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Advance Payments : Part of the Child Support or the Social Security System in Germany/Europe

Advance Payments : Part of the Child Support or the Social Security System in Germany/Europe. 3 rd Gender and Legislation Forum Gender Equality and Family Committee of National Assembly & Korean Women's Development Institute Dr. Thomas Meysen

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Advance Payments : Part of the Child Support or the Social Security System in Germany/Europe

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  1. Advance Payments: Part of the Child Support orthe Social Security System in Germany/Europe 3rd Gender and Legislation ForumGender Equality and Family Committee of National Assembly & Korean Women's Development Institute Dr. Thomas Meysen German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law (DIJuF) Seoul, 10 July 2014 Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  2. Advance Payments in Germany • Germany 2013 • 80,777,000inhabitants • 8,298,326 children (0-12 y.) • 468,463children (0-12 y.) receivedadvancepayments • 285,301 childrenof non-marriedparents • 123,141 childrenof se-peratedmarriedparents • 53,080 childrenofdivorcedparents • 4,891 semi-orphans • 2,050 childrenwithoneinstitutionalizedparent Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  3. Advance Payments in Germany • Maintenance AdvancePayments Act • cameintoforce on 1 July 1983 • legal claim: legal prerequisites • childrenlivingwithonlyoneparent • childrenfrom 0 tounder 12 yearsold • noornoregularchildsupportpaymentsbyotherparent • nomeanstesting in child‘shousehold (paymentisindependentofincomeofcustodialparent) Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  4. Advance Payments in Germany • Maintenance AdvancePayments Act • cameintoforce on 1 July 1983 • payments • 133 EUR/month (0 to under 6 y.) • 180 EUR/month (6 tounder 12 y.) • max. duration 6 years (72 months) • deductionfromsocialsecuritypaymentsifmembersofhouseholdarerecipients Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  5. Advance Payments in Germany • total payments 2013: 858,902,532 EUR • 1/3 paid by federal State: 286,300,844 EUR • 2/3 paidby Länder andcommunities:572,601,688 EUR Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  6. Advance Payments in Germany • legal childsupportclaimtransfersto Länder ascreditor • total recoveryfromchildsupportdebtor 2013: 176,744,190 EUR = 20,58% • 1/3 intakeoffederal State: 58,914,730 EUR • 2/3 intakeof Länder andcommunities:117,829,460 EUR • quotadiffersbetween 54.3% in Bavaria and 12.8% in Bremen Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  7. Advance Payments in Germany • classificationof German systemofmaintenanceadvancepayment in • frombeginning on intendedaspartofsocialsecurityforGermany‘slargestgroupliving in poverty: singlemothers • temporarysocialbenefitfor a critical time in a singleparent‘slife • nevermeantasrecollectablesurrogatforchildsupportpaymentswithexpectedrecovery Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  8. Advance Payments in Germany • currentdiscussionsabout a potential reform • nopaymentsifchild‘shouseholdreceivessocialbenefits • shorteningofthereceiptperiodofadvancepayments Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  9. Advance Payments in EU/Switzerland 28 EU Member States

  10. Advance Payments in EUexist: yes / no Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  11. Advance Payments in EUsystematic categorizing Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  12. Advance Payments in EUamount of payments Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  13. Advance Payments: South Corean ideas • Article 14: Temporary Urgent Aid System of Child Support Payment • meanstested • lesspayments • more administrative expenses • temporary • Howlongandwhatarethecriteria? • What, ifthedependencelastslonger? • discretionary: decisionofthechiefofthe Managing Institute on Child Support Payment • Guidelines? Binding regulations? Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

  14. Advance Payments in Europe Contact Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht (DIJuF) e. V. German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law Dr. Thomas Meysen P.O. Box 10 20 20, 69010 Heidelberg Poststraße 17, 69115 Heidelberg Tel.: +49-62 21-98 18-11 Fax: +49-62 21-98 18-28 E-Mail: thomas.meysen@dijuf.de International Network: Child Support Worldwide Internet: www.heidelberg-conference2013.de subscribetonewsletter, email to: world-conference@dijuf.de Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. (DIJuF)

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