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Sensual Tip - A Clean Male Organ to Get Down and Dirty

Here's a basic sensual tip that makes a difference: Taking the time to achieve a clean male organ can be worthwhile for any man seeking to impress a partner.

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Sensual Tip - A Clean Male Organ to Get Down and Dirty

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  1. Sensual Tip: A Clean Male Organ to Get Down and Dirty By John Dugan

  2. Getting down and dirty is a lot of fun for any man, but to do so he definitely needs to carry around a clean male organ. A sensual tip that is basic but most definitely important is simply this: An unclean member is not going to get the rate of action to keep a man happy. And why should it? No partner wants to be intimate with a tool that reeks or is clearly not receiving adequate and attentive male organ care. Taking heed these hygiene tips is definitely advised. www.man1health.com

  3. Underwear is under-care. Hopefully any adult male reading this already realizes that changing into clean underwear daily is essential. Changing more than once a day is recommended if one engages in activity that creates a lot of perspiration down below. In addition, wear cotton undergarments that "breathe" and keep things a bit cooler down there. Sweaty undergear creates a bacterial situation that encourages strong and unpleasant odor, as well as causing damage to the delicate male organ skin. • Outerwear is also under-care. When a guy has a rocking bod, he faces a dilemma: Does he wear a pair of skin-tight jeans that shows off his muscular thighs and his firm rear but that will cause more sweat in the male equipment department? It's a personal decision, but if opting for tightness, a man needs to take extra precautions to battle the odor and skin issues that may result. www.man1health.com

  4. Air things out. Every once in a while, it's good for a guy to let everything hang out. Walking around the home unclothed allows Nature's air conditioning to disperse excess odors and sweat. Guys who are in a position to regularly expose their members and sac to the air in the privacy of their own home should do so. • Do spot checks. A clean male organ is generally a healthy male organ, but sometimes a guy needs to do a little extra checking. Taking the time to carefully examine the package on a regular basis (including using a mirror to look at the underside of the shaft and the sac) helps to identify any spots, splotches, bumps, etc. that might otherwise be missed. www.man1health.com

  5. Wash, of course. Like the rest of the body, the member needs to be washed regularly – something which all the men reading this piece are hopefully already doing. However, simply washing may not be enough. Because the skin on the tool is so sensitive, it's important that the soap one uses is appropriately mild. Rough cleansers or soaps with perfumes and chemicals can cause dermatological reactions, such as rashes, splotches, dryness, flakiness, etc. – and those can be a big turn-off to a partner (especially where oral sensual activity is concerned). Finding a soap that cleans without irritating is essential. www.man1health.com

  6. And dry, too. After washing, a guy needs to make sure he dries off well. Using a soft towel helps to avoid skin irritation. Drying thoroughly and all over the package, including where the sac meets the midsection, the posterior and the legs, helps to prevent issues like jock itch from developing. www.man1health.com

  7. Go for crème. Even a man who practices good hygiene may find that his clean male organ is not looking as good as it should. This is where another important sensual tip comes in handy: Men need to regularly use a superior male organ health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to really enhance their male organ health. First off, a crème with natural moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) and with an anti-bacterial ingredient such as vitamin A is positioned to fend away both common manhood skin issues and persistent member odors, two of the biggest complaints from many partners. But the benefits don't stop there. Man1 Man Oil also contains L-arginine, which boosts nitric oxide and therefor helps keep the all-important manhood blood vessels open, as well as vitamin C, which is an aid in collagen production and member tissue firmness. Rubbing in a good crème daily is an easy way to maintain the male organ health that all men – and their partners – desire. www.man1health.com

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