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Curent Status of Maize Leathal Nicrosis Disease in Tanzania

Curent Status of Maize Leathal Nicrosis Disease in Tanzania . Presented to Regional Workshop to Develop a Strategy for Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease in Eastern and Central Africa at Jacaranda Hotel. 20 th - 24th August By K. Kitenge & Maize team. Outline. Introduction

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Curent Status of Maize Leathal Nicrosis Disease in Tanzania

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  1. Curent Status of Maize Leathal Nicrosis Disease in Tanzania Presented to Regional Workshop to Develop a Strategy for Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease in Eastern and Central Africa at Jacaranda Hotel 20th - 24th August By K. Kitenge & Maize team

  2. Outline • Introduction • Disease identification survey • Survey report • Measures taken • Immediate • Long term • Way forward

  3. 1. Introduction • In the recent years reported of unknown disease affecting maize in some areas of • Lake zone (Mwanza, Musoma and Shinyanga) • Central zone (Singida) • Northern zone - (Manyara- Babati, Mbulu and Simanjiro) (Arusha- Karatu, longijave, Mlangarini and Arusha) • Therefore there was a need of conducting a disease identification survey

  4. Introduction.. •AreasAffected • *Mwanza * Manyara •Mwanza •Manyara •Arusha

  5. 2.Disease identification survey • Followingreportsofan unknowndiseaseinTanzania,CIMMYT was invitedtobecome partof ataskforce toconfirmreportsof a new maizediseasethathas beenspreadingandcausingmajor losesamong farmers • TheTask forcecomprised of Drs.GeorgeMahuku (Pathologist),and Dan Makumbi (MaizeBreeder)ofCIMMYT,and DrAnneWangaifromKenyaAgriculturalResearchInstitute. • Theteamwas joinedby Mr.IgnathRwizaof theLakeZone AgriculturalResearchInstitute(LZARI) inMwanza,and Dr. Richard Ndondi from Suba-AgroTradingCompany(SATEC)in Arusha.

  6. 3. Surveyreport Overa 4-dayperiod,theteamvisited8 farmsin theMwanza regionand 4 farmsintheArusha region. Atotalof 60 samples (30 fromArusha regionand30 from Mwanza region)werecollectedand thesewereanalyzedfor the presenceof thepotyvirus-sugarcanmosaic virus(SCMV) and maizechloroticmottle virus (MCMV)usingthedot blot assaywith antibodiesspecifictosugar canemosaicvirus (SCMV),maizechloroticmottlevirus(MCMV).

  7. …Surveyreport Someofthesampleswere analyzed usingreverse transcriptasepolymerasechainreactionRt-PCR techniquewithpotyvirus-specificprimers. Outthe30samplesfromMwanzaregion,sofar9 havebeenanalyzed MCMV and4samplestestedpositivefor While4samples andSCMVviruses, bothviruses testedpositiveforbothMCMV andonesamplewasnegativefor

  8. …Survey report All samples fromtheArusha regionhavebeen tested, and 2 samples werepositiveforMCMV,8 samples forSCMVand 14 samples werepositivefor bothMCMV and SCMV. No virus wasdetected in samples collected froma very youngcroplabeled field13inArumeru district. Maizelethal necrosis disease(MLND) or Cornlethal necrosis (CLN)is a resultofinfectionofmaizeplantsbySCMVandMCMV. Thedetectionofbothviruses, either aloneor in combination in the samples collected confirmsthe presence of MLND in Tanzania

  9. …Surveyreport Affectedplants Affectedplants

  10. Karatu April, 2013 Nshara – Hai, April 2013

  11. Disease Symptoms Season 2012,therewerea numberof fieldsinfested with this kindof disease During CIMMYTM & E it wasfoundthat the symptomswerethe sameas thosefound in Kenya Theideatobring CIMMYT pathologistwas then initiated   

  12. Disease Symptomsin cont’d Mlangalini- Arusha Mlangalini- Arusha

  13. Measures taken • Immediate actions • Sensitization activities • Information sharing with stakeholders (emails, reports) • Training extension, politicians and other decision makers at district , region and national levels though their respective meetings • Encourage stakeholders to visit SARI to see the disease • Interviews to researchers made by journalists and Press releases • Present papers to policy makers within & outside the zone -Parliament • Through conducted field visits to districts in the zone • Production & distribution of extension materials (brochure, posters) • Video documentation • Still pictures collections

  14. Participants from Rombo, March 12, 2013

  15. Participants from Same DC, March 15, 2013

  16. Participants from Siha, March 13, 2013

  17. Participants from Arusha DC, April 23, 2013

  18. Participants from Mbulu DC, April 30, 2013

  19. Participants from Babati TC, May 3, 2013

  20. Participants from Kiteto DC, May 6, 2013

  21. …Actions • Writing a proposal involving multidisciplinary activities to contain the disease • Breeders • Agronomists • Pathologists • Extensionists • Social economists • Police makers

  22. Solutions (What farmers should do) •  Use treated improved seed •  Proper field management •  Fertilizer application •  Field sanitation •  Early planting •  Rouging if few plants are affected •  Distraction of the whole field •  Crop rotation •  Reporting to their leaders

  23. Long term &The wayforward 1. .Screening of new material National and Regionally available for resistant to the disease 2. Development ofnew varietiesusing resistantparentalmaterials 3. Releaseofresistantvarieties

  24. The End

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