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The degree of male organ sensitivity can play a huge role in determining just how enjoyable sensual experiences can be for a man. Some vitamins have abilities that help protect this sensitivity.
Preserve Male Organ Sensitivity with Vitamins By John Dugan
Male organ sensitivity is something many men take for granted. They assume their favorite appendage is always going to respond favorably and immediately to a little rubbing and fondling and that they will always experience the same earth-shattering sensations they always have during sensual activity. Yet the man who practices careful member care knows not to take things for granted and takes steps to ensure continued male organ sensitivity at the appropriate level. One method he should use is getting a proper dose of vitamins. www.man1health.com
Not metaphorical We aren’t talking metaphorically when we say a proper dose of vitamins; it’s not an indirect way of promoting tumescence enhancers but a direct call for specific vitamins to protect male organ sensitivity. But why does sensitivity need protecting? Because studies have shown that member sensitivity does diminish over time in many men, which impacts their enjoyment of sensual experiences. This decrease in enjoyment may be accompanied by a decrease in sensual activity; sometimes, if the diminishment in sensitivity is severe, it may lead a man to feel depressed. So maintaining a proper level of sensitivity is important. www.man1health.com
Why a loss? There are numerous reasons why a man’s member may experience less sensation over time: - Rough handling. This may be the most common reason: the member is handled in such a way that sensitive nerve endings are damaged. If this happens often enough, or if the damage results from a significant trauma, the nerve endings simply don’t pick up the signals as well as they used to. Sometimes the nerves themselves are perfectly fine, but the rough handling results in tiny tears in the manhood tissue. When these repair themselves, a thin layer of scar tissue forms, and it may be this scar tissue that prevents the nerve endings from receiving “pleasure” signals as strongly as they did before. www.man1health.com
The rough handling can come from sensual activity, whether partner-based or solo. Many men who self-stimulate, especially those who do so for extended periods of time, may use too tight a grip on the member, which can easily result in manhood nerve damage. Sometimes sensitivity is lost when the “rough handling” is due to the manhood rubbing against fabric which is too coarse or rough. - Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease, a condition in which the member is bent at an extreme angle, is often accompanied by loss of male organ sensitivity. This is often due to scar tissue build-up, which is common in Peyronie’s disease. www.man1health.com
- Medications. Some medications (including some used for treating diabetes and multiple sclerosis) may result in some damage to nerve endings in the male organ. - Male hormone. Low levels of male hormone are also associated with a diminishment of feeling in the member in some men, although the reasons for this are unclear.
Vitamins Studies have shown that some vitamins help deal with male organ sensitivity issues. - Vitamin C is important in the production of collagen, which influences manhood tissue firmness. This in turn makes it less prone to damage. - Vitamin D, the “miracle vitamin,” helps to boost manhood cell metabolism and keep male organ cells healthier and therefore better able to resist rough handling.
- Vitamin E is a natural hydrating agent. When male organ skin is kept well moisturized, it is more elastic and flexible. This suppleness protects against friction and prevents accumulation of unwanted toughness in the skin layers.
Vitamins can help protect male organ sensitivity, but how to make sure they get directly to the member? One way is to apply a top notch manhood health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) directly to the manhood. Search for a crème that contains all the necessary vitamins – C, D and E. For best results, the crème should also include acetyl L carnitine, an amino acid that has been shown to protect against the peripheral nerve damage that can lead to decreased male organ sensitivity.