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Dermatology Case 2: Non-Scaly Plaques

David, Hannah; David, Hazel; De Guzman, Jan; De Guzman, Raquel; De Leon, Gemma ; De Mesa, Monique & De Vera, Jestha. Dermatology Case 2: Non-Scaly Plaques. 27 y/o call center agent. NON- SCALY PLAQUES. Erysipelas Cellulitis Urticaria Erythema Multiforme Exfoliative Dermatitis

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Dermatology Case 2: Non-Scaly Plaques

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Presentation Transcript

  1. David, Hannah; David, Hazel; De Guzman, Jan; De Guzman, Raquel; De Leon, Gemma; De Mesa, Monique & De Vera, Jestha DermatologyCase 2: Non-Scaly Plaques

  2. 27 y/o call center agent

  3. NON- SCALY PLAQUES • Erysipelas • Cellulitis • Urticaria • ErythemaMultiforme • Exfoliative Dermatitis • Hansen’s Disease

  4. Differential Diagnosis

  5. Differential Diagnosis

  6. Differential Diagnosis

  7. Differential Diagnosis

  8. Erysipelas

  9. Cellulitis

  10. Differential Diagnosis

  11. Differential Diagnosis

  12. Differential Diagnosis

  13. Erythema Multiforme

  14. Urticaria

  15. Kelly’s part

  16. Differential Diagnosis

  17. Differential Diagnosis

  18. Differential Diagnosis

  19. Fixed Drug Eruption

  20. DIAGNOSIS: Fixed Drug Eruption

  21. Pathophysiology • exact mechanism is unknown • cell-mediated process that initiates both the active and quiescent lesions. • may involve an antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxic response. • CD8+ effector/memory T cells play an important role in reactivation of lesions with re-exposure to the offending drug.

  22. WORK- UPs

  23. Patch Test • relies on the principle of a type IV (delayed) hypersenstitivity reaction • must be performed on a previously involved site • comprises a series of small, aluminium wells containing various concentrations of the offending medication mounted on hypoallergenic tape

  24. Patch Test • standard occlusion time : 48 h • first reading: day 2 generally 15-30 min after patch removal • second reading: day 3 or 4 • Results are recorded using a standardized scoring system

  25. Oral Provocation check for cross-sensitivities to medications *A refractory period has been reported in fixed drug eruption; therefore, a delay before and between patch testing and oral provocation is recommended

  26. Skin Biopsy Diagnostic procedure of choice Generally performed during the acute stage of recurrence Interface dermatitis, vacuolar change, necrotic keratinocytes, and incontinent pigment in the dermis (X40). Acute interface dermatitis with prominent vacuolar change and individual necrotic keratinocytes within the epidermis (X10).

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