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Teaching English Learners Practicum Overview. Napa County. Susan Wight, Director Phone: 253-6998 E-mail: swight@ncoe.k12.ca.us. Napa County.
Teaching English Learners Practicum Overview Napa County Susan Wight, Director Phone: 253-6998 E-mail: swight@ncoe.k12.ca.us
Napa County Your practicum must be submitted to the Napa County BTSA New Teacher Support Specialist as a condition of the program certifying your completion of program requirements for a Clear (Level II) Credential. A complete practicum indicates mastery of “Teaching English Learners” (Standard 19) as described in the Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs. Each item must be initialed and dated either by your Support Provider or a Site Administrator and documentation attached. The documentation should be numbered to correspond to the item number on this checklist.
Napa County Office of Education Barbara Nemko, Ph.D., Superintendent Napa County
Your practicum must be submitted to the Napa County BTSA New Teacher Support Specialist as a condition of the program certifying your completion of program requirements for a Clear (Level II) Credential.
A complete practicum indicates mastery of “Teaching English Learners” (Standard 19) as described in the Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs.
Each item must be initialed and dated either by your Support Provider or a Site Administrator and documentation attached.
The documentation should be numbered to correspond to the item number on the checklist.
1. I have attended one Teaching English Learners Symposium or equivalent BTTP Modules IV and V, and my Certificate of Completion is attached.
2. (New in 2006-2007) I have attended 3 hours of training in working with parents of English Learners and my certificate is attached.
3. My selected English Language Learner focus student is: _______________
4. The CELDT level of my English Language Learner focus student is: _____________________
5. As a result of the analysis of this student’s CELDT data, the following measures are being taken to ensure his/her mastery of the ELD and ELA standards: _____________________________
6. I have reviewed the school/district plan for identifying and reclassifying ELL students. Samples of all documents used for reclassification are attached.
Kathy Phelps, BTSA Secretary Kphelps@ncoe.k12.ca.us 253-3944
7. I have reviewed my curricular focus area district-adopted materials for components that address the needs of English Language Learners and have discussed the availability and use of these materials with my Support Provider. My adopted curriculum materials are (use back, if needed):
8. Other persons responsible for teaching English to my students and their titles are: ____________
9. I have examined the documents: “ELD Standards. . .The “EZ” Way!” and “A Map for Teaching and Assessing California’s English Language Development (ELD) and English-Language Arts (ELA) Standards for English Learners” and have selected: ____________________________ to use in my planning. Sample planning documents are attached.
10. The progress of my focus student toward the achievement of ELD and ELA standards is monitored by the following assessments: _____________________________
My focus students’ assessment results each trimester are attached. My analysis of these results resulting the following program adjustments (e.g., regrouping), if indicated: October/November: _________February/March: __________
12. I have observed two lessons this year in which a teacher recommended by my BTSA program has used SDAIE or ELD strategies to support his/her English learners, and my notes from the lessons are attached on the “SDAIE or ELD Instructional Observation Form.” Lessons were observed and post-conferences held on: __________
Napa County (See other side for SDAIE Instructional Observation Form)
13. I have taught multiple lessons this year in which I used ELD or SDAIE strategies to support my English learners. My lesson plans for two lessons are attached. Lessons were observed by my Support Provider on: ____________________________
(13 continued) My Support Provider and I held a post-conference on the lessons on: _____________________My reflections on the lessons are attached.
14. (New in 2005-2006) I have attended an ELAC or DELAC meeting at my school site or district and discussed my observations with my Support Provider. The agenda is attached.
15. I have communicated comprehensible information to the parents of my students. Three sample communications from me are attached. ELAC or DELAC presentations are encouraged!
Please e-mail additional questions to:swight@ncoe.k12.ca.usRequest materials from:kphelps@ncoe.k12.ca.us Thanks for participating in this training!