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Synchronization. 2IN60: Real-time Architectures (for automotive systems ). Goals for this slide set. Describe different dependencies which may exist between tasks Describe different methods for synchronizing dependent tasks, and explain how to apply them

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  1. Synchronization 2IN60: Real-time Architectures(for automotive systems)

  2. Goals for this slide set Describe different dependencies which may exist between tasks Describe different methods for synchronizing dependent tasks, and explain how to apply them Describe the priority inversion and deadlock problems, and how to address them Explain how to implement periodic tasks using semaphores

  3. Outline • Synchronization requirements • Mutual exclusion • Precedence constraints • Mutexes • Problems: priority inversion& deadlock • Solutions: Priority Calling Protocol & Stack Resource Policy • Semaphores • Example: implementing periodic tasks

  4. Synchronization problem • Mutual exclusion: • A resource can be used by at most one task or ISR at a time • Precedence constraints: • Tasks or ISRs must execute in a particular order • Problem:Co-ordinate execution of a given concurrent program such that no erroneous interleavings are possible

  5. Example: mutual exclusion(disabling interrupts) intATDReadChannel(...) { ... OS_ENTER_CRITICAL(); “do the conversion”; OS_EXIT_CRITICAL(); ... } void Task1(void) { ... ATDReadChannel(PAD13); ... } void Task2(void) { ... ATDReadChannel(PAD14); ... } • Implement atomicity by disabling interrupts • Problem: busy waiting inside of conversion with non-preemptive execution w.r.t. tasks and ISRs • Higher priority tasks not sharing resources are penalized • May lead to missed interrupts

  6. Example: mutual exclusion(disabling scheduler) intATDReadChannel(...) { ... OSSchedLock(); “do the conversion”; OSSchedUnlock(); ... } void Task1(void) { ... ATDReadChannel(PAD13); ... } void Task2(void) { ... ATDReadChannel(PAD14); ... } • Implement atomicity by disabling scheduler • Problem: busy waiting inside of conversion with non-preemptive execution w.r.t. tasks • Higher priority tasks not sharing resources are penalized

  7. Mutual exclusion: spot the bug intavail = true; intATDReadChannel(...) { ... while (!avail) {} avail = false; “do the conversion”; avail = true; ... } void Task1(void) { ... ATDReadChannel(PAD13); ... } void Task2(void) { ... ATDReadChannel(PAD14); ... } • Implement atomicity by checking a global flag • Problem: if Task1 has higher priority than Task2 and preempts Task2 after Task2 has set avail to false, then Task1 will busy-waitforever, preventing Task2 to set avail to true • Solution: suspend Task1 when avail is false, allowing Task2 to set it to true

  8. Precedence constraints: spot the bug int x = false; int light; void Task1(void) while (!x) {} x = false; if (light > Threshold) { ToggleLed(LED_D24); } } void Task2(void) light = ATDReadChannel(PAD14); x = true; } Task2 senses the light. Every time that the value is largerthansomethreshold, Task1 toggles a led Problem: if Task1 has a higher priority than Task2, Task1 will busy-waitand Task2 will never run Solution: have Task1 suspend until x is true, or swap the task priorities

  9. Synchronization primitives • Primitives for synchronizing tasks and ISRs: check for a condition and wait until the condition is satisfied • E.g. a shared resource is released, a signal from ISR or another task has arrived • Two options for waiting: suspend or busy-wait • Suspend: execute the check and suspension atomically • Busy waiting is only reasonable if • preemption is allowed and we are waiting for a higher priority task or ISR, or • it involves another piece of hardware (e.g. multi-core, sensors).

