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Schedule – Day 5. Okay for Now. Author: Gary D. Schmidt. “Middle School Reads” PowerPoint by: Tammy Thilken and Beth Thomas 2012-2013. Schedule – Day 5. COOL FACTS: Also known as Lesser Yellowlegs They are shorebirds
Schedule – Day 5 Okay for Now Author: Gary D. Schmidt “Middle School Reads” PowerPoint by: Tammy Thilken and Beth Thomas 2012-2013
Schedule – Day 5 • COOL FACTS: • Also known as Lesser Yellowlegs • They are shorebirds • Both the male and female Lesser Yellowlegs provide parental care to the young • Lesser Yellowlegs swing their bills back and forth in the water to help stir up insects they eat • In French, they are known as Petit chevalier meaning "small knight". Yellow Shank
Vocabulary Instigator "…because I was the instigator of the PE locker room fights according to the So-Called Gym Teacher" (pg. 150).
Vocabulary Instigator (n.) Someone who urges, provokes, or incites to some action
Vocabulary Doozy "'So now here we go to the tiebreaker question, and this time, I admit, it's a doozy'" (pg. 165).
Vocabulary Doozy (n.) Slang - something extraordinary, good or bad
Vocabulary Con artist "What a con artist. He probably didn't figure that anyone would see right through him" (pg. 168).
Vocabulary Con artist (n.) a person adept at lying, cajolery, or glib self-serving talk
Vocabulary Cosmic "I know, that all sounds cosmic. But that's what you would have thought too…" (pg. 176).
Vocabulary Cosmic (adj.) Characteristic of a complete, orderly, harmonious system
Vocabulary Axis "I'm not lying when I'm telling you that no one else in the class had even imagined a z axis" (pg. 182).
Vocabulary Axis (n.) Mathematics - a central line that bisects a two-dimensional body or figure
OKAY FOR NOW Making Connections Ch 5 Chapter 5 1. Why does Doug get into so many fights at Washington Irving Junior High School? 2. How does Doug perform in his classes after the Coach Reed incident? 3. Discuss the company picnic. What is the food? How does Doug and his brother feel about the gifts they get from the company? Why doesn't Doug go swimming? What is special about Doug's partner for the trivia contest? 4. What does Doug discover about the prizes he has won? What good thing happens? How does Mr. Ballard help Doug? 5. What surprising thing does Doug's brother say and do when Doug gets home? Why?
OKAY FOR NOW Making Connections Ch 5 Attention The next slide will display the answers for Making Connections Chapter 5
OKAY FOR NOW Chapter 5 1. They were mean, teasing him about the tattoo. 2. He stopped trying and became defensive, reacting angrily to the teasing. 3. The picnic is bountiful and consisted of grilled chicken, rolls, salad, corn on the cobb - things Doug was not accustomed to. Doug and his brother treasure the watches they receive because they had never owned watches before. He does not go swimming because he would need to remove his shirt and show his tattoo. Doug's partner is Mr. Ballard, but he does not know it. 4. Doug's father has kept the prizes and lied to Doug. Doug tells Mr. Ballard that the Yellow Shank belongs back in the book to which it belongs. Mr. Ballard in turn gives the plate to Doug to return to the book. This act inspires Doug to start drawing again. 5. "Even if you're a jerk, you still got guts" (181). Doug's brother takes the baseball from his father's car and gives it back to Doug because he admires Doug standing up to their father by calling him out on his lies. Making Connections Ch 5: Answers
OKAY FOR NOW Quick Write Topic Ch 5 Ch. 5 - Describe either the best or worst picnic you’ve ever been to.
OKAY FOR NOW Schmidt, Gary D. Okay for Now. New York: Clarion Books, 2011. Print. Illustrations, courtesy of the Audubon Society. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children’s Books Educator Guide, April 2011; Okay for Now Educator’s Guide by: Gary D. Schmidt. Retrieved from http://hmhbooks.com/schmidt/OkayForNow-educatorsguide.pdf Red, Suzy. "Kids' Wings Units for Award Winning Literature! Immediate Downloads!" Kids' Wings Units for Award Winning Literature! Immediate Downloads! Kids Wings, n.d. Web. 16 July 2012. <http://kidswings.com/downloads3.html>. http://www.allaboutbirds.org http://sdakotabirds.com/ http://dictionary.reference.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki http://www.mrcoley.com/litcircles.htm Works Cited