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ITALIAN via Valencia!

ITALIAN via Valencia!. English: Hello!. Italian: Ciao!. “Chow”. English: Good morning!. Italian: Buona mattina !. Bwō-na Ma-tee- na. English: Good Afternoon!. Italian: Buon Pomeriggio !. Bwon Pom - er - ij - ee -o. English: Good Evening!. Italian: Buona Sera!.

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ITALIAN via Valencia!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ITALIAN via Valencia!

  2. English: Hello! Italian: Ciao! “Chow”

  3. English: Good morning! Italian: Buonamattina! Bwō-na Ma-tee-na

  4. English: Good Afternoon! Italian: BuonPomeriggio! BwonPom-er-ij-ee-o

  5. English: Good Evening! Italian: Buona Sera! Bwō-naSair-a

  6. English: Good bye! Italian: Ciao! “Chow”

  7. English: What is your name? Italian: Come techiame? Co-may tayKey-ah-may?

  8. English: My name is Italian: Mio nôme é Mee-oh nah-may eh

  9. English: Where are you from? Italian: Di dove se? Dee dōvay say

  10. English: I’m from Orlando, Florida. Italian: Sonod'al Orlando, Florida Sō-nō doll Orlando, Florida

  11. English: Please Italian: Per favore Pair fah-vor-ā

  12. English: Thank you Italian: Grazie Grah-zee-ā

  13. English: You’re welcome Italian: Prego Pray-go

  14. English: Do you speak English? Italian: ParlaInglese? Par-lahIng-lay-say?

  15. English: I’m sorry, I don’t speak French. Italian: Midispiace, non parlaFrancaise Mee dis-pee-ah-chā, non par-lahFrôn-chā-sā

  16. English: Excuse me Italian: Miscusi Mee-skoo-see

  17. English: Pardon me Italian: Miscusi Mee-skoo-see

  18. English: Yes, please Italian: Si, per favore See, Pair fah-vor-ā

  19. English: No, thank you Italian: No, grazie No, Grah-zee-ā

  20. English: Where is . . . ? Dō-vay-eh Italian: Dove é?

  21. English: Where is the airport? Italian: Dove é L'aeroporto? Dō-vay-eh La-air-ō-port-ō?

  22. English: Where is the American Consulate? Italian: ilConsolato Americano? Ill kon-sō-lot-ō a-mare-i-kan-ō

  23. English: Where is the American Embassy? lóm-bosh-ee-auta a-mare-i-kan-á? Italian: Dove é l’Ambasciata Americana?

  24. English: Where is the ATM? Ill bank-ō-mat? Italian: Dove é ill bancomat?

  25. English: Where is the bank? La-bank-a? Italian: la banca?

  26. English: Where is the bus station? lah stat-zee-oh-nee day-yeeautobus? Italian: Dove é la stazionedegli autobus?

  27. English: Where is the emergency room ? lahsal-a dee ee-mer-jen-za Italian: la sala di emergenza?

  28. English: Where is a free Wi-Fi location ? Un Wi-Fi pō—zit- see- oh-nee lee-bur-ah Italian: un Wi-Fi posizionelibera?

  29. English: Where is a grocery store ? un neh-gō-zee-ō dee all-i-men-tar-ee Italian: un negozio di alimentari?

  30. English: Where is a hospital? un aws-ped-all-ee Italian: un ospedale?

  31. English: Where is the hotel? Doh – vay – see –trow-va la hotel Italian: Dove sitroval’hotel?

  32. English: Where is the marketplace? ill mare-cot-oh Italian: ilmercato?

  33. English: Where is the metro (subway)? lah metro-pole-i-tan-ō Italian: la metropolitano?

  34. English: Where is a pharmacy? una farm-eh-chee-ah Italian: unafarmacia?

  35. English: Where is the police station? lah stat-zee-oh-nee dee pole-eh-zee-ah Italian: la stazione di polizia?

  36. English: Where is a post office? un ooh-fee-chee-oh post-all-ay Italian: un ufficiopostale?

  37. English: Where is a restaurant? un ree-store-ónt-ā Italian: un ristorante?

  38. English: Where is the restroom? il ban - yo Italian: ilbagno?

  39. English: Where is a store? un neh-go-zee-oh Italian: un negozio?

  40. English: Where is ______ street? lah straw-duh ______ Italian: la strada ______?

  41. English: Where is the taxi stand? lah fair-ma-tuh day taxi Italian: la fermata dei taxi?

  42. English: Where is the telephone? iltel-eh-fone-oh Italian: iltelefono?

  43. English: Where is the train station? lah stat-zee-own fair-oh-vee-ar-ee-uh Italian: la stazioneferroviaria?

  44. English: Where is the university? La-uni-vers-i-tot Italian: L'universitat?

  45. English: Help! Eye – ew - tow Italian: Aiuto!

  46. English: I have an emergency! Chay – low – oo-nuh-ee-mer-jen-zee-uh! Italian: C'el'hounaemergenzia!

  47. English: I lost my luggage. Oh pair-so ill mee-oh bag-ah-lee-oh Italian: Ho persoilmiobagaglio

  48. English: There is a fire! Fwō- kō! Italian: Fuoco!

  49. English: I need . . . Low biz-oh-nyo Italian: Lo bisogno

  50. English: I need an ambulance. Oh Biz-own-yodee un am-byoo-lan-zuh Italian: Ho bisognodi’unambulanza

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