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Male Organ Anatomy Mix-and-Match – How Well Do Guys Know

As well as most men know their own equipment, very few are aware of the anatomical details of the male organ. Knowing the parts of the male organ can help men understand how it functions and why proper care is important.

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Male Organ Anatomy Mix-and-Match – How Well Do Guys Know

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  1. Male Organ Anatomy Mix-and-Match – How Well Do Guys Know Their Equipment? By John Dugan

  2. Head, shaft and balls: These might be the three male organ anatomy terms that almost every guy knows. But the male organ is more complex than this, and knowing what the various parts are and how they work together can help men to understand male function and make better decisions when it comes to male organ care. Besides, who wouldn’t want to be the only guy around that can rattle off little-known facts about the male organ anatomy? Guys can start out here by testing their knowledge of each of these structures. The corresponding descriptions are provided below, along with an answer key at the end. www.man1health.com

  3. The Terms 1. Corpus cavernosum 2. Corpus spongiosum 3. Cowper's gland 4. Ductus deferens 5. Epididymis 6. Head 7. Prostate 8. Seminal Vesicle 9. Urethra 10. Frenulum www.man1health.com

  4. The Descriptions A. For most men, this is the most sensitive part of the male organ. Unfortunately, it's also the area that tends to become chapped and dry, particularly in men who have been cut. B. This tube runs right up the center of the male organ, and it's responsible for transporting urine out of the body. During a sensual episode, this pathway is diverted to allow male fluid to leave the body, instead. C. There are two of these glands, and they sit close to the prostate. When penetration is forthcoming, they secrete a fluid that's smooth and slippery that coats the head of the male organ, allowing for easier access. www.man1health.com

  5. D. This small fold of skin holds a significant number of sensory cells, and it can provide intense pleasure during intimate contact. This tissue is also sometimes removed, often at birth. E. There's only one of these glands, and it produces a significant amount of fluid that helps to nourish and support seed cells as they prepare to be released from a man's body during emission. This gland can also continue to grow throughout a man's life, and when it becomes overly enlarged, it may block the smooth movement of urine out of the body. F. This column runs right up the center of the male organ. It contains a stiff, fibrous tissue that is partly responsible for giving the male organ its firmness and shape during an tumescence, making penetration possible. www.man1health.com

  6. G. This coil-like structure is a sort of holding reservoir for unreleased seed cells. When they enter this area, they are not quite mature, and they can't swim yet. By the time these cells are released, they will have developed the whipping tail motion that allows smooth movement into an egg cell. H. These long, cylindrical tubes run up the sides of the male organ, and they fill with blood during an tumescence. Without them, an tumescence would not be possible. Once blood leaves these tubes (whether on emission or otherwise), the manhood returns to its normal resting state. www.man1health.com

  7. I. These very small tubes are essential in the emission process, as they make up the vessels that seed move through when they are ready to exit the body. J. These two sacks, located right above the prostate gland, hold immature seed cells. Answer Key 1. H. , 2. F , 3. C 4. I , 5. G , 6. A 7. E, 8. J, 9. B 10. D www.man1health.com

  8. Applying that Knowledge Understanding what the male organ is made of and what all the structures are called can make talking with a doctor easier when problems occur. On the other hand, men who want to stay out of the doctor's office altogether may need to do a little more in terms of preventive care. A male organ vitamin crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is applied on a regular basis can help in this respect, nourishing all of the tissues that make up the manhood, as well as supporting skin that covers that vital tissue. Taking this extra step in terms of personal care could help men to stay both healthy and functional for many years to come. www.man1health.com

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