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Graphical User Interface

Graphical User Interface . Features of a GUI. Consistency of Elements Functionality Navigation Borders and white space Instructions to the user Inclusive design factors. Consistency of Elements. Consistency: Colour of forms, controls and text Size and Layout Buttons/Controls

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Graphical User Interface

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Graphical User Interface

  2. Features of a GUI • Consistency of Elements • Functionality • Navigation • Borders and white space • Instructions to the user • Inclusive design factors

  3. Consistency of Elements Consistency: • Colour of forms, controls and text • Size and Layout • Buttons/Controls • Between versions • Don’t do this • Don’t do this • Don’t do this

  4. Functionality • Menus • Dialogue Boxes • Tutorial/guide • Tool Tips

  5. Navigation Used to find your way around the software • Minimises the number of steps that have to be taken to perform an action • Usually allows the user to take multiple paths to achieve the intended goal

  6. Borders and White Space • White space is not necessarily White • Prevents Cluttering or Crowding • Can be used to group things together or focus specific objects • Not overused or it can be distracting

  7. Instructions to the User • Well thought out to help the user • Instructions should be as brief as possible and very clear • Includes confirmation boxes eg“This will delete all files – Continue?”

  8. Inclusive Design Factors • Takes into account the needs of those with disabilities or the aging • Includes such things as visual or audio aids

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