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Education 505

Education 505. Day 5. Agenda –Day 5. 8:30-9:00 Poster session set up time Share a golden line, query, ah-ha moment –base group discussion discuss on chapter 8 Chapter 8 Your definition, your definition, your definition of research

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Education 505

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  1. Education 505 Day 5

  2. Agenda –Day 5 • 8:30-9:00 Poster session set up time • Share a golden line, query, ah-ha moment –base group discussion discuss on chapter 8 • Chapter 8 • Your definition, your definition, your definition of research • Poster Session 1-2:30 P.M. (9:00 start to accommodate poster preparation) • Block A (1-1:45 p.m. at posters): (1) Lynn & (2) Nicole; (3) Tracy & (4) Marilyn; (5)Marjorie; (6) Darlene;(7) Judy; (8)Marsha; (9)Amy; (10)Dan • Block B (1:45-2:30 poster): (1)Courtney, (2)Lisette; (3)Kierra & (4) Kelly; (5) Melanie; (6) Juanita; (7) Kelly T; (8) Jennie V; (9) April; (10) Michael • Debrief (Final Thoughts) • Theatre of Appearances: Your unique gifts • Course Evaluations • Enjoy the rest of your summer! YOU DID IT!!!! Lovely getting to meet you! Good luck on your educational journeys!!

  3. Data Analysis • “The process of analyzing information gathered through interviews, observation, and fieldnotes is the most exciting part of doing research…”(Lai & • Robinson, p.141) • Data analysis attempts to provide some type of answer to your research question(s) • Data analysis is an important step in the research process, and there are numerous texts and approaches devoted to explaining this process • Data analysis might be described as eclectic; that is, there is no absolute “right way” • Thus, data analysis continues to be one of the most mysterious and misunderstood aspects of research • In fact, in many instances a researcher may be unable to explain exactly how he or she arrived at a finding

  4. Chapter 8 • According to your text, data analysis often involves the following steps: • 1)read and sort the information; • 2)determine the starting point of analysis; • 3)analyze actions; • 4)analyze constraints; and • 5)analyze consequences

  5. Remember that data analysis depends to a large degree on whether one is conducting qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods research • In quantitative research, much of the data analysis centers around various types of statistical analyses

  6. In qualitative research, data analysis has often been described as almost intuitive; thus, it is based on less rules and procedures than its quantitative counterpart • In thinking about qualitative data analysis, it might be useful to envision the various procedures as falling on a continuum

  7. Thematic Analysis Discourse Analysis Content Analysis (continuous) (occurs after data is collected)

  8. Try This! • At your table, you have a piece of a transcript of an observation of a class. There are a number of ways of analyzing qualitative data. Let's try an analysis of the data using the “pawing" technique that is described as “pawing through texts and marking them up with different colored highlighter pens. This may not seem like a very scientific way to do things, but it is one of the best ways we know of to begin hunting for patterns in qualitative data.” • Source: http://www.analytictech.com/mb870/ryan-bernard_techniques_to_identify_themes_in.htm

  9. Try it Again  • Read, 6 urban youth voices on “school improvement” • Analyze the transcript Data: Try to Thematize (and/or your choice) • What else might be interesting for you to explore? What else do you want to know?

  10. Some General Guidelines to Keep in Mind: • 1)data analysis can be continuous and ongoing throughout the research process; however, data analysis can and does occur after data collection has concluded • 2)the analysis should be systematic and comprehensive • 3)the analysis begins with the reading of all data • 4)you may want to plan to represent the information in matrices

  11. Communicating Your Research • In communicating your research findings, keep in kind that potentially, your first audience will be those who were involved in the study • As such, providing interviewees with transcripts, for example, may offer a form of “member check”

  12. Remember that the overall aim of asking others to view your work is not to defend your initial findings, but rather to increase the validity of your conclusion! • The three principal reasons for writing about your research are as follows: • 1)written expression requires sharpness of thought and expression;

  13. 2)writing creates a public record that contributes to the scholarly literature surrounding a topic; and • 3)written reports provide evidence of your accomplishments • *the potential audience for whom you are writing will and should impact your writing style

  14. Questions for Structuring a Research Report: • 1)What motivated the investigation? What questions were being asked? • 2)Why is the question important? What is its practical/theoretical significance? • 3)How did you go about answering the question? • 4)What did you find? • 5)What is the significance of what you found? What action will be taken as a result? • 6)What further research will inform the improvement effort?

  15. Components of a Formal Research Report: • 1)abstract/executive summary • 2)introduction • 3)research setting • 4)research approach (methodology, participants, data collection instruments, analysis, procedure) • 5)research findings • 6)discussion including limitations of the research • 7)appendices

  16. Your Definitions; What is RESEARCH? • After 5 days of class (without looking at your original definition), write a definition of what is Research? • Compare and contrast to initial • What words stand out in your mind? • Class Wordle

  17. Poster Session (arrive 10-15 minutes early) -1:00 P.M. to 2:30 (2X45 min blocks)

  18. FINAL THOUGHTS Merriam likens the process of planning to undertake research to getting ready for a trip, in that both involve many factors which must be considered if the desired outcomes are to be realized. Source: Merrian, S.B. (1988). Case study research in education: A qualitative approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  19. A Taste of Educational Research The Research/Researcher Precis and poster board presentation has allowed you to “get a feel” for what educational research can be like, and you probably now realize that it can and often is an arduous process. Among the many steps you will encounter in research, the following are noteworthy: 1)deciding on a topic (how do you go about narrowing the scope and focus of what you want to examine); 2)framing your research question(s); 3)deciding on a paradigm (arguably this will be in place before you even select a topic);

  20. 4) designing your research study (this includes how you will collect and analyze your data); and 5) putting pen to paper in terms of writing up your findings

  21. In thinking about these five factors, keep in mind that they can’t, nor should they be treated in isolation. In fact, the entire process is intertwined and each element is dependent upon the other.

  22. I’d also add to this by saying that your research should always be governed by ethical parameters.

  23. Overview of Five Days…The Things We’ve done!!! • DaY I. Introductory activities (Bingo, Unique and Similar) • Course outline • Educators as Researchers • OPEN HOUSE (sentence slip conversation outside) • Problem-based methodology • World views • Considering Research topics

  24. Day 2 • APA Presentation • Base Group Formation and Q-cards Discussions • Controlling and learning conversations • Field Work A (Observations in Silence) • Library Presentation 1:00 • Combining rigor and respect • Ethics & Ethics Case Studies • Preparation for Research/Researcher

  25. Day 3 • Base Group Q-cards Discussions • Chapter 5 • Research: “First Grade Takes A Test” • Research/Researcher Précis Presentations • Base Group Follow up Discussions • Sign up for Final Poster Board Presentations (individually or in Pairs) • Community Circle

  26. Day 4 • Discussion in Base Groups, Chapters 6,7 • Purposeful Information Gathering • Observations and other forms of data collection • Spradley question matrix • Field Work B • Purposeful Information Gathering • Interviews and questionnaires • Inductive and deductive questioning   • Preparation: Poster Presentation

  27. DAY 5 • Chapter 8 • Data Analysis of 2 transcripts/field notes • Your unique Gifts • Poster Presentations • BRAVO!!!!

  28. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!!

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