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Influence of Contextual Variables: An Application to Agricultural Research Evaluation in Brazil

Analyzing the impact of contextual variables on agricultural research efficiency in Brazil using nonparametric models to assess statistical significance and influence factors on production processes.

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Influence of Contextual Variables: An Application to Agricultural Research Evaluation in Brazil

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  1. Influence of Contextual Variables: An Application to Agricultural Research Evaluation in Brazil Geraldo da Silva e Souza Eliane Gonçalves Gomes Roberta BlassStaub

  2. Introduction • Embrapa monitors, since 1996, the production processes of each of its 37 research centers • Nonparametric production model: DEA • Technical and cost efficiency of each research center • Identification of benchmarks • Identification of exogenous factors (contextual variables) potentially associated with efficiency • Problem: Define a proper data generating process allowing two stage statiscal inference

  3. Objectives • Explore the probabilistic interpretations of FDH and the FDH conditional to define a proper data generating process for efficiency measurements • Use the ratio of conditional FDH to FDH, and two stage inference, to assess statistical significance of covariates of interest

  4. FDH as an alternative to DEA • FDH does not assume convexity for the underlying technology. Consistent under convexity • Free disposability of inputs • FDH : input orientation

  5. FDH: Probabilistic Interpretation • Production process described by a joint probability distribution. One is concerned with dominance • Technical measure of efficiency is defined by • Empirical estimate relative to set 

  6. Condtional FDH • A vector Z of contextual variables in Rk affects the production process • Interest is in the conditional distribution of (X,Y) given Z=z • Technical efficiency conditional to Z=z • Empirical Estimator (continous covariate)

  7. For multivariate Z • Joint kernel: product of univariate Epanechnikov kernels • Bandwidth: Minimizes aproximated integrated mean square error • Technical efficiency depends on the kernel only through the bandwidth h • Influence of Z: Daraio and Simar (2007) suggest nonparametric regression using as response variable

  8. Application • Panel Data: (xjt, yjt, zjt), j=1...n, t=1...T • T small relative to n • Arellano and Bond (1991) model on ranks • Dynamic model allowing serial correlation • GMM • Model assumes panel random effects • It is not robust relative to the presence of second order serial correlation

  9. Embrapa’s Production Model • Output: Weighted average of 28 variables falling into 4 categories • Scientific production • Technical publications • Development of technologies, products and processes. • Diffusion of technologies and image • Inputs: Vector of dimension 3 : capital, labor and operational costs • 37 research centers • Period: 1999-2006

  10. Contextual variables (covariates) • Intensity of Partnerships (negative association would imply unwanted competiton among research centers) • Income generation effort • Processes improvements • Administrative changes • Size (three levels) • Type (three levels)

  11. Graphical Analysis • Evolution of FDH and DEA-BCC suggests differences • Evolution of FDH conditional and FDH suggests differences

  12. Goodness of Fit : Dynamic Panel • Instruments: Second order differences of rank efficiencies, first order differences of continous contextual variables, time and categorical dummy variables. • No indication of second order serial correlation (p =11%) • Sargan’s specification test is not significant (p =76% )

  13. Final Considerations • The effects size and type are not statistically significant with joint p-values of 84% and 86% respectively • Processes improvements, financial resources acquisition and management change have negative signs. But only financial acquisition resources is statistically significant. Case of favorable covariates • The intensity of partnerships is detrimental to the production process but it is not statistically significant • The lag 2 negative and statistically significant component of the response provides indication of an effort for improvement. Two periods are necessary for that to be achieved

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