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The Firm Male Organ and Back Pain Best Coupling Positions

Back pain is an unwelcomed phenomenon, especially when one has a firm male organ that is anxious for action. Choosing the appropriate coupling position can help make intimacy with back pain more pleasurable.

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The Firm Male Organ and Back Pain Best Coupling Positions

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  1. The Firm Male Organ and Back Pain: Best Coupling Positions By John Dugan

  2. A firm male organ demands to be satisfied, as every man well knows; unfortunately, sometimes the rest of the body isn't cooperative. For example, sometimes back pain prevents a man from giving his firm male organ the kind of partner-based satisfaction that it craves. While adequate male organ health can address a number of sensual activity issues, men with back pain will have to take additional measures to get things going in the bedroom. www.man1health.com

  3. Back Pain • Many men experience back pain to varying degrees for a wide range of reasons. Sometimes the soreness results simply from using the muscles in the back, or a portion of the back, in a way that is unfamiliar. Other times there may be a more serious reason for the pain, such as a herniated disc. If a man experiences excruciating back pain, or if a low level of pain persists for an extended period of time, he should pay a visit to his physician to determine the cause and to see if any special treatment may be called for. www.man1health.com

  4. Coupling Positions • Partner-based sensual activity, as most men know, requires at least a minimum of full-body involvement. In many positions, the man is called upon to forcefully thrust his hips back and forth, an action which may be made difficult if his back is sore or stiff. Therefore, the gentleman whose back is giving him troubles may need to be careful in his choice of coupling positions. • Among the positions that he may wish to try are: www.man1health.com

  5. Doggy style. This is the preferred position for men suffering from back pain due to a herniated disc. This makes sense: Back pain tends to be worsened when there is too much range of motion in the lower back. The doggy style allows for the man to kneel while inserting his manhood, and he is then essentially forming a straight line from his knees to the top of his head. The hips will thrust during playtime, but the man's back will not be bent forward, limiting the range of motion required of his spine. Spooning. In this position, the man and woman lie on their sides, with the woman's back against the man's front. The knees are bent, which helps to lessen the arch in the man's back, and the member is inserted from behind. This position is best for people whose backs hurt most went extended (bent backward). It is probably the worst position, though, for men with a herniated disc. www.man1health.com

  6. Woman on top. For many men, placing the woman on top can ease back pain, especially if the male places a small pillow underneath his back. Modified missionary. Traditional missionary can place undue strain on the back; however, some men with a sore back find that raising themselves up on their elbows positions them in a way that significantly decreases the pain. Beyond choosing the appropriate coupling position, a man can also prepare himself by applying an ice pack to the sore area or having a nice, sensual massage in advance of engaging in physical activity. A warm shower (taken with one's partner) can be an especially nice way to loosen up the muscles. www.man1health.com

  7. Keeping one's firm male organ happy is every man's goal, sore back or no sore back. That's why men also need to pay greater attention to the general health of their tools and should regularly use a top-notch male organ health cream(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). When sifting through the available options, men should make sure that the chosen cream contains L-arginine. This ingredient helps in the production of nitric oxide, which in turn plays a key role in maintaining blood flow to the member. It's also advisable to find a cream that includes vitamin B5, an essential vitamin that provides a boost for manhood cell metabolism. www.man1health.com

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