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PDR RockSat-C

Pegasis II. PDR RockSat-C . October 26, 2012 Mitchell Community College MCC Aerospace Engineering and Technology http:// www.mitchellcc.edu/programs/rocket-projects/index.html http://www.facebook.com/MCCA.E.T.team. Outline of Presentation . Pegasis II. Mission Overview

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PDR RockSat-C

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  1. Pegasis II PDRRockSat-C October 26, 2012 Mitchell Community College MCC Aerospace Engineering and Technology http://www.mitchellcc.edu/programs/rocket-projects/index.html http://www.facebook.com/MCCA.E.T.team RockSat-C 2013

  2. Outline of Presentation RockSat-C 2013

  3. PegasisII Mission Overview Presented by: Patrick RockSat-C 2013

  4. Mission Overview Mission Statement Our goal is to power space-based instrumentation systems by passively generating energy from transducers of a proprietary design. Energy will be harvested from the rocket flight, solar rays, and other sources. This will be accomplished by building a more robust and simplistic payload using transducers with increased efficiency and improved design characteristics. Results may lower cost and power requirements for space science by reducing the weight of electrical components. RockSat-C 2013

  5. Mission Overview MissionRequirements • Harvest electrical energy from various sources during flight. • Measure various environmental factors throughout flight such as humidity, magnetic field and acceleration. • Use energy harvested to power electronic device RockSat-C 2013

  6. Mission Overview What We Expect We will show that mechanical devices can successfully power low energy consumption electronic devices. Thereby reducing the need of expensive and heavy one-time use batteries. RockSat-C 2013

  7. Mission Overview Future Benefits • The primary field of application is for deep space exploration. Weight and longevity is a key factor in deep space exploration and any increase in efficiency for either reduces budget cost greatly. • Another possible market is micro and nano satellites. Small transducers to power these small devices can eliminate the use of expensive and toxic materials in battery components. RockSat-C 2013

  8. Mission Overview Theory and Concepts: • Electromagnetic transducers will utilize Faraday’s Law. • Solar transducers will utilize Photoelectric effect. • Peltier coolers will use solar transducer to act as a heat sink for microprocessors • Piezoelectric effect RockSat-C 2013

  9. Mission Overview Past Research • Electrodynamic tethers tested with the Space Shuttle • MEMS based micro-engineered motion energy harvesting devices (Imperial College of London, 2007) • MIDE out of Boston, Ma., founded in 1989, develops vibration energy harvesting devices • PEGASIS II is a continuation of our 2012 RockSat-C Project, PEGASIS. RockSat-C 2013

  10. Mission Overview Concept of Operations RockSat-C 2013 10

  11. Mission Overview Concept of Operations • Event A • Ignition, spike in data, collection begins • Event B • Orion burn ends, spike in data, collection continues • Event C • Apogee, little to no voltage measured, collection continues • Event D • Chute deploys, spike in data, collection continues • Event E • Splash down, spike in data, collection continues until retrieval RockSat-C 2013 11

  12. Mission Overview Expected Results CONTROL A sensing board will be powered by a fixed battery. It will record and save data of different environmental variables. EXPERIMENT A sensing board will be powered by energy gathering devices. The energy used from both sensing boards will be recorded and saved for comparison. Energy produced by transducers will also be recorded and saved. TRANSDUCERS Transducers are expected to produce from 2V to 15V peak. Currents will vary depending on transducer design and coil development. RockSat-C 2013

  13. PegasisII Systems Overview Presented by: Nathan RockSat-C 2013

  14. Systems Overview Requirement Verification • Weight required for both electronic and mechanical systems will be determined. Combined weight will be less than the maximum requirement of 20 lbs. • Center of mass will meet requirements of the RockSat-C Users Guide and not negatively effect partnered payload. • Mock up canister will meet specified requirements set by the RockSat-C Users Guide for accurately payload simulation. • Potential difference between plates will be zero will all plates electrically connected to a common ground. RockSat-C 2013

  15. Systems Overview Critical Interfaces • Minimum, identify critical interfaces • Chart • Interface name, brief description, potential solution RockSat-C 2013

