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Agents of environment take care about the future of the Earth , so we all recycle on :

Agents of environment take care about the future of the Earth , so we all recycle on :. - Global level - Local level - Individual level. Recycling.

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Agents of environment take care about the future of the Earth , so we all recycle on :

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  1. Agents of environment takecareabout the future of the Earth, so we allrecycle on : - Global level - Locallevel - Individuallevel

  2. Recycling Thisyear, every person in Europe will throwawayapproximately 500kg of rubbish. Usually we burnor bury thisrubbish, but thisisn’tgood for the environment. Recycling is a goodalternative and itdoesen’tpollutethe environment. Nowtherearelots of placeswhere we canrecycle old bottles, cans, glass, cardboard and paper.

  3. We recycle: Materials in recycling plastic aluminium glass paper

  4. We must: saverainforests protectwildlife How can we protect the environment ?

  5. keepbeachesclean recycle paper

  6. turnofftapswhilecleaningteeth turnoff the lightswhenleaving the rooms

  7. We mustn’t: waste water pollute the air

  8. pollutewater pollute the soil waste electricity

  9. destroyrainforests throw the rubbish on the beach usetoo many pesticides on farms

  10. Pollution Pollutioncauses : forestfiresindustrialproduction volcanoes lightning transport

  11. Pollutionconsequnces: smog thinozonelayerwaterpollutionacidrains increase of the greenhouseeffect

  12. If we protect and don’tpollute the world, we will have clean beaches,forests, lots of animals and clean air

  13. Local recycling In Lisowtherearebins for used paper glass plastic

  14. Recycling in my town Once a monththe recycling company goesthroughLisow and collectsallthematerials thatareleftoutsidethehousesinspecialbags. Theyalsoemptytheblue, yellow and greenbinswhicharefull of recyclable materials such as plastic, glass and paper.

  15. Scheme of car recycle Thereis an approvedvehicledismantler and recyclerhereinourtown. The MAK-POL company. Theyofferenvironmentelyfriendly car recycle service. Theysimply pickup thevehiclewithin 3 days and dismantleitin a safe and friendlymanor, accoroling to thescheme:

  16. What’sinyourrubbishbin? A large percentage of household’s still do not recycle enough and throw everything that they consider ‘rubbish’ into their ordinary bin. Much of this waste can be recycled and should be disposed of separately to general household waste. Look inside this rubbish bin to see how much of the contents should actually have been recycled.

  17. Recycling athome Thisis a binused for collectingdifferentkinds of homerubish. Thecolouredbagsareused for selectingthe materials instead of throwingtheminto one container.

  18. Battery recycling boxusedatourschool All waste batteries are classified as hazardous waste and recycling is always the best option. Ordinary household batteries do contain some hazardous chemicals so ideally should not be thrown out with the day to day rubbish. Rechargeable batteries contain harmful metals, so should never be thrown away with daily rubbish, they should be returned to manufacturer for disposal or recycled elsewhere. Local councils or garages sometimes offer battery-recycling services.

  19. How to recycleelectrical and electronic equipment? The WEEE manis a veryunusualsculpture. It’ssevenmeterstall and it’smade of rubbish. Itrepresentsthequantity of electrical and electronic equipmentthattypical person will throwawayin his orherlifetime. Thatincludessixtelevisions, four video or DVD recorders, threewashingmachines and thirty-five mobile phones.

  20. Recycle plastic • There are about 50 different types of plastic. The main types include: • HDPE – Opaque bottles • PVC – Transparent bottles, with a seam running across the base • PET – Transparent bottles, with a hard moulded spot in the centre of the base • If your home recycling bin doesn’t take plastic bottles, then deposit them at your local recycling bank. • Clean bottles before recycling them. • Buy plastic bottles in bulk whenever possible to reduce packaging waste. • Carriers can be reused next time you’re at the shops, or deposit used ones at collection points provided by some supermarkets.

  21. Recycling on individuallevel There are three key factors when thinking about how to recycle – The 3 R’s:

  22. What can we recycle? Everybody is responsible for environment. We should recycle: metal, plastic, paper and glass.

  23. Collecting rubbish We ought to collectrubbish. We putthemintospecialbagsorboxes.

  24. How can I improve the way I recycle? To reduce contamination and improve recycling efficiency, wash and squash! Wash Scrape out any food remains/pour away excess liquid. Rinse the container (use your washing-up water) Don’t put recyclate in the dishwasher – no need to waste resources to achieve an unnecessary level of cleanliness! Squash Crush metal cans. Squeeze plastic bottles flat to expel as much air as possible. These steps help prevent contamination and reduce the volume of recyclate, making collections more energy efficient.

  25. What’s next? Next, the rubbish company drives to Lisów with a special car and collects the segregated materials.

  26. The art of recycling Some people recycle rubbish in a very original way. They use them to make art. EGGCUBISM SCULPTURE MADE OF CARDBOARD AND WOOD PAPER SCULPTURE

  27. So, NEXT TIME if you put your rubbish into the bin STOP and THINK: ‘WHAT CAN I DO FOR THE ENVIRONMENT TODAY?’

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