4 GeV.γ = 1.492, β = 0.7422. • Betatron tunes ≈ 6.8. • RMS bunch length: σz = 70 cm (3.15 ns). • Transverse beam sizes: σx = σy = 4.477 mm,(rms normalized emittances ~2 mm mr.) • Gaussian distribution assumed. • Vacuum pressure: 2 x 10-7 Torr. ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Booster Magnets • F Quad approximatedas 6”x1.64” rectangular opening. • D Quad approximatedas 6”x2.25” rectangular opening. • There are also 1.125”long-straight sectionsand 2.125”short-straight sections. ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Booster does not have a beam pipe inside the magnets. • Beam sees magnet laminations, for which we do not know the SEY. Av. proton linear density ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Magnets cover only ~60% of Booster Rings. • The rest are cylindrical S.S. beam pipes joining the magnets. Av. proton linear density ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Landau Damping in Presence of Sp-Ch • E. Métral and F. Ruggiero studied Landau dampingwith octupole tune spread in presence of sp-ch.[CERN-AB-2004-025 (ABP), 2004; Möhl earlier] • They solved a simplified dispersion relation analytically. • Non-linear incoherent sp-ch tune shift as well asoctupole incoherent tune shift are included. • They plot ReΔncoh vs. ImΔncoh, showing the stableand unstable regions. • LHC parameters are used. ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Stability Contours in Presence of Octopole Tune Spread and Decreasing Space Charge Tune Spread rms ΔQoct=0.000056 Outside unstable coh Nb/2 Nb=1.15x1011 coh Inside stable coh coh Nb/4 coh Nb/10 coh coh coh ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Outside unstable Inside stable ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Stability Contours in Presence of Space Charge with Octupole Tune Spread (ΔQoct) Decreasing rms rms rms ΔQoct=0.000056 coh ΔQoct/2 coh ΔQoct=0.000056 Outside Unstable coh coh Inside Stable rms rms ΔQoct/4 coh ΔQoct/10 coh coh coh ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Conclusion • Without octupole tune spread, • incoherent sp ch tune spread alone does not provideLandau damping. • With octupole tune spread, • damping region is increased in the presence of sp ch to roughly sp ch tune spread, • there is a big shift of the damping region. • To be Landau damped, there must be large inductiveimpedance. • This result has been verified by simulations.(V. Kornilov, O. Boine-Frankenheim and I. Hofmann, HB2006) ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Transverse Impedance of Booster • Left: Computed Z1V of magnet laminations. • Right: Im Z1V of Booster inferred from tune- depression measurement (X. Huang). ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Contribution of Inductive Walls • From inductive magnet laminations and beam pipe,= 0.026 at injection • Inductive tune shift is too small to counteract space charge. ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Electron Cloud Density (D Quad) ρσ • Electron density is ρσ ~ 2.5 x 1013 m-3, ρc ~ 1 x 1013 m-3. • Proton density is ρσ ~ 6.4 x 1014 m-3, ρc ~ 1.7 x 1014 m-3. • Space charge canceled by small amount at bunch center,but more at head and tail. ρc ρav ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Short-Range Wake from E-Cloud p = σy/σx • Heifets derived short range wake from e-clouddepends on cloud/beam trans sizes, (Σy/σy) • Can be approx. by a resonance: Σy/σy=2, Q = 6.0, μ =0.9,Wmax = 1.014 ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Impedance from E-Cloud • Fitted impedance • Near injection,with ρe = 1013 m-3,ImZ1V ~ 9.4 MΩ/mat low frequencies. • ωe/2π~100 MHz is small, because of long σz and large σx, σy. • ρe = 1012 m-3 is often used for analysis of beam stability?? ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Bunch Length and Electron Bounce Frequency ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Trans. Microwave (Strong Head-Tail) • ωeσt≤ ½π but ωetL~ 6 to 11 >> π • Linear part of e-cloud wake contributes. • Use Métral’s long-bunch formula to compute Upsilon. • Upsilon > 2 implies instability. ωetL ωeσt ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Booster cannot operate with ξx = ξy= 0, beam unstable. • With ξx and ξy setting, Upsilon is reduced, but still > 2when close to transition. • Maybe space charge will help. (Blaskiewicz, PR STAB 044201) • Maybe peak of ReZ1V is not so sharp (or Q is lower). • Maybe e-cloud density is much less than 1013 m-3. ECloud Feedback, IUCF
Summary • Simulations show that e-cloud accumulation is large.Saturation has been reached. • ρe~ 1013 m-3 amounts to only 1/10 of proton density.It is unsure whether enough sp-ch will be canceledto ensure Landau damping. • E-cloud leads to a wake that may cause strong head-tail instability. • Upsilon >2 close to transition, not good. • Maybe sp ch will delay 2 azimuthal modes to collide. • Maybe ReZ1V peak is not so sharp (lower Q). • Maybe actual e density is smaller, thus lowering Upsilon. ECloud Feedback, IUCF