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ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM 1940-1960 nadeine. After the war It was a world war 2 art work movement in America .Expressing feelings and emotions in art work. Pictures didn’t have to look exactly the same to what life picture they were painting . ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM 1940-1960.

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  1. ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM 1940-1960 nadeine After the war It was a world war 2 art work movement in America .Expressing feelings and emotions in art work. Pictures didn’t have to look exactly the same to what life picture they were painting . NADEINE WALSH

  2. ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM 1940-1960 • Abstract art didn’t have to show things that were exactly as appearing in the real world. • With people, animals or places • They mainly used colours shapes in their pictures to show their feelings and emotions. • Some abstract art is called non objective art. These paintings are not painted to see anything pacific.


  4. home interiors in 1940s-60s designs in home and kitchen appliances were popular in colours of the robin's-egg-blue phase of 1950s kitchen appliances. As far as interior decoration went, the 1950s were all about modernity. The War was over, rationing was a thing of the past and it was time to dispense with everything old-fashioned and embrace the new. The look was sleek and colourful with clean lines and a touch of whimsy, in a reaction to the plain, solid look of the 30s and 40s. Scientific progress had made plastics and synthetic fabrics available at affordable prices, and these were embraced enthusiastically by homeowners.

  5. Toys in 1940-1960a lot of toys were made of hard plastics with bright colours.Other toys were metal and could be wound up to work.

  6. Fashion 1950s Throughout the 1950s, young women's clothing was also influenced by the rock 'n' roll craze. Full skirts in bright colours become popular for dancing and skirts and pants were pinched in at the waist to emphasise the waist and bust. Young women also wore tight-fitting blouses tucked into slim-line calf-length trousers called 'Capri' pants or 'pedal pushers'. Short ankle socks, scarves tied around the neck and cropped cardigans were also popular. Menswear in the 1950s Adult men's fashion in the 1950s was largely quiet and conservative, which somewhat widened the generation gap between older men and the daringly dressed younger generation. Mature menswear in the 1950s mostly featured plain fabrics in dark, muted shades like blue, brown and grey.

  7. Fashion in the 1950s Ladies wear in the 1950s Movie star fashion influenced the clothing styles of ladies in the 1950s. Screen goddesses like Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly inspired tiny waistlines and full skirts and busts. Slim pencil-line skirts were also popular. Stiletto-heeled shoes emerged in the early 1950s and shoes could be bought in a variety of colours to match any outfit. New materials in the 1950s The 1950s saw the introduction of a new range of synthetic clothing materials like nylon, acrylic polyester and vinyl. These fabrics were especially appealing to women because they were easy to wash, dried quickly and did not crease or require ironing.

  8. Artist Louise Nevelson Artist: Louise Nevelson (1899 - 1988) Nationality: Russian-American Movement: Abstracarist t Expressionism Media: Sculpture,Painting.Printmaking Influences: 1966 Biography: Born in Russia, Louise Nevelson’s family moved to the United States in 1905. In 1920, she moved to New York City and began studying at the Art Students League in 1929. She then travelled to Munich to study under Hans Hofmann. From 1932 to

  9. 1933, Nevelson was an assistant to Diego Rivera while he was painting frescoes in New York City. In 1932, Nevelson began creating sculpture, turning to abstract wooden pieces in 1944. Her famous wall pieces were first created at the end of the 1950’s. In the 1960’s, she expanded to incorporate more materials into her sculpture such as aluminum and steel.

  10. Inventions in the 40s Colour Television (1940) In 1940, prior to RCA, CBS researchers led by Peter Goldmark invented a mechanical color television system . The Atomic Bomb (1945) At 5:29:45 (Mountain War Time) on July 16, 1945. The Microwave Oven (1946) It was during a radar-related research project around 1946 Velcro (1948) A Swiss mountaineer called George de Mestral was out walking through the woods. He returned home covered with burrs that had attached themselves

  11. Inventions in the 50s The World's First Credit Card (1950) In 1950, the Diners’ Club issued the first credit card, invented by Diners' Club founder Frank McNamara, in the United States for use in restaurants, with American Express... The Hula Hoop (1957) Throughout history, the hula hoop has been used in various cultures for a number of purposes. In ancient Greece, citizens used the hula hoop as a form of exercise... The Black Box Flight Recorder (1953) A McDonalds restaurant existed before 1954 but it was the introduction of Ray Kroc to the business in 1954 that began the seemingly endless colonisation of the globe by the McDonalds restaurant chain that ensued. Barbie Dolls 1959

