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Practicum: Module 1B CAMP. Facilitator: Ernie Oliveira DEO Associates 508-360-6021 ernieoliveira@yahoo.com. Practicum: Module 1B CAMP. Learn Different Techniques. Have Fun. Our Day:. Try New Things. Work & Play Together. Practicum: Module 1 CAMP.
Practicum: Module 1B CAMP Facilitator: Ernie Oliveira DEO Associates 508-360-6021 ernieoliveira@yahoo.com
Practicum: Module 1B CAMP Learn Different Techniques Have Fun Our Day: Try New Things Work & Play Together
Practicum: Module 1 CAMP What we will Do: Getting Started 2:00PM Self Improvement Plan: 2:20PM Report Out & Sharing Performance Management 3:30 PM
Getting Started “Dark Side of the Moon”
Your Self Improvement Plan Report Out & Sharing Activity
Your Self Improvement Plan Assignment • Review Topics covered in Module 1( Sessions 1-3) • Start with one topic • Use your "Self Improvement Plan" and fill in the appropriate information: Training Topics Self Improvement Objective Activity Undertaken Start Date
Your Self Improvement Plan • Monitor and record progress in the log under: "Result" column • Once Activity is completed, record in the log under: End Date and Final Results • Based on the results, determine what the "Next Steps" should be. Whether more analysis and specific activity is required or trying another topic. Remember this is a journey not a Sprint. • Maintain this log as you continue your training and keep trying the "new techniques" being taught. • Bring Self Improvement Plans to Practicum 1B and all future sessions
Your Self Improvement Plan So...........................How did it Go ? Let’s check and share ! Each person at the table will have the opportunity to present their Plan. Presenters state: what they did, results to date , key learning's, problems encountered.etc. Each presenters will have 8 minutes Other members at the table will listen and only interrupt the presenter when you need clarification on the topic. Once the presenter has finished, other members at the table will be a total of 6 minutes for feedback. “ Suggestion: use the cards at your table to provide input” Maximum of 5 people per table
Performance Management “Great leaders often inspire their followers to high levels of achievement by showing them how their work contributes to worthwhile ends.” ~ Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, Leaders Ernie Oliveira DEO Associates
Situation: Performance Management Susan Doherty was a "high potential" manager at a global industrial company. She had been with the company for 10 years. During that time she excelled as a technical specialist. A year ago, she was promoted to a managerial position. She didn't really want it, as she was very happy where she was. the new position required her to be more involved in internal politics than desired. She had solid credentials ( B.S. and M.S in Engineering) from a top school. She had an excellent performance record and was respected by all who worked with her. The reason Susan was promoted is that her company wanted to have more women in prominent leadership roles. To help her make the transition, they gave her an opportunity to participate in the company's management development program. Through the program she was learning about herself, including her strengths and weaknesses as a manager. As part of the program, she was invited to sit down for about an hour with a senior member of the human resource staff to discuss her progress. As Susan prepared for the meeting, she was full of doubt. She had been told by her manager that there were some concerns about doing the job. Not about her technical expertise- that was unquestioned- but her ability to be a manager, to supervise and relate to others. She was a bit abrupt in her interactions to others, and typically more task oriented than those she supervised. Also she seemed to be more comfortable when she was working alone rather than as part of a team. Susan also disliked "schmoozing with the higher-up's," a "necessary condition for anyone on their way up", as her manager explained to her.
Performance Management Situation:( continued) Susan was confused. She wasn't sure how she should handle the upcoming meeting. she hadn't really wanted the job in the first place, yet she did want to do well. She was confident of her technical abilities but unsure she had what it takes to be a good manager. she wasn't sure how much to divulge to the HR representative, or if that person would be able to help her. She was really shaken. This was the first time in her professional career she had received some potential damaging feedback. And she didn't know what to do. We learn that Susan's manager has some concerns. Do you feel her manager provided adequate support for Susan to improve ? Why or why not ? What are the key issues involved here ? What kind of feedback and help should she elicit form her manager ? From the HR representative ? From her co-workers ? What can Susan do on her own to prepare for the meeting- and to make a decision about how to proceed within the company ?
Performance Management Characteristics of effective Performance feedback When given effectively, feedback and especially performance feedback can have a positive impact on behavior and attitudes. While people obviously prefer positive feedback to negative, research has shown that regardless of content, feedback should be : A- Considerate in tone B- Specific in relation to goals and objectives C- Delivered promptly D- Provided frequently enough to aid in performance improvement without imposing an atmosphere of control
Performance Management Strategy for Improving Performance Feedback Skills 1- Clearly communicate your expectation to employees 2- Know your “feedback roles” and keep them separated 3- Prepare for the performance feedback session 4- Practice effective listening skills 5- Balance the “good with the “bad” 6- Know the legalities of Performance feedback 7- Adopt a problem solving approach to developmental and performance improvement feedback sessions 8- Be sure to follow up on employee improvement plans
Performance Management Why is Providing Feedback an Important Skill ? Effective Performance feedback sessions have many advantages Individual efforts are linked to organizational goals, which helps people recognize that their contributions make a difference Planning takes place, which leads people to set priorities Future actions to be taken are clarified and delegated, which leads people to take responsibility for changing their behavior (this is much more productive than talking about mistakes of the past which, of course, can’t be changed.) Employees know their responsibilities and your expectations.
