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아이린의 토익끝내기 600 제 14 강 . 접속사. CH 11. 접속사 – 개념 , 종류. 단어 , 구 , 절을 연결하는 역할 양손저울 과도 같다 ~ 종류 등위접속사 : 단어 , 구 , 절 ( 대등한 관계 ) 종속접속사 : only 절 ( 주절 , 종속절 ). CH 11. 접속사 - 등위접속사. 등위접속사 and : 그리고 but / yet : 그러나 or : 혹은 so : 그래서 ( 절 only ) for: 왜냐하면 ( 절 only ) 등위접속사
CH 11. 접속사 – 개념, 종류 • 단어, 구, 절을 연결하는 역할 • 양손저울 과도 같다~ • 종류 • 등위접속사: 단어, 구, 절 (대등한 관계) • 종속접속사: only 절 (주절, 종속절)
CH 11. 접속사 - 등위접속사 • 등위접속사 • and : 그리고 • but / yet : 그러나 • or : 혹은 • so : 그래서 (절 only) • for: 왜냐하면 (절 only) • 등위접속사 • both A and B • not A but B • not only A but also B (=B as well as A) • either A or B • neither A nor B
적용문제 1. Pleasereturn to headquarters and report on your progress ________ you meet with the executives. (A) for (B) of (C) after (D) or 2. The employee will need to move to another team ________ search for jobs at other companies. (A) in (B) at (C) until (D) or
3. The finance director would like all meetings to begin on time ________ in the correct room. (A) both (B) and (C) but (D) nor 4. The company chairperson caught an earlier flight, ________ he did not miss the board meeting. (A) if (B) so (C) that (D) when
CH 11. 접속사 – 명사절종속접속사 • 명사절 주어, 목적어, 보어 역할 • that: ~라는 것 (관계대명사 that과 구분) • 목적어로 쓰일 때는 that 생략 가능! • whether, if: ~인지 아닌지 • 뒤에 (ornot)을붙일 수도 있다.
________ the supervisor accepted the sales team’s proposal was quite surprising. (A) When (B) Because (C) That (D) If • He does not know ________ the management has decided to sell off the subsidiary. • (A) unless (B) after (C) because (D) whether
CH 11. 접속사 - 부사절 • 부사절 부사의 역할 (시간, 이유, 조건, 양보) • 시간: when, as, while, before, after, until, by the time, since, as soon as • 이유: because, as, since, now that • 조건: if, unless, once, in case that~, as long as, provided that~ • 양보: though, although, even though, even if • 기타 • 방식: as(~한대로) • 목적: so that (~하기위해서) • 결과: so~ that ~, such ~ that ~
적용문제 7. Thesecretarygave work to other people ________ she transferred to the Paris office. (A) before (B) unless (C) as long as (D) by 8. Mr. Grey will be awarded a big prize ________ he dedicated his whole life to the company work. (A) when (B) yet (C) since (D) so
9. _______ the stockholders approve, the company headquarters will be relocated to China. (A) Provide (B) Provides (C) Provided (D) Provision 10. The administrativereorganization was so successful _______ the staff’s working performance improved a lot. (A) though (B) if (C) that (D) until
CH 11. 접속사 - 필수암기 • 접속사 vs. 전치사 • 접속사 + S V • 전시사 + 명사 • 접속사 vs. 접속부사 • 접속부사: S V 한 세트만 온다 • moreover, furthermore, therefore, however, nevertheless