  12. Inventions in the 1960s The Automated Teller Machine - ATM (1967) De La Rue developed the first electronic ATM The Laser (1960) Space Flight (1961) Action Man 1966 Light Emitting Diodes - LEDs (1962) Twister Computer Mouse (1963 1966

  13. World events 1941 - Dec. 7 - Pearl Harbour Attacked by Japanese Fleet 1950-53 - Korean War 1951 - Winston Churchill forms his first peace time government 1941 - 1945 - Holocaust Jews lost civil rights to Germany. 1945 - Victory in Europe Still a lot of wars going on at this time 40s 50s 1961 - Berlin Wall built to stop East Germans fleeing to the West 1947 - The Marshall Plan In a speech by Secretary of State George C. Marshall, he said that America should offer economic aid to all European countries to help them rebuild their cities and economies. This Speech became the basis of the Marshall Plan, one of the most successful foreign policies in U.S. history. The Soviets declined the offer for all Eastern European Nations. 1961 - Russian Yuri Gagarin becomes first human in space 1965-73 - Vietnam War

  14. Major developments There were some new technologies in the fifties. Television was just one of them. In 1950 Paper Mate made its first leak free ball point pen. The first copy machine was made 1950 also. The Chevrolet Corvette becomes the first car to have a all-fiberglass body in 1953. In 1954 Bell Telephone labs produce solar battery. In 1954 you could get a yard of contact paper for only 59 cents. Polypropylene was invented in 1954 . In 1955 Jonas Salk invented a polio vaccine which was given to more than seven million American students. In 1956 a solar powered wrist watch was invented. A surprise came in 1957; a 184-pound (83 kg) satellite was launched by the Russians. They named it Sputnik 1. The space race begins 4 months later the United States launch a smaller satellite. In 1958 the first plastic Coke bottle appeared.

  15. Major developments Electronics and communications Examples of 1960s technology, including two rotary-dial telephones, and a Kodak camera.1960 – The first working laser was demonstrated in May by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories. 1962 – First trans-Atlantic satellite broadcast via the Telstar satellite. 1962 – The first computer video game, Spacewar!, is invented. 1963 – The first geosynchronous communications satellite, Syncom 2 is launched. 1963 – First trans-Pacific satellite broadcast via the Relay 1 satellite. 1963 – Touch-Tone telephones introduced. 1963 – Video recorder The Nottingham Electronic Valve company produces the first home video recorder called the "Telcan".

  16. Major developments 1964 – The first successful Minicomputer, Digital Equipment Corporation’s 12-bit PDP-8, is marketed. 1964 – The programming language BASIC was created. 1967 – PAL and SECAM broadcast color TV systems start publicly transmitting in Europe. 1967 – The first Automatic Teller Machine is opened in Barclays Bank, London. 1968 – The first public demonstration of the computer mouse, the paper paradigm Graphical user interface, video conferencing, teleconferencing, email, and hypertext. 1969 – Arpanet, the research-oriented prototype of the Internet, was introduced. 1969 – CCD invented at AT&T Bell Labs, used as the electronic imager in still and video cameras. Social and political movements

  17. Time line from 1940s-1960s 1942 •Anne Frank Goes Into Hiding •Battle of Midway •Battle of Stalingrad •Japanese-Americans Held in Camps •Nazis Raze Town in Retaliation for ReinhardHeydrich's Death •T-shirt Introduced 1940 •Battle of Britain •Leon Trotsky Assassinated •Nylons on the Market •Stone Age Cave Paintings Found in France 1941 •Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor •Jeep Invented •Manhattan Project Begins •Mount Rushmore Completed •Nazi Rudolf Hess Flies to Britain on a Peace Mission •Siege of Leningrad 1943 •French Resistance Leader Jean Moulin Killed •Grave of Katyn Forest Massacre Found •Italy Joins the Allies •Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

  18. Time line from the 1940s-1960s 1944 •Ballpoint Pens Go On Sale •D-Day •First German V1 and V2 Rockets Fired •Hitler Escapes Assassination Attempt 1946 •Bikinis Introduced •Dr. Spock's The Common Book of Baby and Child Care Is Published •Juan Perón Becomes President of Argentina •Nuremberg Trials •Winston Churchill Gives His "Iron Curtain" Speech 1945 •FDR Dies •First Computer Built (ENIAC) •Germans Surrender •Hitler Commits Suicide •Microwave Oven Invented •Slinky Toy Hits Shelves •United Nations Founded •U.S. Drops Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1947 •Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier •Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered •Jewish Refugees Aboard the Exodus Turned Back by British •Marshall Plan •Polaroid Cameras Invented

