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EQUIP BIBLE STUDY. TUESDAY 7:00 PM. THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS. The next 17 books of the Bible comprise about one-fourth of the Scriptures and make up the last division in the Old Testament—the Prophests.

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  2. THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS • The next 17 books of the Bible comprise about one-fourth of the Scriptures and make up the last division in the Old Testament—the Prophests. • The office of prophet was instituted during the days of Samuel, and those who were prophets stood along with the priests as God’s special representatives The men who wrote these books were called or appointed to “speak for” God Himself.

  3. Prophetical Books - Introduction • God communicated His messages to them through a variety of means, including dreams, visions, angels, nature, miracles, and an audible voice. Unfortunately, the messages they shared from God were often rejected and their lives endangered.

  4. Major Themes & Purposes of Prophetic Books. • To expose the sinful practices of the People. • To call the people back to the moral, civil and ceremonial law of God. • To warn the people of coming judgment. • To anticipate the coming of Messiah.

  5. PROPHETS • ORAL PROPHETS: (Nathan, Ahijah, Iddo, Jehu, Elijah, Elisha, Obed, Shemaiah, Azariah, Hanani, Jehaziel, and Huldah) They left no record that survived. • WRITING PROPHETS: (Isaiah to Malachi). Also called Major Prophets and Minor prophets. They are called major and minor based on the length of the Book.

  6. PROPHETS....CONTINUES.... • These men were called prophets, seers, watchmen, men of God, messengers, and servants of the Lord. The most frequently used title is Nabi, “Prophet” (over 300 times). • The English word “Prophet” is derived from two Greek words that literally mean “speak for”.

  7. Message of the Prophets • Although the prophets had a ministry of foretelling future events, their primary role was that of forthtelling.

  8. Prophets...Introduction Continues... • The Prophets spoke in the context and background of their times, and it is important to understand their historical and cultural circumstances. They emphasized four chronological points—their own day, the captivity and return, the first coming of Christ, and the Messianic kingdom. • Of the 17 prophetic books, twelve were preexilic, two were exilic and three were postexilic.

  9. ISAIAH • Theme: Salvation • Date Written: 700 – 680 B.C. • Author: Isaiah • Setting: Mainly in Jerusalem

  10. Isaiah – An introduction • The book of Isaiah is the first of the writings of the Prophets. Isaiah is generally considered to be the greatest prophet. His ministry spanned the reigns of four kings of Judah. He was raised in an aristocratic home and married to a prophetess. He was initially well liked, but, like most of the other prophets, was despised because his messages were so harsh and confrontive.

  11. Isaiah – An Introduction • Book of Isaiah has 66 Chapters. In the first 39 chapters Isaiah stresses the righteousness, holiness, and justice of God. It is interesting to note that the Old Testament also has 39 books. The last 27 chapters of Isaiah portray the Lord’s glory, compassion, and grace—a similar theme in the 27 books of the New Testament.

  12. Isaiah ... Introduction Continues... • The Basic theme of this book is found in Isaiah’s name, which means “salvation is of the Lord”. The word “Salvation” appears 26 times in Isaiah, but only 7 times in all other prophets combined.

  13. Life lessons from Isaiah • God is holy God. He cannot overlook sin. • God knows the future. His Judgment, as predicted in Isaiah, was fulfilled perfectly. • God is a God of love. He is gracious and forgives you when you repent. • God always keeps His promises. He will fulfill His plan for you, and for Israel’ future salvation. • The prophecies about Christ’s suffering on the cross were accurately fulfilled and made it possible for you to enter into God’s forever family.

  14. Survey of Isaiah • 1:1 to 35:10 - Prophecies of Condemnation • 36:1 to 39:8 - Historical Parenthesis (Hezekiah’s Salvation, Sickness and Sin) • 40:1 to 66:24 - prophecies of Comfort

  15. JEREMIAH • Theme: Judgment • Date: 627 – 586 BC. • Author: Jeremiah • Setting: Jerusalem

  16. Jeremiah - Introduction • Some 80 to 100 years after Isaiah’s death, Jeremiah enters the prophetic scene. The Book of Jeremiah is an autobiography of Jeremiah’s life and ministry during the reigns of the last five kings of Judah. Jeremiah is the last prophet before the fall of Jerusalem. He is called the weeping prophet because of his deep sorrow over the unrepentant nation, the upcoming destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of its people.

  17. Jeremiah – Introduction Continues... • In Jeremiah, God is seen as a patient and holy – He has delayed judgment and appealed to his people to repent before it is too late. As the object lesson at the potter’s house demonstrated, a ruined vessel could be repaired while still wet (18:1-4), but once dried, a marred vessel was fit only for the garbage heap (19:10-11). God’s warning was clear: Judah’s time for repentance would soon pass. Because they defied God’s words and refused to repent, the Babylonian captivity was inevitable.

  18. Life Lessons from Jeremiah • You must view success from God’s perspective, no the world’s. • Commit yourself to being successful in God’s eyes. • Faithfulness to God requires your obedience, even when difficult decisions must be made. • When the time arrives, God will give you the courage to speak up for your beliefs. • Persecution and rejection are to be expected as you live a godly lifestyle.

  19. The Response to Jeremiah’s Ministry • Death threats • Burning of the prophetic message • Put in painful stocks • Arrested • Challenged by false prophets • Isolation • Imprisonment • Rejection • Starvation • Chains

  20. Survey of Jeremiah • Call of Jeremiah (1:1 to 1:19) • Prophecies to Judah (2:1 to 45:5) • Prophecies to the gentiles (46:1 to 51:64) • Fall of Jerusalem (52:1 to 52:34).

