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Contact Center Mobility

Explore how CosmoCom’s all-IP contact center platform empowers enterprises to optimize communication with customers, enhancing reach and responsiveness while reducing costs. Understand key market drivers, solution enablers, and examples for customer care strategies in a mobile environment.

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Contact Center Mobility

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  1. Contact Center Mobility Ben EisnerPresident CosmoCom Americas

  2. Empowering the Reachable Enterprise • CosmoCom provides a leading all-IP, multi-tenant, inbound/outbound contact center platform • Our mission is to optimize communication between organizations and their customers. • Our contact center systems are making enterprises more reachable & responsive, improving the customer experience, and reducing costs for companies on every continent.

  3. Contact Center Mobility • Intersecting Trends • Increasing customer expectations • Expanding communications channels • Distributed mobile workforce. • Emerging drivers for customer care strategies • Care Providers • Care Consumers • Architectural and functional requirements of connecting with mobile informal care-givers. • Conceptual vertical industry use cases

  4. Outline • Market Drivers • Solution Enablers • Solution Examples

  5. Four Key Market Drivers • Customer Care by the Enterprise • Customer Care by the Market • Prospect Care by Everyone • Everyone is Mobile

  6. Customer Care by the Enterprise • “The company is the contact center” • customer care by information workers • often mobile • Cost and effectiveness objectives • contain formal agent costs • provide faster, better resolution • Hurdles: mobile informal agent empowerment  work flow • availability, quality, cost-effectiveness

  7. Customer Care by the Market • “The market is the contact center” • customer care by expert enthusiasts • often mobile • Cost and effectiveness objectives • decrease formal agent costs • provide faster, better resolution • Hurdles: mobile informal agent empowerment  work flow • availability, quality, cost-effectiveness

  8. Prospect Care by Everyone • “Everyone is the contact center” • prospect care by sales force or enthusiasts • often mobile • Revenue-based objectives • increase return on marketing investment • increase sales force productivity • Hurdles: mobile informal agent empowerment  work flow • (availability, quality and cost-effectiveness)

  9. Contact center communication support • Intelligent routing – skills and presence • Detailed caller info with call • Inquiry and transaction enablement of agent • Management Tools • Tracking • Reporting • QA • With mobility: none of the above

  10. Mobility data depend on region, vertical, size, worker category • Informal care agents are typically mobile: information workers, sales associates, and expert enthusiasts are not predictably fixed Everyone is Mobile IDC 209883E, March 2008

  11. Outline • Market Drivers • Solution Enablers • Solution Examples

  12. Four Key Solution Enablers • Consolidation 2.0 • Next Gen Wired WANs • Next Gen Wireless WANs • Empowerment of mobile informal agents

  13. Consolidation 2.0 • One contact center platform that consolidates . . . • Functions • Channels • Agents • Applications

  14. Next Gen WANs • Next Gen Wired WANs • global MPLS WANs with PSTN gateways • routinely available through global comms • Next Gen Wireless WANs • 2G voice plus GPRS/EDGE/3G data • 3G not yet pervasive

  15. Informal agents on the Go! • SmartPhone Agent • 2G TDM voice • GPRS/EDGE/3G IP data • Full Call Center CTI features • Switched voice and IP presence-aware • Fixed formal agent empowerment in pocket of mobile informal agent Contact Ctr Environment Site 1 Site n BackOffice

  16. Outline • Market Drivers • Solution Enablers • Solution Examples

  17. Example Use Cases

  18. Solution Examples • A Dramatization • Business Case & ROI Considerations

  19. Video Automobile DealershipProspect Care by Mobile Sales

  20. Message of the Video: Dual Benefits • Responsive VIP Care by Mobile Sales • fixed formal agent empowerment in pocket of mobile sales associate • prospects highly satisfied, retained, buy • Enterprise Ownership and Control • prospect/customer ownership managed & maintained • data doesn’t go with the employees’ mobile phones • tracking and reporting enables management & rewarding performance • real-time and post-call supervisor review aids training and QA

  21. Solution Examples • A Dramatization • Business Case & ROI Considerations

  22. Four Major Pain Points: • low prospect retention • low return on marketing investment • low sales force productivity • unresponsive mobile sales U.S. Auto Dealership Market Factoids • 21,000 stores, $675B revenue • Employ 700,000 people, including 230,000 sales associates • 20% of all retail sales • 25% of all state government revenue • 59% new, 29% used, 12% service and parts • Publicly held represent < 10% market share • 100M inbound calls, 500M outbound calls • $10B spend for Dealer Management Systems, Customer Relation Management solutions • $8B spend for marketing • 80% of purchases begin on-line, but only 12% of ad budget

  23. Example: CarCountryWorld15 regional groups, 257 dealerships, 37 car brands Objective: increase prospect call volume, retention, and closure

  24. VIP treatment increases Prospect • volume • retention • closure • Company oversight increases • revenue • profit • ROMI • sales force produc-tivity ROI

  25. Contact center communication support • Intelligent routing – skills and presence • Detailed caller info with call • Inquiry and transaction enablement of agent • Management Tools • Tracking • Reporting • QA • With mobility: all of the above none

  26. Contact Center Mobility Thank you from CosmoCom

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