  19. Time line from 1940s-1960s 1948 •Berlin Airlift •"Big Bang" Theory Formulated •"Dewey Defeats Truman" in the Newspaper •Gandhi Assassinated •Policy of Apartheid Begun •State of Israel Founded 1950 •First Modern Credit Card Introduced •First Organ Transplant •First "Peanuts" Cartoon Strip •Korean War Begins •Senator Joseph McCarthy Begins Communist Witch Hunt •U.S. President Truman Orders Construction of Hydrogen Bomb 1949 •China Becomes Communist •First Non-Stop Flight Around the World •George Orwell Publishes Nineteen Eight-Four •NATO Established •Soviet Union Has Atomic Bomb 1951 •Color TV Introduced •South Africans Forced to Carry ID Cards Identifying Race •Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII •Winston Churchill Again Prime Minister of Great Britain

  20. Time line from 1940s-1960s 1951 •Colour TV Introduced •South Africans Forced to Carry ID Cards Identifying Race •Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII •Winston Churchill Again Prime Minister of Great Britain 1953 •DNA Discovered •First Playboy Magazine •Hillary and Norgay Climb Mt. Everest •Joseph Stalin Dies •Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed for Espionage 1954 1952 •Car Seat Belts Introduced •The Great Smog of 1952 •Jacques Cousteau Discovers Ancient Greek Ship •Polio Vaccine Created •Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen at Age 25 •Britain Sponsors an Expedition to Search for the Abominable Snowman •First Atomic Submarine Launched •Report Says Cigarettes Cause Cancer •Roger Bannister Breaks the Four-Minute Mile •Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S.

  21. Time line from 1940s-1960s 1955 •Disneyland Opens •Emmett Till Murdered •James Dean Dies in Car Accident •McDonald's Corporation Founded •Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Bus •Warsaw Pact Signed 1957 •Dr. Seuss Publishes The Cat in the Hat •European Economic Community Established •Soviet Satellite Sputnik Launches Space Age •Laika Becomes the First Living Animal to Enter Orbit 1956 •Elvis Gyrates on Ed Sullivan's Show •Grace Kelly Marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco •Hungarian Revolution •Khrushchev Denounces Stalin •Suez Crisis •T.V. Remote Control Invented •Velcro Introduced 19 1958 •Boris Pasternak Refuses Nobel Prize •Chinese Leader Mao Zedong Launches the "Great Leap Forward" •Hope Diamond is Donated to the Smithsonian •Hula Hoops Become Popular •LEGO Toy Bricks First Introduced •NASA Founded •Peace Symbol Created

  22. Time line from 1940s-1960s 1959 •Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba •International Treaty Makes Antarctica Scientific Preserve •Kitchen Debate Between Nixon and Khrushchev •The Sound of Music Opens on Broadway •U.S. Quiz Shows Found to be Fixed 1961 •Adolf Eichmann on Trial for Role in Holocaust •Bay of Pigs Invasion •Berlin Wall Built •Peace Corps Founded •Soviets Launch First Man in Space 1960 •Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho Released •Brazil's Capital Moves to Brand New City •First Televised Presidential Debates •Lasers Invented 1962 •Andy Warhol Exhibits His Campbell's Soup Can •Cuban Missile Crisis •First Person Killed Trying to Cross the Berlin Wall •Marilyn Monroe Found Dead •Rachel Carson Publishes Silent Spring

  23. Time line from 1940s-1960s 1965 •Japan's Bullet Train Opens •Los Angeles Riots •Malcolm X Assassinated •New York City Great Blackout •U.S. Sends Troops to Vietnam 1963 •Betty Friedan Publishes The Feminine Mystique •JFK Assassinated •Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech 1964 •Beatles Become Popular in U.S. •Cassius Clay (a.k.a. Muhammad Ali) Becomes World Heavyweight Champion •Civil Rights Act Passes in U.S. •Hasbro Launches GI Joe Action Figure •Nelson Mandela Sentenced to Life in Prison •Warren Report on JFK's Assassination Issued 1966 •Black Panther Party Established •Mao Zedong Launches the Cultural Revolution •Mass Draft Protests in U.S. •Star Trek T.V. Series Airs

  24. Time line from 1940s-1960s 1967 •Australian Prime Minister Disappears •Che Guevara Killed •First Heart Transplant •First Super Bowl •Six-Day War in the Middle East •Stalin's Daughter Defects •Three U.S. Astronauts Killed During Simulated Launch 1968 •Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated •My Lai Massacre •Prague Spring •Robert F. Kennedy Assassinated •Tet Offensive 1968 •Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated •My Lai Massacre •Prague Spring •Robert F. Kennedy Assassinated •Tet Offensive NADEINE WALSH

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