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Pleasure with a Sore Manhood: Some Helpful Hints

When a guy has a sore manhood, he really should avoid intimacy until it feels better. But too often men sacrifice their sore manhood for a shot at more play.

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Pleasure with a Sore Manhood: Some Helpful Hints

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  1. Pleasure with a Sore Manhood: Some Helpful Hints By John Dugan

  2. One of the major drawbacks to a sore manhood is that it can get in the way of his bedroom encounters. After all, when a guy’s member is tender and easily pained, engaging in the vigorous exercise that is part and parcel of a good sensual encounter may make it ache even more. But with the right approach to manhood care, men with a moderately sore organ don’t have to walk away from a potential encounter. Here’s how: www.man1health.com

  3. Opt for oral. • With a really sore manhood, any kind of play is going to create some pain, along with the pleasurable sensations. However, penetration and manual stimulation (by oneself or by a partner) tend to create more friction than oral (assuming that the person performing the oral is careful to keep their teeth from scraping against the manhood). Suggesting oral as the method of inducing pleasure can make the experience much more engaging for the male with a tender appendage. www.man1health.com

  4. Make preparations. • If penetration is definitely on the menu, the male will want to make sure that his partner is solidly prepared for the insertion of the manhood. Engaging in extended cuddling will help the woman’s natural lubricants to flow more freely, making it easier to insert the manhood and also cut down on excess friction during penetration. • Bring on the lube. • A man with a sore manhood shouldn’t leave it all up to his partner to make sure all parts are well lubricated – and especially if backdoor play is on the menu. Using plenty of lubricant is essential as well. www.man1health.com

  5. However, a guy should be a bit careful in selecting the appropriate lube. Many products try to entice buyers by adding ingredients, such as fragrances or aromas. Manhoods with very sensitive skin – especially those which are especially sore – may react negatively to such ingredients. • Avoid toys (for him). • Adult toys can be a brilliant addition to a couple’s sensual repertoire, and many a man has found that using a cock ring or a vibrator adds to his orgasmic sensations. When sore, however, it’s advisable to avoid male adult toy use. www.man1health.com

  6. On the other hand, this may be an excellent time to increase the use of the adult toys for the partner, in order to help start natural lubricants flowing. • Be okay with stopping. • Some men feel that once they get started, they are committed to finishing. But if a guy finds that roughhousing is causing his sore manhood to hurt too much, he owes it to himself to stop. After explaining why he needs to pull out, he can still continue to pleasure his partner orally or manually. www.man1health.com

  7. When possible, a man should avoid physical play with a sore manhood; in most cases, just letting the manhood rest for a day or so gets it back into good shape. It also is beneficial to regularly apply a first class manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). When the manhood is sore, the skin is raw and needs to be soothed and re-moisturized. Use of a crème that sports a combination of hydrators (such as natural shea butter and vitamin E) can supply the “moisture lock” that the manhood so desperately needs in this situation. Ideally, the crème should also include vitamin B5. Also known as pantothenic acid, this vitamin boosts male organ cell metabolism and helps to keep male organ tissues healthy and refreshed.

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