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Rhyme is a pattern of words that contain similar sounds. Example : Go/Show/Glow/Know/Though.
Rhyme is a pattern of words that contain similar sounds. Example : Go/Show/Glow/Know/Though
Rhythm : The dictionary tells us it is ‘’a movement with uniform recurrence of a beat or accent’’.In its cruest form rhythm has a beat with little or no meaning.Children use them in games and counting-out rhymes.In poetry,rhythm,broadly speaking,is a recognizable pulse or ‘’recurrence’’ which gives a distinct beat to a line and also gives it a shape.
Rhyme is not only a recurrence but a matching of sounds.Thepleasure of pairingwordstomake a kind of musicalecho is as old as mankind.Thechild of thisgenerationmay be millions of yearsawayfromprehistoricman,butthelullabiesanddancinggames of todayare not muchdifferentfromthose of thecave-dweller.As in theolddays,there is a realconnectionbetweenpoetryandmagic,betweenpoetryandmemory.
Children begin with rhyme and rhythm; even before they can talk,boys and girls echo nursery rhymes and the jingles of Mother Goose.They learn their numbers painlessly by repeating such rhymes as :One,twoBuckle my shoeThree,fourShut the door
Theyknowthedays of themonthbymemorizing :ThirtydayshathSeptember,April,JuneandNovember…Theyevenpickupbits of historybyrememberingsuchsimplerhymes as :ColumbussailedtheoceanblueInfourteen-hundred-ninety-two
But it is not onlychildrenwhofindthingseasierwhentheyaresaid in rhymeandrhythm.Farmersandhousewivesprefer verse toprosefortheirwisesayings; themusic of rhymehelpsthemtoremember.Itpointsuptheirproverbsandgives a quickturntothemeaning : A sunshinyshowerWon’tlast an hourRainbefore seven;Clearbyeleven.
March winds and April showersBring forth May flowers.Wishes Won’t wash dishesEarly to bed and early to riseMakes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise.
The devices of poetry are always being used - and abused in daily life. Not only children and farmers but businessmen understand the value of verse and "apt alliteration's artful aid." Roadside signs, cards in buses, advertisements in newspapers, commercials on radio and television, prove that an idea fastens itself quickly in the mind when it is rhymed. Christmas cards, birthday wishes, condolences, and greetings are most effective when they are in verse. The fourteenth of February brings out the poet in everyone.
Even on the lowest plane, poetry is rarely "rhyme without reason." It sharpens the wit's cleverness and heightens the lover's dearest sentiments.When we are deeply aroused,we express ourselves in some sort of poetry; our emotions spill over into a football cheer,a ballad,or a love lyric.
PreparedBy Gökhan Özmen 1011216017EltDepartment Grade 2