  16. Systems Overview Risk Matrix RockSat-C 2013

  17. Prototyping Plan RockSat-C 2013

  18. Systems Overview System Management • We have divided the System into three categories • Mechanical • Electrical • Software • Systems have been assessed individually RockSat-C 2013

  19. PegasisII Systems Overview Mechanical Presented by: Joseph RockSat-C 2013

  20. Systems Overview RockSat-C 2013

  21. Systems Overview RockSat-C 2013

  22. PegasisII Subsystem Design Mechanical Presented By: Joseph RockSat-C 2013

  23. Subsystem design Jerk, Bristol, EM Pendulum, & Diving Board • All designs are based off the 2012 mission. • Mounting techniques are tested and proven. • All show recordable energy generation. • Coil design is being reconsidered for optimal energy production. • No drastic changes are currently planned for any of these transducers. Further testing may show flaws that lead to redesigns. RockSat-C 2013

  24. Subsystem design Aubade • The design from the 2012 mission is being kept at this time as it has been proven. • Smaller more efficient cells are being researched for use. This stems from experience of the 2012 mission and positioning/size of the optical port. RockSat-C 2013

  25. Subsystem design Jerk RockSat-C 2013

  26. Subsystem design Bristol RockSat-C 2013

  27. Subsystem design EM Pendulum’s Pendulum RockSat-C 2013

  28. Subsystem design EM Pendulum’s Base RockSat-C 2013

  29. Subsystem design Diving Board RockSat-C 2013

  30. Subsystem design Aubade RockSat-C 2013

  31. PegasisII Systems Overview Electrical Presented by: Tony RockSat-C 2013

  32. Subsystem design Electronics Package • Design one is based off of the 2012 mission. We saw what worked and didn’t work which requires little change to make it flight ready. • Design two takes the design from the 2012 mission and improves on it greatly. Each weak point is completely reworked instead of just being fixed. Minimization and efficiency are the main design factors. • The sensing board uses the idea from the 2012 mission with an upgraded processor and on-board programming capabilities. • Design one has very few risk as it is a tested system. • Design two and the sensing board are untested and functionality is unknown. RockSat-C 2013

  33. Systems Overview RockSat-C 2013

  34. Systems Overview RockSat-C 2013

  35. Subsystem design Arduino RockSat-C 2013

  36. Subsystem design Trade Studies RockSat-C 2013

  37. Subsystem design Trade Studies RockSat-C 2013

  38. PegasisII Systems Overview Software Presented by: Tony RockSat-C 2013

  39. Systems Overview RockSat-C 2013

  40. Systems Overview RockSat-C 2013

  41. Systems Overview System Concept of Operations • Please refer to the A/D conversion cycle and data recording software flowchart for the data recording processes. • Data will be transferred from the microcontroller to the OpenLog after every ADC cycle. • UART transmission will be used with a baud rate of 115200bps. Dropped characters are expected at this speed but will be offset by the increases number of data points we acquire. • The OpenLog writes data to the SD card in blocks of 512 characters. Some data from the last block may be lost on power disconnection. RockSat-C 2013

  42. PegasisII Project Management Plan Presented by: Catherine RockSat-C 2013

  43. Project Management Plan User-Guide Compliance • Each plate will be grounded to a common ground, ensuring that no system is shorted to the RockSat canister. • Mitchell’s project will use the 1.SYS.1 payload activation scheme, allowing us to receive power before G-switch activation. • All wires will be tied and staked to prevent disconnects during flight. RockSat-C 2013

  44. Project Management Plan Shared-Can Logistics • Pegasis II will be partnering with the New Jersey Space Grant. • Planned communication will take place via teleconferences, Google Chat & Google Docs along with Skype. • Pegasis II will leave the top plate clear for the New Jersey Space Grant Team. Allowing for variable capability to move CG and adapt in z & theta without constraining our partner. RockSat-C 2013

  45. Project Management Plan Organizational Chart RockSat-C 2013

  46. Project Management Plan Fall Schedule RockSat-C 2013

  47. Project Management Plan Spring Schedule RockSat-C 2013

  48. Project Management Plan Work Breakdown Schedule RockSat-C 2013

  49. project Management Plan Test Total: $876.25 RockSat-C 2013

  50. Conclusion Main Action Items • Begin component testing • Make final decisions on any required parts • Work on additional fundraising Questions RockSat-C 2013

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