Performance Management Why is Providing Feedback an Important Skill ? Feedback and Delivery Many people have identified a relationship between the ways in which feedback is provided and its impact on performance. Research concerning destructive criticism ( i.e., negative feedback that is general, delayed, and delivered in an inconsiderate manner) indicates that such feedback : - Impairs motivation - Results in significantly lower self -set goals - Provokes greater organizational conflict
Performance Management Why is Providing Feedback an Important Skill ? Feedback and the provider’s intentions What employees perceive as their supervisor or managers’ intentions in providing feedback may also be related to their responses to that feedback. Constructive intentions ( as reflected by the quality of information and personal support offered by the supervisor or manager) have been found to be related to satisfaction with the feedback, reduced feelings of anxiety, and a greater motivation to improve. Interestingly, the positive effects of perceived supervisor intention on employee outcomes are even greater when positive feedback is given. Insincere or vague comments regarding good performance tend to negate any of the positive employee reactions that would otherwise resulted.
Performance Management Giving Feedback Guidelines and Practice Session
Performance Management When Giving Feedback: Focus on behavior. “You talk rapidly. I find it difficult to understand what you are saying.” This allows the individual to take responsibility for changing behavior when receiving feedback. Describe your own reaction to the behavior. “I felt shut out of the discussion when you didn’t respond to my comments.” This gives the receiver the option to use or not to use the information. .
PerformanceManagement When Giving Feedback: Suggest alternate ways of behaving. “Some possible ways to participate more are to ask questions of others or to take on a responsibility such as recorder or timekeeper.” This allows the individual to choose what he or she wants to do to change behavior Be specific. Tell when the behavior occurred, what the person did, and how it affected you. “During the group discussion, you made all the decisions. I felt unnecessary.” Point out behavior to be improved, or, if it is effective, to be used more fully. .
Performance Management When Giving Feedback, Avoid : Giving evaluative comments. “You’re arrogant and dominate every conversation.” This can interfere with the opportunity to learn about the behavior. Giving General comments. “When one does not listen to others, one tends to be a bore.” This fails to inform the individual of what he or she personally needs to change. Giving absolute statements or labels. “You’re shy.” “You’re super.” These are value ,judgments which connote a permanency to a trait. Their meaningfulness is very limited and can differ between sender and receiver. Commenting on behavior over which the individual has no control. “You blink too rapidly.” This merely leads to frustration.
Performance Management Good Feedback Is specific and descriptive. It gives examples of what the person said or did. Is “clean”. It does not guess motives, blame, or judge. Gives observations, not inferences. Doesn’t use global statements like “always” or “never”. Does not mix positive and negative. Is only given for things the person can do something about
PerformanceManagement Feedback Examples: “The way you began your meeting today with a clear, specific, example really focused the group on our purpose.” “When you yelled ‘No way!’ three or four people winced and they were quiet during the remainder of the meeting.” “Your report was crisp and clear. It was helpful to have four main categories that helped organize all the information.” “We have had five complaints form people in the Accounting office about the noise level (yelling) coming from your conference room during staff meetings.”
Performance Management EXERCISE: • Please provide feedback to your employee for the following situations : • Continually late to work ( 15 minutes to one hour ) • Absent from work a minimum of one day every two weeks ( past 3 months) • Several complaints from customers this month about their work ( house-keeping) • Observed individual being abusive to another employee • Poor personal appearance when reporting to work
Performance Management Performance Review Process Steps Guide
Performance Management STEPS INVLOVED IN A PERFORMANCE REVIEW PROCESS 1- Start with the employees’ job descriptions as the vehicle for establishing and communicating expectations for performance. 2- Review the job description with the incumbent upon employment and periodically throughout his/her tenure in the position . 3- Next review all work standards associated with the employee’s position . 4- Continually provide feedback to and solicit input from the employee as appropriate. 5- Establish a formal performance review timetable with the employee. 6- Establish a personnel file on the employee and collect all relevant information needed to provide appropriate feedback. -
Performance Management STEPS INVLOVED IN A PERFORMANCE REVIEW PROCESS: 7-Ask the employee to do a self-evaluation of their performance ( including accomplishments of goals and other achievements, proficiencies, developmental needs for current or future positions, progress against last review’s self improvement plan ). Employee should provide information 2 weeks prior to the formal review. 8-Establish a timetable for: analyzing employee input, preparing and writing the review, checking into training and other development opportunities, meeting and reviewing the employee performance review with your superior, meeting with the employee. 9-Set up a time for the review that is convenient for you and the employee. Allow a minimum of 1 1/2 hours per employee. 10-Conduct the review in a direct, open manner. Continually interact with the employee and follow the guidelines of this training as a template. -