  10. Synchronization primitives • Blocking due to mutual exclusion: • Disable interrupts • Disable scheduler • Mutexes • Semaphores • Blocking due to precedence constraints: • Semaphores

  11. Outline • Synchronization requirements • Mutual exclusion • Precedence constraints • Mutexes • Problems: priority inversion& deadlock • Solutions: Priority Calling Protocol & Stack Resource Policy • Semaphores • Example: implementing periodic tasks

  12. Mutex • void Task(void) { • . . . • (* acquire mutex *); • (* execute critical section *); • (* release mutex *); • . . . • } Mutex guards a shared resource, allowing only one task to access it at a time Tasks can acquire and release a mutex While a task is holding a mutex, no other task is able to acquire it

  13. Deadlock problem Deadlock

  14. Deadlock problem • OS_EVENT* mutex1; • OS_EVENT* mutex2; • void Task1(void* pArg) { • ... • OSMutexPend(mutex1, 0, &err); • OSMutexPend(mutex2, 0, &err); • (* a critical section *) • OSMutexPost(mutex2); • OSMutexPost(mutex1); • ... • } • void Task2(void* pArg) { • ... • OSMutexPend(mutex2, 0, &err); • OSMutexPend(mutex1, 0, &err); • (* a critical section *) • OSMutexPost(mutex1); • OSMutexPost(mutex2); • ... • } Deadlock can occur when resources are acquired in nested fashion and there is a cyclic dependency

  15. Example: deadlock • Consider a system comprised of tasks 1 and 2 • 1 and 2 both use resources r1 and r2 • 1 first locks r1 and subsequently r2 • 2 first locks r2 and subsequently r1 • Problem: deadlock may occur

  16. Avoiding deadlock • Avoid nested critical sections • in principle, no Pend operations between Pend(m)…Post(m) • Acquire all required resources at once (atomically) • Let Pend({a, b, c, …}) be an indivisible operation when there is a danger of deadlock, acquiring resources a, b, c, … atomically • Use a fixed order of Pend() operations • Pend(m);Pend(n); .... in one process may deadlock with Pend(n);Pend(m);... in another process • Solution: acquire resources in a fixed order

  17. Deadlock problem Forks should be picked up in the order: 1, 2, 3 1 2 3

  18. Avoiding deadlock • Avoid nested critical sections • in principle, no Pend operations between Pend(m)…Post(m) • Acquire all required resources at once (atomically) • Let Pend({a, b, c, …}) be an indivisible operation when there is a danger of deadlock, acquiring resources a, b, c, … atomically • Use a fixed order of Pend() operations • Pend(m);Pend(n); .... in one process may deadlock with Pend(n);Pend(m);... in another process • Solution: acquire resources in a fixed order • Use an appropriate Resource Access Protocol • E.g. Stack Resource Policy (SRP) • In general: avoid cyclic dependencies!

  19. Priority inversion • A low priority job obtains a resource; a high priority job waits on its release • A middle priority job pre-empts the low priority job during resource access • the high priority job now waits on the middle priority job... and effectively has the low priority while waiting L(r) U(r) U(r) task h task h L(r) priority inversion “unbounded” priority inversion task m U(r) L(r) task l task l U(r) L(r)

  20. Priority inversion • A pair of alternating middle priority jobs can block the high priority job “indefinitely” • “unbounded” priority inversion: • example: Mars rover; see article. • Resource access protocol: • Guarantee mutual exclusion (e.g. mutexes) • Resolve other problems, such as priority inversion • At least bound the inversion time • Adhere to the task priorities as closely as possible

  21. Resource access protocols:Priority Calling Protocol • Protocol • Each mutex has a priority, which is used when accessing the mutex: • When the mutex is already acquired and a higher priority task attempts to acquire the mutex, then the priority of the task owning the mutex is raised to the mutex priority • Mutex priority must be higher than any of the tasks competing for the mutex • Properties • Suffers from deadlock! • Avoids “unbounded” priority inversion • Used in μC/OS-II for implementing mutexes

  22. Priority Calling Protocol

  23. Priority Calling Protocol

  24. Resource access protocols:Stack Resource Policy (SRP) • Protocol • Assign to each mutex a ceiling, equal (or higher) to the maximum priority of any task that can acquire it • Scheduler keeps track of the system ceiling, equal to the maximum ceiling of any mutexcurrently acquired by any task • A task can only start executing if • it has the highest priority among ready tasks, and • its priority is higher than the current system ceiling

  25. Resource access protocols:Stack Resource Policy (SRP) • Properties • Avoids deadlock • Priority inversion limited to at most one critical section of a lower priority task • Simple implementation: • Can reuse the ready queue (used by the scheduler) for storing the tasks blocked on a mutex

