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Fertility Problems and Electronics Use: Is Your Laptop Making You Sterile?

With the widespread use of electronics these days, concerns about the potential health risks are increasing. One important issue is the potential for fertility problems related to laptop use, especially in men.

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Fertility Problems and Electronics Use: Is Your Laptop Making You Sterile?

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  1. Fertility Problems and Electronics Use: Is Your Laptop Making You Sterile? By John Dugan

  2. When a guy thinks about keeping an eye on his male organ health, he usually concentrates on the basics, such as paying attention to washing his manhood regularly, checking for signs of dry skin or infections, wearing clothing that isn’t too constricting and the like. All of that is important. But sometimes things that can potentially affect male organ health may not be so obvious. One such issue has been in the news in recent years: the possible effects that electronics can have on male organ health, especially where fertility is concerned. With the rise in popularity of personal consumer electronics, this is something that worries a lot of men. Is there a reason to be worried? www.man1health.com

  3. The issue Worries about modern electronics and their impact on fertility have been around for a long time. For example, when microwave ovens first became popular, there were many people who warned that men should stay away from them, as the “leaking” microwaves might “cook” their reproductive tissue, rendering it useless and possibly causing a man to become sterile. This belief has since died down, although many still worry about the effects that microwaved food may have on fertility. www.man1health.com

  4. So it’s no wonder that as computers and cell phones have become ubiquitous that there would be questions about their safety to people’s health – including what impact there might be on a dude’s fertility. Because so many men keep their cell phones in their front pockets, where they are in close proximity to the male organ, this question has become more important. And now with laptops, which as the name implies tend to rest directly on the lap and therefore on top of the manhood, the question has become even more urgent. www.man1health.com

  5. Cell phones In recent years, studies have indicated a significant decrease in male fertility in Western countries, with one study finding seed concentrations having shrunk by half between 1973 and 2011. Several studies have looked at whether the rise of cell phone use could be a contributing factor to this issue, including a 2014 study from the Central European Journal of Urology. This study took reproductive fluid samples from 32 healthy men and then divided each sample into an A group and a B group. The group B samples were exposed to a cell phone in standby mode for 5 hours. When compared, the B group had greater DNA fragmentation and a decrease in fertility. www.man1health.com

  6. Laptops Another study, this one from Fertility and Sterility, was similar to the cell phone study mentioned above. Reproductive fluid samples were taken from 29 healthy men and divided into A and B groups, with one group exposed to Wi-Fi for four hours. The results were similar to the earlier study, with greater DNA fragmentation and a decrease in seed motility for the Wi-Fi-exposed group. www.man1health.com

  7. Not conclusive Neither study is conclusive, and there are flaws with both. For example, there may be a difference between the ways that reproductive fluid reacts to cell phone or Wi-Fi exposure in the male organ as opposed to post-emission in a dish. Still, the early data does suggest that there could be a link between electronics and fertility. With that in mind, men may want to take steps to limit their exposure to these instruments. Carrying a cell phone in a backpack or in a back pocket may help; setting a laptop on a desk or table rather than on the lap may also be beneficial. www.man1health.com

  8. Male organ health extends beyond seed quality, of course, so men need to daily apply a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For best results, the crème should include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which can fight damaging oxidative stress. If the crème also boasts L-carnitine, a man will receive extra protection against loss of sensation in the member due to rough handling. www.man1health.com

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