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-Day Laborers -Domestic Workers -Meatpacking Unions -Students as Allies. What are day laborers and what do they do?. “Latino immigrant workers are a crucial part of Portland’s urban and rural economies, yet most have little or no stability in their jobs” (Voz).
-Day Laborers -Domestic Workers -Meatpacking Unions -Students as Allies
What are day laborers and what do they do? “Latino immigrant workers are a crucial part of Portland’s urban and rural economies, yet most have little or no stability in their jobs” (Voz). • Another term for day laborers is jornaleros. • Thousands migrate through the city every year. • Exposed to unsafe working conditions. • Most live under poverty level.
Problems faced by day laborers • System encourages abuse • Unpredictable employment
Issues with Day Laborers • Day laborers can hurt local businesses • Some harass women • Harder to lease buildings • Increased drug activity • Sanitation problems • Scare off customers
Day-labor sites, pros and cons • Permanent day-labor site/center • Sites can make wages too high • Aiding and abetting illegal activity
Groups for and against Illegal Immigrants • The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps • The Oregonians for Immigration Reform • VOZ: Workers’ Rights Education Project
Day Labor Sites • The City of Portland unanimously approved $200,000 of funding to establish a day labor site in 2007
Domestic Work- A Brief History According to DWU, Domestic Work began back in the time of slavery and has since become the work of the immigrants and minorities. • 1450-1860: African slave trade provides labor that builds colonial economy. • 1870-1970: Slavery abolished. Domestic work becomes “black women’s work.” • 1970-2006: Immigrant women of color provide domestic labor that supports U.S. economy. http://www.domesticworkersunited.org/media/files/6/homeiswheretheworkis.pdf
History of Exclusion • NLRA in 1935 • FLSA in 1938 • OSHA in 1970; Civil Rights Laws • NYLL (New York Labor Law)
Domestic Workers United • We have a dream that one day, all workwill be valued equally. • Founded in 2000 is the Domestic Workers United [DWU]. http://www.domesticworkersunited.org/
Home is Where the Work Is: A survey of New York’s Domestic Workers http://www.domesticworkersunited.org/media/files/6/homeiswheretheworkis.pdf
National Domestic Workers Alliance • What is the National Domestic Workers Alliance? • What does the Alliance do? • U.S. Social Forum in Atlanta • Who is represented at the Forum? http://blog.aflcio.org/2007/07/09/national-alliance-of-domestic-workers-formed-at-social-forum/
International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) • What is the International Longshore and Warehouse Union? ILWU President Robert McEllrath and Barack Obama greet each other People Organized to Win Employment Rights (Power) • What are the goals of POWER? http://blog.aflcio.org/2007/07/09/national-alliance-of-domestic-workers-formed-at-social-forum/
Worker Centers Worker Centers- have grown from 5 centers in 1992 to at 139 in over 80 US cities and 32 states • What are Worker Centers? • Who do Worker Centers advocate for? • What do Worker Centers achieve? MLK and Everett in Portland By Janice Fine, Economic Policy Institute Briefing Paper #159 (December 2005)
Domestic Workers- Nannies Lack of minimum wage compensation + Lack of suitable working conditions + Lack of Health care = CHIRLA
Wages- The Argument Between Employer and Employee • The absence of minimum wage is often claimed to be compensated by room and board. • Gray areas of compensation exist.
Organizations of Domestic Workers • Dispersed work locations • Long work hours • CHIRLA organizes and motivates workers to exercise their rights
The Politics of CHIRLA • Educating domestic laborers of their unique situation • Domestic laborers often have a strong connection to the family (especially the kids) • The victories of lawsuits in favor of domestic workers have brought credibility to CHIRLA • Court cases are compromised when influential people who employ domestic workers are involved.
Progress! - Domestic Workers were reluctant to excersize their rights. - CHIRLA continues to work to educate domestic workers. - Communication is key.
Students against Sweatshops • USAS organizes campaigns that seek to improve wages for campus workers, be it a contract negotiation fight, an organizing drive, a living wage campaign, or any other student-worker campaign.
Student Farm worker Alliance • worked to improve wages and working conditions for people working in tomato fields
Coalition of Immokalee Workers • The CIW has been at the forefront of efforts to improve farm labor conditions, exposing abuses and driving socially responsible purchasing and work practices in the Florida tomato fields.
Conclusion: • Change takes action • People mobilizing creates social movement • No human is illegal