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Self-pleasuring is a natural, healthy part of being a man. But a desensitized male organ from ‘death grip’ self-pleasuring is a quite common problem that many men struggle to overcome.
Desensitized Male Organ? It Might be the ‘Death Grip’ By John Dugan
Self-pleasuring is a natural, healthy and fun part of being a man. Physical release can not only contribute to physical health, but can also help a man keep his emotional and mental health on an even keel. In fact, regular self-play is an integral part of excellent manhood care. But for some men, this very natural act can lead to a desensitized male organ. Why would this be? If self-pleasuring is so good for a man, how could it possibly lead to losing the wonderful sensations he experiences in his manhood during the act? The answer is usually ‘death grip’ syndrome. www.man1health.com
What is ‘death grip’ syndrome? Over time, a man figures out what feels really good. For some, this means a strong grip around the manhood during self-pleasuring, as well as very firm motions and perhaps even a fast speed. The grip is tight with a lot of pressure, often using no lube, and moving quickly – at a speed that a partner simply couldn’t match. This ‘death grip’ can lead to damage to the nerves of the manhood. The result is a desensitized male organ. In addition, a man might find that when he does engage in intimate play with a partner, he has difficulty reaching a peak. This might be due to the desensitized male organ, or it might be because a man has become so reliant on a particular method – the ‘death grip’ – that the feel of a partner’s body doesn’t excite him as much as it should. www.man1health.com
Keep in mind that the ‘death grip’ is not mentioned in any medical literature; the only evidence of the problem is anecdotal. However, it is such a problem for men that there are whole websites devoted to how to solve the problem. www.man1health.com
How to stop using the ‘death grip’ For most men, the only true solution to the ‘death grip’ self-pleasuring technique is rewiring what the body needs. It begins with ceasing all solo play for at least one week. For some men this might sound like torture, but the desensitized male organ needs time to heal. In addition, a man needs an opportunity to consider other ways of self-pleasuring that might be just as enjoyable. After one week, a man can consider solo pleasure again, but only once during that second week. Again, this might seem like torture, but it really is a means to an end. After one week of no self-pleasuring, a man might notice that he is much more sensitive than usual. During that second week, he should make sure to try different solo techniques – anything other than the ‘death grip.’ www.man1health.com
In addition, a man should use lube during self-pleasuring. This can lead to a much softer grip, which will help the nerve ending rejuvenate and become as sensitive as they are supposed to be. He should also take his time. One of the issues that lead to ‘death grip’ is often lack of time – a man wants to get off, and so he does it very quickly. But by carving out time for solo play and enjoying the fun, a man might be able to back off the need for such a tight grip and fast process. A man who simply can’t stop using such as tight grip can turn to personal toys to help. Look for a toy that mimics the feeling of coupling with a partner, and make a point of using only the toy, not the hand, during self-pleasuring. That might help a man get off without a grip that threatens to desensitize the manhood.
A desensitized male organ needs special attention. One of the ways to provide this is through application of a specially formulated member health crème(health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that contains acetyl-L carnitine, an amino acid that does an excellent job of preventing nerve damage, as well as pantothenic acid (also known as vitamin B5), which promotes healthy cellular function. Combine these ingredients with other healthy vitamins in a Shea butter or vitamin E base and that’s a winning crème that will help a man in his pursuit for a more sensitive manhood.