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Earthquake Seismology waveform data – research resource – data challenge

Earthquake Seismology waveform data – research resource – data challenge Torild van Eck (ORFEUS, FDSN, NERIES, NERA) ORFEUS NGO (since 1987) www.orfeus-eu.org Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology FDSN NGO www.fdsn.org

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Earthquake Seismology waveform data – research resource – data challenge

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  1. Earthquake Seismology waveform data – research resource – data challenge Torild van Eck (ORFEUS, FDSN, NERIES, NERA) ORFEUS NGO (since 1987)www.orfeus-eu.org Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology FDSN NGO www.fdsn.org International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks NERIES EC-Research Infrastructure (I3) Project FP6www.neries-eu.org Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Seismology EPOS European Plate Observing System www.epos-eu.org European Strategy Forum Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap Long-term (top-down) RI strategy and business plan.

  2. Seismology data and modelling:some perspectives on data and computations Data: High quality (Broadband data) low estimate ~ 100 TB/year Mobile experiments low estimate ~ 100 TB/year Acceleration (engineering) data ~ 500 TB/year Other observations (SP, experimental, etc) ~ 200 TB/year Computations: Seismological Waveform modelling on computer clusters: Beowulf (CalTech) for example Supercomputers: EarthSimulator (JAMSTEC, Japan) for example Earth Simulator 2 JAMSTEC CITerra, CALTECH

  3. Current monitoring infrastructure: seismological networks Regional Coordination: Parameter data EMSC Waveform data ORFEUS Projects: NERIES (EU) GEOFON (GR) GEOSCOPE (FR) MEDNET (I) ~4’000 stations >180 networks

  4. Virtual European Broadband Seismic Network (VEBSN) (near)Real-time Data exchange Contributors: >53 networks Data archival: at ODC Coordination + EC funding: MEREDIAN (EU) NERIES (EU) NERA proposal (EU) ORFEUS (NGO) Progress: ~ 50 stations/yr Status January 2010 ~ 450 BB stations

  5. Research tools: Real Time Hazard / Rapid warning NERA NERIES SHARE/GEM SAFER NERIES Earthquake ShakeMaps & Rapid Loss Assessment Long-term Hazard mapping Long-Term Forecasting Short-Term Forecasting Early Warning Aftershock Hazard 0 days days decades years seconds years

  6. Integrated Earthquake data access: Portal and web services First step towards a virtual earthquake research facility “Waveform Explorer” Remote Portlet Multi Modal waveform requests, Event or Time Modes Composition of datasets by the aggregation of distributed data sources within interactive mashups JMS (Java message service) Carts Local store “Event Explorer” Jetspeed Portlet Seismic Events Selection User Events Cart Ws Users` Waveform Requests scheduling (JMS) www.seismicportal.eu

  7. Current challenge: to include whole Mediterranean area within the European E-science strategy in earthquake Seismology • Mediterranean area, one of the most complex tectonic systems in the world, requires a coordinated monitoring and research effort for understanding. • E-science can make the difference. • Small targeted European-Mediterranean research infrastructure projects will give a high pay-off and promote long-term cooperation. www.orfeus-eu.org www.neries-eu.org www.epos-eu.org www.share-eu.org

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