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An itchy male organ rears its head at the most unwanted and public times, so keeping it at bay is necessary. When scabies are the cause, doctor involvement becomes a necessity as well.
Itchy Male Organ: What Are Scabies Anyway? By John Dugan
An itchy male organ can be an occasional annoyance, requiring a discreet scratch every now and then, or it can be more aggressive, keeping a guy’s hands on his member constantly and requiring medical attention to address it. One of the more annoying and persistent causes of an itchy male organ is the presence of scabies, and guys concerned about male organ health definitely will want to know more about them. What are they? Where do they come from? And most importantly, how does a guy get rid of them? www.man1health.com
What are scabies? Many people confuse scabies and midsection lice, but they are actually two different things. Midsection lice (also called crabs) are tiny parasites (usually smaller than 2 mm) that look somewhat like crabs. Scabies, on the other hand, is actually the name of the condition caused by a mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) – but people generally refer to the mites themselves as scabies. They are smaller than lice, less than 1 mm, and tend to have a body with two parts to it – although they’re so small it’s hard to get a good look at them. www.man1health.com
Although mites of both genders may be found on a person, it’s only the female mite that causes scabies. The female likes to dig into a person’s skin, go down a layer or so, and then lay her eggs. The presence of the mites causes an allergic reaction, which almost always brings forth a rash and is also characterized by extreme itching. Scratching them can cause them to become sore or infected, or to crust over. Occasionally the mites’ burrowing may leave tiny lines on the skin. The first time a person gets scabies, it may not occur until quite some time after the mites have appeared, usually taking two to six weeks for the rash and itching to start. But after that first time, if a person gets scabies again, it can appear much earlier, often in 24 hours or so. www.man1health.com
Where do they come from? So just how does a guy get these little pests, especially on his treasured manhood? Scabies are almost always passed on from one person to another through direct skin-to-skin contact. And typically it takes an extended period of contact for them to leap from one body to another. So if a guy with scabies was in a crowded locker room and his member accidentally brushed against another guy, there’d be little chance of passing on scabies. It’s more likely to happen when he’s in bed with a partner. All that prolonged midsection contact could lead to an itchy male organ. (Scabies are not always limited to the manhood area, of course. They could be passed on during coupling from torsos rubbing against each other, or from leg-to-leg contact, for example.) Scabies can be passed on through non-sensual contact as well, such as by using the towels, clothing, etc. of an infected person. www.man1health.com
How to get rid of them If a guy suspects he has scabies, he should see a doctor promptly to confirm (or disprove) his self-diagnosis. If scabies are present, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medication. (No approved over-the-counter treatments are available.) The medication is typically in the form of a lotion or cream. Usually, if one member of a household has scabies it is recommended that the other members also get treatment.
An itchy male organ, whether caused by scabies or other reasons, can be a major pain. Regular use of a first rate male organ health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help alleviate some of the itching, especially from more common causes. Be sure the crème contains both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), as keeping the skin well moisturized helps reduce itching. The best crème will also contain alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and helps manhood skin retain its health.