  21. Christ in Jeremiah • The messiah is clearly seen in chapter 23, verses 1-8, as the coming Shepherd and the righteous Branch who shall reign and prosper, and execute judgement and righteousness in the earth. • Now in His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (23:5-6).

  22. LAMENTATIONS • Theme: Lament • Date Written: 586 B.C. • Author: Jeremiah • Setting: Jerusalem

  23. Lamentations -- Introduction • The book of Lamentations contains five poems that describe Jeremiah’s eyewitness account of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian army. Jeremiah predicted this disaster in his earlier prophetic book, Jeremiah. Now he writes these five funeral poems to express his grief.

  24. Three Themes run through Five Laments • The most apparent theme is the mourning over Jerusalem’s destruction. • The Second theme is Jeremiah’s confession of sin and acknowledgment of God’s righteous and holy judgment of the nation. • The Third theme is the hope of God’s promised future restoration of His people. God has poured out His wrath, but in His mercy, He will not cease to be faithful to His covenant promises.

  25. Life Lessons from Lamentations • The Painful cry of lament over the misfortune and suffering of others is a valid form of prayer, one which God hears and answers. • There are serious consequences when a nation –or a person—turns from God’s ways. • You can rest in the knowledge that God is faithful and merciful. • Prayer is always appropriate in times of suffering.

  26. Survey of Lamentations • Chapter 1 • The First Lament : Destruction of Jerusalem • Chapter 2 • The Second Lament: God’s Anger at sin • Chapter 3 • The Third Lament:Hope in the Midst of Affliction • Chapter 4 • The Fourth Lament: God’s Wrath Detailed • Chapter 5 • The Fifth Lament: A Prayer for restoration

  27. EZEKIEL • Theme: The glory of the Lord • Date Written: 590-570 B.C. • Author: Ezekiel • Setting: Babylon

  28. Ezekiel • The Hebrew name Ezekiel means God strengthens or strengthened by God. Ezekiel is indeed strengthened by God for the prophetic ministry to which he is called (3:8-9).

  29. Ezekiel - Introduction • While Jeremiah is prophesying in Jerusalem that the city would soon fall to Babylonians, Ezekiel is giving a similar message to the captivities who are already in Babylon. Like the people in Jerusalem, the captives could not believe that God would allow Jerusalem to be destroyed.

  30. Ezekiel – Introduction continues... • After the news of the fall comes, Ezekiel changes his messages to one of future hope and restoration for the people. Throughout the book, Ezekiel describes his encounters with God’s glory, whether it is His heavenly glory or His earthly glory in the temple of the past or the one predicted for the future.

  31. Ezekiel • Ezekiel, a priest and a prophet, ministers during the darkest days of Judah’s history: the seventy-year period of Babylonian captivity. Carried to Babylon before the final assault on Jerusalem. • Ezekiel uses prophecies, parables, signs and symbols to dramatize God’s message to His exiled people. Though they are like dry bones in the sun, God will reassemble them and breathe life into the nation once again.

  32. Ezekiel – date & Setting • Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in three stages. First, in 605 B.C., he overcame Jehoiakim and carried off key hostages including Daniel and his friends. • Second, in 597 B.C., the rebellion of Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin brought further punishment; and Nebuchadnezzer made Jerusalem submit a second time. He carried off 10,000 hostages including Jehoiachin and Ezekiel.

  33. Ezekiel – Date & Setting • Third, in 586 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the city after a long siege and disrupted all of Judah. • Ezekiel’s Babylonian home was at Tel Abib, the Principal colony of Jewish exiles along the river Chebar, Nebuchadnessar’s Grand Canal (1:1; 3:15; 23). • This book was probably completed by 565 B.C.

  34. Life Lessons from Ezekiel God normally does not use a person living in sin and rebellion. Through discipline, He can purge such a person, and call him to a new start. God disciplines when necessary, but He always leaves the door open for restoration. God has complete control over all people and nations. God sovereignty controls every detail of your life, which should be a great comfort to you.

  35. DANIEL • Theme: The sovereignty of God • Date written: 530 B.C. • Author: Daniel • Setting: Babylon

  36. DANIEL • The book of Daniel is called “the Apocalypse of the Old Testament”. It is written to encourage the exiled Jews by revealing God’s sovereign program for Israel during and after the period of Gentile domination. The “times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24) begins with the Babylonian captivity. The Jews will suffer under gentile powers for a long time. But this period is not permanent, and a time will come when God will establish the Messianic kingdom, which will last forever.

  37. Daniel - Introduction • The theme of God’s Sovereign control in the affairs of world history clearly emerges and provides comfort to the future church, as well as to the Jews whose nation was destroyed by the Babylonians. The Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans will come and go, but God will establish His kingdom through His redeemed people forever.

  38. Daniel - Introduction • Daniel means “God is My Judge”. • Daniel and his friends were evidently born into noble Judean families and were “young men in whom there was no blemish, but goof-looking and gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand” (1:4) • While Ezekiel emphasizes the nation’s religious restoration, Daniel concentrates on its political restoration.

  39. Life Lessons from Daniel • God is sovereign over all history. Kingdoms rise and fall according to His plan. • God honors you when you take a stand for what is right. • God Punishes sin. • God already has a plan for the future, and because He is sovereign, it will come to pass.

  40. The Four Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue

  41. The Kings Daniel Served

  42. Survey of Daniel • Chapter 1 – The Personal history of Daniel. • Chapter 2-7 - The Prophetic plan for the Gentiles. • Chapters 8-12 - The Prophetic plan for Israel.

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