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Busy lovers have so much to do that they often don’t have enough time for each other. Following some basic tips can help to put more sensual activity back into busy lives, as well as provide better manhood health.
Manhood Health Sensual Tips for Busy Lovers By John Dugan
Text the boss. Answer emails. Pick up the kids. Buy groceries. Pay bills. People today are busier than they’ve ever been – arguably, too busy. Certainly when couples find themselves too busy for sensual activity, something has to give. Assuming a guy has maintained proper male organ care and the issue is availability rather than ability, men (and their partners) may find these tips quite valuable. www.man1health.com
Start the day right Most guys assume this means getting in a quick one before work – and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But most busy couples feel a little too time-pressed for that. Instead, couples need to make some time just to be together. An ideal way is to set the alarm for, say, five minutes earlier than usual. When the alarm goes off, just wrap arms around each other and cuddle up for a few minutes. A little nuzzling and kissing is good, but it’s more about just being together. www.man1health.com
Get clean together After a few days of cuddling in the mornings, set the alarm 10 minutes earlier every so often and take a shower together as well. Again, this doesn’t have to include actual sensual activity – although it’s fine if it does. But it’s more about being bare together, running hands along each other’s bodies. Sure, it may mean that someone – especially the guy – may get excited and feel a little frustrated if there’s no time to act on that excitement. But it may also make a couple more committed to setting aside time when they can fulfill each other. www.man1health.com
Keep it up during the day Even if there’s been no time to plan for sensual activity, keep reminding the partner of how much they matter. Playful (or suggestive) little texts, an email with a link to something that interests them, a quick phone call – all this can help keep both parties feeling connected and anxious to share themselves more fully. www.man1health.com
Schedule it Sure, making an appointment for sensual activity seems not-so-sensual. But not having sensual activity at all is the ultimate not-so-sensual. The most basic of tips for busy people is to make an unbreakable date and time and to keep to it. It may mean getting the kids out of the house, skipping the gym, letting the boys have their night out on their own, turning the cell phone off – some kind of sacrifice needs to be made. But it is worth it.
Enjoy it This may seem unnecessary, but a surprising number of busy lovers put so much pressure on actually getting to have sensual activity that they don’t enjoy it when they do. Make the evening relaxed and fun. Don’t worry about whether there will be a sensual release – or even necessarily if there will be penetration. Let the night be about getting back in touch with someone important and exploring their physical and emotional self. Go in without expectations and enjoy whatever comes along in whatever form.
Another of the more popular sensual tips for men, busy or not: Be sure the member is in good health. Regular application of a top notch male organ health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is perfect for this. When choosing a crème, see if its ingredients include a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. Good antioxidants pack a punch that debilitates free radicals, knocking them out before they can create the oxidative stress that makes manhood skin look aged and unhealthy. The crème should also include pantothenic acid, aka vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid is crucial for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy male organ tissue.