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GSC9/GTSC_020Rev1. End-to-End Quality of service in ITU-T. Where we are, Perspectives Jean-Yves Monfort France Telecom, R&D Division ITU-T SG 12 Chairman. GSC-9, Seoul. 1. Messages on QoS and Interoperability from the CTO's meeting organized by TSB Director (décember 2003)
GSC9/GTSC_020Rev1 End-to-End Quality of servicein ITU-T Where we are, Perspectives Jean-Yves Monfort France Telecom, R&D Division ITU-T SG 12 Chairman GSC-9, Seoul 1
Messages on QoS and Interoperability from the CTO's meeting organized by TSB Director (décember 2003) http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/tsb-director/cto/index.html - ITU-T should ensure global interoperability. (Similar conclusions were raised in several other workshops (e.g. e-health, TDR,…). - Mechanisms to provide end-to-end QoS are required, including - MPLS based QoS - Session based QoS - QoS Classes or High quality classes. - Interoperability for all major services required on a global scale and interoperability for the required core middleware functionalities - Simplicity and ease of use for the end users , QoS determined by user choice of service, and high quality for voice (e.g. wideband) 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 2
Challenges for QoS Statements/Conclusions of ITU-T Workshop on QoS – Oct 2003 http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/qos/index.html • "Need for interworking standards to achieveend to end QoS" • "Need for a common understanding and implementation of QoS classes" • "Generic requirements for IP QoS and traffic signalling being developed in ITU-T SG 11(and on-going activities in Q.EE/11) –TRQ.IPQOS.SIG.CS1(Y.1541/Y.1221 specifications are being applied, Dynamic QoS apportionment will be supported) and related work is under way in IETF/NSIS, but work is still needed to enable implementation of QoS control-based networks." • "Need to define thespecific signalling system(s) to be used to implement assured QoS in IP-based networks, because several candidate systems exist and have strong proponents. • The alternatives are a broad consensus, or • many gateways to be needed. • Need for collaborations/cooperations." 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 3
Challenges for QoS Statements/Conclusions of ITU-T Workshop on QoS – Oct 2003 • "More work needed to understand the relationship betweenServiceLevelSpecification, monitoring and application monitoring" • "Ultimately the issue for accelerating deployment of QoS that fully supports the user experience is capital, which these days is only made available when persuasive business cases have been made " • A general remark, but well adapted to QoS • To ensure IP QoS interoperability it is needed to : • - ensure a high level leading role • - have experts from each relevant (standardisation) bodies working together, to understand each other aims, working methods, process and to work with coherent schedules • - ensure that the areas of work in progress are in line with the guidelines in the relevant bodies • - have the relevant support of the experts of a company, working in the different bodies. 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 4
On –going work on QoS architecture • JRG-NGN, and Question D/13 are developping several Recommendations (see also annex 1) • Recommendation Y.1291 (Y.qosar) "An architectural framework for support of Quality of Service (QoS) in Packet networks • This Recommendation, approved in early may, could be used as a basis that could be used as a common basis. • Draft Rec. Y.e2eqos "A QoS Architecture for IP/MPLS Networks" • Draft Recommendation Y. 123.qos "A QoS Architecture for Ethernet-Based IP Access Network" • It is a basis tospecifiy a layered reference model and methods for support of QoS in Ethernet-based IP access network and associated protocol requirements. • Other activities planned in particular in Q. D/13 (Requirements and framework for QoS for NGN) : QoS mechanisms end to end, Study of QoS enablers and QoS architectures that integrate QoS enablers, What new Recommendations to support QoS in packet access network?, … 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 5
Other important topics related to QoS (on –going activities) • - Quality assesment methodologies for multimedia services • On-going work under a JRG Multimedia assessment(for opinion models, psychoacoustic models and models associated to INMD). • Note that for voice, INMD Recommendations (P.561/P.562) have been recently updated for Class D equipments (to take into account the new network interfaces using packet mode transmission). • The need consider also the user point of view : it means that the technical parameters need to be correlated to user perception/expectations (follow-up actions based on G.1000, G.1010, E.QoSparam,…), for all kinds of services. Recommendations under development : G.MMPerf, G.Webperf 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 6
Other important topics related to QoS (on –going activities) • Handbook on QoS will be available soon (prepared by WP2/2) • - On-going work on network performance: • - Ethernet (Y.ethperf) • - Hybrid networks (Y.hybperf) • Note that other relevant recommendations have been approved recently : • - Y.1561: Performance and availability parameters for MPLS networks (may 2004) • - Y.1560: TCP performance parameters and objectives (september 2003) • QoS Interoperability : A new question Q.K/12. • Transmission performance (including NGN) Q.J/12 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 7
Perspectives/actions for NGN QoS • Classes of services • Need to harmonize ITU-T QoS classes and 3 GPP TS 23.107 to permit a mapping. Better convergence needed. A good approach of these issues and possible solutions being documented by MM Wohlert and Seitz (see COM13-D53cor1). • On-going work to "concatenate" QoS values in multinetwork conditions. • QoS Control(Some terminals are able to control QoS, some are not) • Different QoS mechanisms corresponding to different technologies (xDSL-Type" and "3GPP-Type" • A basis available in packet cable environment (to be considered more largely?). • QoS architecture (see annex 1 on on-going work onQoS archtecture in JRG NGN) • Qos control signalling based on already defined protocols (e.g. RSVP, COPS, NSIS,…) 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 8
Annex 1 Complements : Recommendations under development in JRG-NGN 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 9
Works on NGN QoS Architecture in ITU-T (see also GSC9-GTSC-009) JRG NGN work on Recommendation Rec Y.1291 (May 2004) "An architectural framework for support of Quality of Service (QoS) in Packet networks This Recommendation could be used as a basis for the different standard bodies. It defines a set of generic mechanisms for controlling the network service response to a service request, and the three logical planes (Control, Management, Data) 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 10
On-going Work on NGN QoS Architecture in ITU-T in ITU-T JRG NGN work on Recommendations Draft Rec. Y.e2eqos "A QoS Architecture for IP/MPLS Networks" - Support flexibility billing and business Model - Interface and signalling between service control layer and transport resource control layer - Cover the inter-domain QoS control cas between different operators - Cover the connectionless services - Support mobility. 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 11
On –going work on QoS Architecture in ITU-T JRG NGN work on Recommendations Y. 123.qos A QoS Architecture for Ethernet-Based IP Access Network It is a basis tospecifiy a layered reference model and methods for support of QoS in Ethernet-based IP access network and associated protocol requirements. 2014-11-17 GSC-9, Seoul 12