  26. Stack Resource Policy

  27. Stack Resource Policy Task2 is not blocked while Task3 accesses resource :-)

  28. Mutexes in μC/OS-II • Mutexes in μC/OS-II implementthe Priority Calling Protocol • Mutexescannot be used by ISRs • Mutex is created usingOS_EVENT* m = OSMutexCreate(prio, &err); • Mutex is assigned a priority prio • priomust be set to a priority higher than any task accessing mutexm

  29. Mutexes in μC/OS-II • Tasks can acquire mutexm using OSMutexPend(m, timeout, &err); • If the m is available it is immediately acquired • If the m is already acquired, the task is suspended until another task releases m • Tasks with a higher priority than prio will not be blocked by the lower priority tasks while they are using m • Since prio is higher than the priority of any task using m, at most one task can be suspended on m • If timeout > 0 and m does not become available within that time, an error is returned indicating that m could not be granted. If timeoutis 0, then OSMutexPend() will wait indefinitely until m is available. • &err is a pointer to an integer where the error code is returned

  30. Mutexes in μC/OS-II • Tasks can release mutexm using OSMutexPost(m); • If there is any other task waiting for m, that task is made ready and the scheduler is invoked

  31. Disabling the scheduler vs. mutexesin μC/OS-II Disabling the scheduler Using mutexes • OS_EVENT* mutex; • void Task(void) { • INT8U err; • ... • OSMutexPend(mutex, 0, &err); • (* a critical section *) • OSMutexPost(mutex); • ... • } • void main(void) { • INT8U err; • ... • mutex = OSMutexCreate(prio, &err); • ... • } • void Task(void) { • ... • OSSchedLock(); • (* a critical section *) • OsSchedUnlock(); • ... • } • void main(void) { • ... • }

  32. Evaluation: disabling interrupts • Pros: • Avoids deadlock and “unbounded” priority inversion • Simple implementation (low memory processor overhead) • Simple timing analysis • Cons: • May lead to unnecessarily long blocking times • In particular, for higher priority tasks that do not need the shared resource. • May lead to missed interrupts

  33. Evaluation: disabling the scheduler • Pros: • Simple implementation (low memory processor overhead) • Simple timing analysis • Cons: • May lead to unnecessarily long blocking times • In particular, for higher priority tasks that do not need the shared resource. • If ISRs use shared resources, then atomicity is not guaranteed

  34. Evaluation: mutexes • Pros: • Allow handling of interrupts • Reduce processor blocking to just the administration of the mutual exclusion primitives • Higher priority tasks not sharing the resource guarded by the critical section are not affected • Cons: • Not allowed in ISRs • Elaborate implementation • Need to maintain the task suspended on a mutex (μC/OS-II) • Introduces deadlock • Can be prevented with the right resource access protocol

  35. Outline • Synchronization requirements • Mutual exclusion • Precedence constraints • Mutexes • Problems: priority inversion& deadlock • Solutions: Priority Calling Protocol & Stack Resource Policy • Semaphores • Example: implementing periodic tasks

  36. Semaphores • Conceived by Edsger W. Dijkstra (TU/e, 1965) • Semaphore s is an integer with initial value s  0 and atomic operations P(s) and V(s). • Task executing P(s) is said to “try to acquire semaphore s” • P(s) stands for “prolaag”, i.e. portmanteau for “probeerteverlagen” • Task executing V(s) is said to “release semaphore s” • V(s) stands for “verhoog”

  37. Semaphores • The effect of these operations is defined as follows: • P(s): < await(s>0); s = s-1 > • V(s): < s = s+1 > • (here we used “< >” to denote atomicity) • await: a statement to indicate suspension until a condition is met • The s>0 check and s = s-1 must be executed atomically • A process that executes P(s) is suspended until s > 0 • A process executing V(s) possibly releases suspended processes

  38. Semaphores • General assumptions: • atomic execution of P and V • If several processes simultaneously invoke a P or V operation on the same semaphore, the operations will occur sequentially in an arbitrary order. • arbitrary selection of process to proceed: • If more than one process is waiting inside a P operation on the same semaphore and the semaphore becomes positive (because of the execution of a V), one of the waiting processes is selected arbitrarily to complete the P operation.

  39. Semaphores • Specific assumptions for Real-Time Systems: • specific selection of process to proceed: • … the process with the highest priority among the waiting processes is selected to complete the P operation.

