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Phillip Bain Chief Executive Officer

Phillip Bain Chief Executive Officer. Goulburn Valley Medicare Local. Medicare Locals identifying where local communities are missing out on services they might need and supporting the coordination of services to address those gaps;

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Phillip Bain Chief Executive Officer

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  1. Phillip Bain Chief Executive Officer Goulburn Valley Medicare Local GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

  2. Medicare Locals • identifying where local communities are missing out on services they might need and supporting the coordination of services to address those gaps; • supporting local primary care providers, such as GPs, practice nurses and allied health providers, to adopt and meet quality standards; • being accountable to local communities to make sure the services are effective and of high quality. GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

  3. Role of Medicare Locals • making it easier for patients to access the services they need, by linking local GPs, nursing and other health professionals, hospitals and aged care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health organisations, and maintaining up to date local service directories; • working closely with local hospitals to make sure that primary health care services and hospitals work well together for their patients; GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

  4. Rural • Distances • Availability of medical workforce • GPs seeking work life balance • Mal distribution of services • Poorer patient outcomes • Concentrations of high need communities e.g. aged and indigenous GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

  5. GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

  6. After Hours program • Stage one: scope to encourage innovation and new models for after hours care; • State two: GVML model involves mix of support for individual GP practices, initiatives involving GP, urgent care collaborations. • Ripern seen as a way of enhancing local capacity, including after hours in small rural health services. Responding to community need. GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

  7. Scholarship Support for Nurse (RIPERN) Candidates • Allocated $40,000 for 2013-2014 • Individual Scholarship Support • Other Directly Related Educational Support • Dealing with Nathalia District Hospital as the “Fundholder” for the catchment. GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

  8. Why Did GVML Fund this Initiative? • Take advantage of the legislative change to up-skill the nursing staff in SRHS’s • Reduce the after hours commitment for GPs • Safely manage low acuity presentations, both planned and unplanned • Possibly reduce the need for Ambulance transfers to busy EDs through local management of presentations. GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

  9. Thank You for listening GVML RIPERN Forum 11 June 2013

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