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Governance for sustainable development. Presentation 8 Environment and Sustainable Development course UNU-MERIT PhD programme . René Kemp. Different meanings of governance.
Governance for sustainable development Presentation 8 Environment and Sustainable Development course UNU-MERIT PhD programme René Kemp
Different meanings of governance • Governance as the complex ways in which order and orientation are maintained in socio-political systems (Meadowcroft et al., 2005) • … a more cooperative mode where state and no-state actors participate in mixed public/private networks” (Mayntz, 1998) • Governance as the structured ways and means in which the divergent preferences of inter-dependent actors are translated into policy choices to allocate values, so that the plurality of interests is transformed into co-ordinated action and the compliance of actors is achieved (Eising and Kohler-Koch 2000).
Governance structures organize negotiation processes, determine objectives, influence motivations, set standards, perform allocative functions, monitor compliance, impose penalties, initiate and/or reduce conflict, and resolve disputes among actors (Eden and Hampson 1997: 362) • In political science and public administration the concept of governance has been suggested to broaden the narrow focused perspective on policy processes as hierarchically structured goal-oriented processes by explicitly bringing in the societal context in which these processes occur
Key requirements of governance for sustainable development • Developing political frameworks for future-visioning, goal-setting, policy design and implementation and adjustment • Integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions of decision-making across society • Structuring engagement as a learning process • Evolving complex systems of multilevel governance (with cross connections among institutions at local, regional, national, international and global scales), where decision-makers remain responsible to citizens, communities and stakeholders • … Meadowcroft et al (2005)
Good governance: a model for SD? Source: UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
According to the OECD GoSD means • Integration of economic, social and environmental objectives, and balance across sectors, territories and generations • Broad participation and effective partnership • Country ownership and committment • Developing capacity and enabling environment • Focus on outcomes and means of implementation
Focussing governance for SD Source: European Commission (2001)
Is this a good approach? • Yes, indicators are needed for management: they add substance and allow for measurement and evaluation • But it should not be applied rigorously in a top-down manner • For example the building of dams for hydoelectricity and nuclear reactors would be sustainable under the above definition • There is the critical issue of dealing with tradeoffs
In my view what is needed is an approach oriented towards system-innovation • The adoption of available “sustainable” options at each moment in time (bioethanol or wind power) does not get us very far • Corporate sustainability efforts strike only at the margin: they help to pick low-hanging fruit (pale greening) • We need sociotechnical systems that are “inherently sustainable” in which we don’t have to think about sustainability when we make our choices (frame conditions are not enough)
The Dutch “transition approach” • Led by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (responsible for business, energy and innovation) • Goal: to achieve a transition to a low-carbon economy • In a bottom-up, top-down manner, moving from programmes & experiments to alternative systems of energy, agriculture and mobility
Top-down elements • 26 transition paths • 6 platforms for energy transition • Government support for experiments (35 million euro) • Policy renewal
Bottom-up elements • Business alliances • Experiments • Identification of barriers / opportunities informing private action and policy
How serious is all this? • Platform for “green resources” (one of official 6 platforms) 4 transition paths • 60 million euro for biofuels • In 2007 2% blending requirement for gasoline and diesel • Certification system
Why is NL interested in biomass? • Because NL is a gas country (biomass can be turned into a gas) • Because agriculture business and the logistic sector (Rotterdam harbour) are interested in it • Because the chemical industry thinks it may obtain an competitive edge from knowledge-intensive, green materials • Because ECN is a world leader in biomass gassification
The philosophy behind TM: Perspektivischer Inkrementalismus or directed evolution • The use of multiple visions (because visions create better world together rather than apart) • The use of experimental learning • Adaptive portfolios: each option has to prove its worth • Policy as a facilitator of change (with government as partner of business)
Societal goals Political margins for change Existing policy process: short-term goals (myopic) State of development of solutions Sustainability visions Transition management: oriented towards long-term sustainability goals and visions, iterative and reflexive (bifocal) Transition Management bifocal instead of myopic
Organising multi-actor networks Developing sustainability visions and transition-agendas Evaluating, monitoring and learning Mobilizing actors and executing projects and experiments Circular elements • Portfolio of official transition paths • Transition experiments • Instrument choices • Policy coordination Source: Loorbach (2004)
The use of science and knowledge • Science, technology and innovation more oriented towards transition goals • Visioning • Sustainability assessment • Discussions about transition management
What is transition management really? • 21st century corporatism • A reflexive form of steering (reflexive goverance)
Organisational background of Taskforce Energy transition and Platform members Compiled by Roel van Raak
Members of platform “green resources” • Paul Hamm (formerly at DSM, chair) • Dhr. G.G. Bemer (Koninklijke Nedalco) • Dhr. A. van den Biggelaar (Stichting Natuur en Milieu) • Mevr.dr.ir. M.J.P. Botman (Ministerie van Economische Zaken) • Prof.dr. A. Bruggink (NWO-ACTS / Universiteit Nijmegen / DSM) • Ir. K.W. Kwant (SenterNovem) • Dhr. P. Lednor (Shell Global Solutions) • Dr. Peter M. Bruinenberg (AVEBE) • Prof.dr. E.M. Meijer (Unilever) • Prof.dr. J.P.M. Sanders (Agrotechnology & Food Innovations) • Prof.dr. W.P.M. van Swaaij (Universiteit Twente) • Prof.dr. H. Veringa (ECN) • Dr. J. Vanhemelrijck (EuropaBio) • Prof.dr.ir. L.A.M. van der Wielen (Technische Universiteit Delft)
Transition activities • Over a 100 researchers are working on transition issues in the research network KSI • There is a competence center for transitions (CCT) and two newly created knowledge centers (Driftand KCT) • Various ministries, Senternovem (intermediary organization), provinces, regions and municipalities are involved in implementing transition management; secretary-generals meet to discuss issues of policy alignment • Many companies are involved and some NGOs (in particular SNM). • Examples of organizations active in developing and implementing their own approach towards transition management are provincial environmental organizations of Flevoland, Zuid-Holland, Zeeland and Gelderland, and the Foundation for Nature and the Environment Source: Loorbach 2006
Why we need transition management Because of the barriers to system innovation -- which have to with uncertainty, the need for change at various levels and vested interests Because public policy is highly fragmented and oriented towards short term goals Because of the need for societal support for transition policies and for legitimising policies towards structural change Because a gradual approach of small steps is economically not disruptive and politically and socially do-able
Question to you • Is TM only appropriate for countries with well-developed systems of environmental protection & STI and high levels of affluence? • Or also a useful approach for developing countries?