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The march on Washington . By: Maurlena Bowman . About the march Washington . The March on Washington was organized by a group o civil rights and religious organizations under the theme of jobs and freedom. Dr. martin Luther king .
The march on Washington By: Maurlena Bowman
About the march Washington • The March on Washington was organized by a group o civil rights and religious organizations under the theme of jobs and freedom.
Dr. martin Luther king • Dr. king was born on January 15 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. Dr. king birth name was Michael Luther King Jr. but later had his name changed to Martin
The civil rights act of 1964 • The civil rights act was a landmark piece of legislation in the untied states that outlawed unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segments in schools, at the work place and facilities that served the general public.
Some of the people that were there Floyd McKissick was arrested during the march. Magalia Jackson song several songs including Only a Pawn in Their Game. Medgar Evers song when the ships come in Joan Baez song well shall overcome and oh freedom. Last but not least Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Information about the march on Washington • On August 28, more than 2,000 buses, 21 special trains , 10 chartered airliners, and uncounted cars converged on Washington. All regularly scheduled planes, trains, and buses were also filled to capacity. • The march began at the Washington Monument and ended at the Lincoln Memorial with a program of music and speakers. The march failed to start on time because its leaders were meeting with members of Congress. To the leaders' surprise, the assembled group began to march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial without them.
riracial segregation • is the separation of different kinds of humans racial groups in daily life. It may apply to activities such as eating in a restaurant, drinking from a water fountain, using a washroom attending school, going to the movies, or in the rental or purchase of a home. • Segregation is generally outlawed, but may exist through social norms. Segregation may be maintained by means ranging from discrimination in hiring and in the rental and sale of housing to certain races to vigilante violence (such as lynching, e.g.) Generally, a situation that arises
Dr.king meets Malcolm x • On March 26, 1964, he met Martin Luther King, Jr. in Washington, D.C., after a press conference which followed both men attending the Senate to hear the debate on the Civil Rights bill. This was the only time the two men ever met; their meeting lasted only one minute,[108] just long enough for photographers to take a picture.
Information again • Kennedy's Civil Rights bill was still being debated by Congress when he was assassinated in November, 1963. The new president, Lyndon Baines Johnson who had a poor record on civil rights issues, took up the cause. Using his considerable influence in Congress, Johnson was able to get the legislation passed. The 1964 Civil Rights Act made racial discrimination in public places, such as theaters, restaurants and hotels, illegal. It also required employers to provide equal employment opportunities. Projects involving federal funds could now be cut off if there was evidence of discriminated based on colour, race or national origin.
information • The march was initiated by A. Philip Randolph, international president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, president of the Negro American Labor Council, and vice president of the AFL-CIO; and sponsored by five of the largest civil rights organizations in the United States. Planning for the event was complicated by differences among members. Known in the press as "the big six," the major players were Randolph; Whitney Young, President of the National Urban League (NUL); Roy Wilkins, President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); James Farmer, President of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); John Lewis, President of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); and Martin Luther King Jr. founder and President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Bayard Rustin, a close associate of Randolph's and organizer of the first Freedom Ride in 1947, orchestrated and administered the details of the march.
Who is Lyndon Baines Johnson • Lyndon Baines Johnson was born on August 27, 1908 and died January 22, 1973 • He was our 36th president and our 37th vice president • Johnson signed the Immigration Act of 1965 which substantially changed U.S. immigration policy toward non-Europeans. • He meets leader Martin Luther King in the White House Cabinet Room in 1966.
What I am thinking • I think that this could have been avoided • But at the same time if Dr.king would not have did the march we would probably still have segregation. • This march helped a lot of people today • People always will remember Dr. Martin Luther King and how he helped us
What other people were thinking • The first I asked this question said: that we always will remember Dr.king and what he did to help us we will always appreciate her. • The second person I asked said: that we all love Dr.king for what he did and how he helped us. • I asked another person and they said: that if It wasn’t for Dr. king I would not been able to go to the school I go to now and I very appreciate him for that
More information • This is a Cut from his original speech[5]at the insistence of more conservative and pro-Kennedy leaders were phrases such as: • In good conscience, we cannot support wholeheartedly the administration's civil rights bill, for it is too little and too late. ... • I want to know, which side is the federal government on?... • The revolution is a serious one. Mr. Kennedy is trying to take the revolution out of the streets and put it into the courts. Listen, Mr. Kennedy. Listen, Mr. Congressman. Listen, fellow citizens. The black masses are on the march for jobs and freedom, and we must say to the politicians that there won't be a "cooling-off" period. • ...We will march through the South, through the heart of Dixie, the way Sherman did. We shall pursue our own scorched earth policy and burn Jim Crow to the ground—nonviolently
DR.martin Luther king • Dr.king was shot while standing on the second floor balcony of his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee .On April/ 4/1968. • At the age of 39 years old • His killer James Earl Ray was captured two months later. and was sentenced to 99 years in prison.
Celebration • We Dr.king birthday every year people love and always will remember for what he did
Quotes from dr.king • A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. • A lie cannot live • A man can't ride your back unless it's bent. • A man who won't die for something is not fit to live • A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan • A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.
How would the world be like today if dr.king didn’t do the march on Washington and made his speech
The success • The March on Washington was a success. It had been powerful, yet peaceful and orderly beyond anyone's expectations. It was, according to most historians, the high tide of that phase of the Civil Rights Movement.
Sources used • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964