  40. Example: synchronizing tasks using semaphores • Mutual exclusion: • Assume a resource guarded by semaphore s • Each task sharing resource guarded by s contains:P(s)/* use resource */ V(s) • Initialization: s = 1 • Precedence (enforced limitations on order, where the triggered task waits for a triggering task): • Assume synchronization based on s • Triggering task: V(s) • Triggered task: P(s) • Initialization:s = 0

  41. Semaphores in μC/OS-II • Semaphores can be used by tasks and ISRs • With the exception of OSSemPend()(task only) • Semaphore is created using OS_EVENT* s = OSSemCreate(value); • Semaphore is not assigned a priority (use carefully to avoid deadlock!) • value is the initial value of s

  42. Semaphores in μC/OS-II • Tasks can acquire one unit of semaphore s using OSSemPend(s, timeout, &err); • If the value of s > 0, the semaphore is decremented and task continues • If the value of s = 0, the task is suspended • Several tasks may be blocked on the same semaphore • They will be released according to their priority (highest first) • If timeout > 0 and s was not granted before that, an error is returned • &err is a pointer to an integer where the error code is returned

  43. Semaphores in μC/OS-II • Tasks can release semaphore s using OSSemPost(s); • If there is any other task waiting for s, that task is made ready and the scheduler is invoked

  44. Example: implementing periodic tasks • Periodic task τi is specified by: • priority i, phasing φi , period Ti • Standard μC/OS-II does not support periodic tasks • These are added by the RELTEQ extension

  45. Periodic task implementation • void Task(void (*f)(void)) { • ... • while (true) { • OSTaskWaitPeriod(); • f(); • } • } • void OSTimeTick(void) { • ... • if (* Task_i period expired *) { • (* signal Task_i *) • } • ... • } • void main(void) { • ... • OSTaskCreatePeriodic(fi, Ti, • φi, s, i); • ... • } ✓ • Two options: • Create a new task context upon each job arrival • Create a task context once, and let jobs be the iterations of a while loop.

  46. Periodic task implementation • void Task(void (*f)(void)) { • intk = 0; • while (true) { • now = OSTimeGet(); • OSTimeDly(φi + k∗Ti - now); • f(); • k = k + 1; • } • } • void OSTimeTick(void) { • ... • if (* Task_i period expired *) { • (* signal Task_i *) • } • ... • } • void main(void) { • ... • OSTaskCreatePeriodic(fi, Ti, • φi, s, i); • ... • } • void Task(void (*f)(void)) { • ... • while (true) { • OSTaskWaitPeriod(); • f(); • } • } • void OSTimeTick(void) { • ... • if (* Task_i period expired *) { • (* signal Task_i *) • } • ... • } • void main(void) { • ... • OSTaskCreatePeriodic(fi, Ti, • φi, s, i); • ... • } • Synchronize loop iterations using OSTimeDly() • Suffers from large jitter • Due to interference between OSTimeGet() and OSTimeDly()

  47. Periodic task implementation • OS_EVENT* Task1Sem; • void Task(void (*f)(void)) { • INT8U err; • while (true) { • OSSemPend(Task1Sem, 0, &err); • f(); • } • } • void OSTimeTick(void) { • ... • if (* Task1 period expired *) { • OSSemPost(Task1Sem); • } • ... • } • void main(void) { • ... • Task1Sem = OSSemCreate(0); • ... • } • void Task(void (*f)(void)) { • ... • while (true) { • OSTaskWaitPeriod(); • f(); • } • } • void OSTimeTick(void) { • ... • if (* Task_i period expired *) { • (* signal Task_i *) • } • ... • } • void main(void) { • ... • OSTaskCreatePeriodic(fi, Ti, • φi, s, i); • ... • } Synchronize loop iterations using semaphores

  48. References • Recommended reading: • [Burns] Ch. 5.1-5.4, 11.8, 11.9 • Mike Jones, “What really happened on Mars?”, 1997 • http://research.microsoft.com/~mbj/mars_pathfinder/mars_pathfinder.html • T. Baker, “Stack-based scheduling for realtime processes”, Journal of Real-Time Systems, vol 3, 1991

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