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Community-Led Libraries Movement in the UK: Facts, Challenges, and Solutions

Discover the state of volunteer-run libraries, the pro-volunteering shift, practical considerations, policy implications, and critical questions. Join the conversation on the future of libraries.

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Community-Led Libraries Movement in the UK: Facts, Challenges, and Solutions

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  1. So much better than those annoying paid people It’s making closing libraries easier We can pretend we’re not closing it now! I’m losing my job to them Volunteers We love our library and we just want to keep the library open. @publiclibnews www.publiclibrariesnews.com

  2. State of Play In the UK, there are at least 168 volunteer-run libraries over 50 authorities 33 in 2012 so far 23 last year @publiclibnews www.publiclibrariesnews.com

  3. Pro volunteering Yes - I love my library 28% cut over three years – and it’s going to get worse. Staff are sometimes 50% of budget and books just 5% “Library work is easy and anyone can do it” “If we don’t volunteer, the library will close” This is the way to get more community involvement Councils can say “It’s not us who closed it” We have proof it works – Look at Buckinghamshire Wake up and smell the Recession The Big Society works @publiclibnews www.publiclibrariesnews.com

  4. Con Over my still-quivering librarian corpse You retired and you did WHAT? Postcode lottery Communism Maintenance Double Taxation Long-term Fragmentation Stealing jobs Hyprocrisy Makes closure easier Smokescreen When the going gets tough Legal responsibility Reputational damage Posh places get to keep their libraries No - I love my library @publiclibnews www.publiclibrariesnews.com

  5. Practicalities CRB checks and legal (but be aware some authorities don’t demand CRB checks of paid library staff) Who owns the building? Job description and volunteer policy Data Protection Act and computer system Training Seed-corn funding Serious commitment on behalf of council and volunteers @publiclibnews www.publiclibrariesnews.com

  6. Policy “CILIP is opposed to job substitution where paid professional and support roles are directly replaced with either volunteers or untrained administrative posts to save money. This applies to all library and information services in every sector.” “The Society of Chief Librarians strongly supports volunteering in libraries. The Society firmly believes that volunteers add value to the public library service, as long as all volunteering activity is contained within a professionally managed and delivered framework. “ But not SCL Wales “Staff costs are a significant and have been an increasing proportion of library costs and, if the service is losing up to 35% of its budget,[108] some staff cuts are inevitable … local authorities need to give careful consideration to how to do least damage to the service provided to the public now and for the future. They must ensure that they retain enough experienced and/or professionally qualified staff to develop the services on offer” CMS Select Committee @publiclibnews www.publiclibrariesnews.com

  7. Questions Why are councils the natural home for libraries? Is confrontation the best way to campaign? What can we do to affect things, either way? What evidence do you have for your point of view? Anything else anyone wants to say? @publiclibnews www.publiclibrariesnews.com

  8. Thank you I am Ian Anstice MA MCILIP User of libraries since 1974, MA in Librarianship, paid librarian since 1994, Unison steward, Information Professional of the Year 2011, Voices for the Library, Public Libraries News, Winsford Customer Service of the Year “Oscar” 2012. And … involved in the transferring of one library to volunteers. We are all, volunteer or not, Lovers of Libraries All views expressed or inferred do not necessarily reflect those of my employer. @publiclibnews www.publiclibrariesnews.com

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