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Curent Status of Maize Leathal Nicrosis Disease in Tanzania . Presented to Regional Workshop to Develop a Strategy for Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease in Eastern and Central Africa at Jacaranda Hotel. 20 th - 24th August By K. Kitenge & Maize team. Outline. Introduction
Curent Status of Maize Leathal Nicrosis Disease in Tanzania Presented to Regional Workshop to Develop a Strategy for Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease in Eastern and Central Africa at Jacaranda Hotel 20th - 24th August By K. Kitenge & Maize team
Outline • Introduction • Disease identification survey • Survey report • Measures taken • Immediate • Long term • Way forward
1. Introduction • In the recent years reported of unknown disease affecting maize in some areas of • Lake zone (Mwanza, Musoma and Shinyanga) • Central zone (Singida) • Northern zone - (Manyara- Babati, Mbulu and Simanjiro) (Arusha- Karatu, longijave, Mlangarini and Arusha) • Therefore there was a need of conducting a disease identification survey
Introduction.. •AreasAffected • *Mwanza * Manyara •Mwanza •Manyara •Arusha
2.Disease identification survey • Followingreportsofan unknowndiseaseinTanzania,CIMMYT was invitedtobecome partof ataskforce toconfirmreportsof a new maizediseasethathas beenspreadingandcausingmajor losesamong farmers • TheTask forcecomprised of Drs.GeorgeMahuku (Pathologist),and Dan Makumbi (MaizeBreeder)ofCIMMYT,and DrAnneWangaifromKenyaAgriculturalResearchInstitute. • Theteamwas joinedby Mr.IgnathRwizaof theLakeZone AgriculturalResearchInstitute(LZARI) inMwanza,and Dr. Richard Ndondi from Suba-AgroTradingCompany(SATEC)in Arusha.
3. Surveyreport Overa 4-dayperiod,theteamvisited8 farmsin theMwanza regionand 4 farmsintheArusha region. Atotalof 60 samples (30 fromArusha regionand30 from Mwanza region)werecollectedand thesewereanalyzedfor the presenceof thepotyvirus-sugarcanmosaic virus(SCMV) and maizechloroticmottle virus (MCMV)usingthedot blot assaywith antibodiesspecifictosugar canemosaicvirus (SCMV),maizechloroticmottlevirus(MCMV).
…Surveyreport Someofthesampleswere analyzed usingreverse transcriptasepolymerasechainreactionRt-PCR techniquewithpotyvirus-specificprimers. Outthe30samplesfromMwanzaregion,sofar9 havebeenanalyzed MCMV and4samplestestedpositivefor While4samples andSCMVviruses, bothviruses testedpositiveforbothMCMV andonesamplewasnegativefor
…Survey report All samples fromtheArusha regionhavebeen tested, and 2 samples werepositiveforMCMV,8 samples forSCMVand 14 samples werepositivefor bothMCMV and SCMV. No virus wasdetected in samples collected froma very youngcroplabeled field13inArumeru district. Maizelethal necrosis disease(MLND) or Cornlethal necrosis (CLN)is a resultofinfectionofmaizeplantsbySCMVandMCMV. Thedetectionofbothviruses, either aloneor in combination in the samples collected confirmsthe presence of MLND in Tanzania
…Surveyreport Affectedplants Affectedplants
Karatu April, 2013 Nshara – Hai, April 2013
Disease Symptoms Season 2012,therewerea numberof fieldsinfested with this kindof disease During CIMMYTM & E it wasfoundthat the symptomswerethe sameas thosefound in Kenya Theideatobring CIMMYT pathologistwas then initiated
Disease Symptomsin cont’d Mlangalini- Arusha Mlangalini- Arusha
Measures taken • Immediate actions • Sensitization activities • Information sharing with stakeholders (emails, reports) • Training extension, politicians and other decision makers at district , region and national levels though their respective meetings • Encourage stakeholders to visit SARI to see the disease • Interviews to researchers made by journalists and Press releases • Present papers to policy makers within & outside the zone -Parliament • Through conducted field visits to districts in the zone • Production & distribution of extension materials (brochure, posters) • Video documentation • Still pictures collections
…Actions • Writing a proposal involving multidisciplinary activities to contain the disease • Breeders • Agronomists • Pathologists • Extensionists • Social economists • Police makers
Solutions (What farmers should do) • Use treated improved seed • Proper field management • Fertilizer application • Field sanitation • Early planting • Rouging if few plants are affected • Distraction of the whole field • Crop rotation • Reporting to their leaders
Long term &The wayforward 1. .Screening of new material National and Regionally available for resistant to the disease 2. Development ofnew varietiesusing resistantparentalmaterials 3. Releaseofresistantvarieties