What Is Art? Essay Structure & Content
Yann Martel once said: “If we, citizens, do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination on the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams” (3). Similarly, Greek mythology describes the belief that the Muses inspire artists and poets, which were the celebrated art forms in those days. However, in today’s world, art has lost its meaning because so many people take it for granted. For these reasons, the best definition of art is a tool that expresses emotions and opinions that cannot be described any other way, and this description triggers empathy, understanding, and an escape from physical problems. Introduction Motivator: powerful/startling quotation. Allusion: mythological Transition Sentence: links previous details to thesis Thesis: presents essay’s central claim
However, the popular opinion of art holds that art can be anything beautiful as long as it inspires the audience to interpret it. For example, a chimpanzee in the U.S. intrigues art lovers with its fascinating abstract paintings, according to Britta Guerke in the article “Paintings by Animals Raise Questions about Nature of Art,” which states: “Those not in the know could easily confuse his works with abstract art by human painters, and start interpreting them” (1). Thus, even a chimp’s art can still be beautiful and interesting, since the humans interpreted the paintings as though they were interpreting real human art. Refutation: The Opposition Transition! Counter-claim Frame of Reference Evidence Commentary
But does beauty define art? Contrary to the idea that art is beauty without regard to the source of the beauty, true art must communicate with its audience, which is a human skill. In the article “Art and Sincerity,” Leo Tolstoy illustrates the importance of communication with his claim that art bonds humans through the unique sharing of feelings and ideas. Tolstoy elaborates by explaining, “art begins when one person, with the object of joining another or others to himself in one and the same feeling, expresses that feeling by certain external indications” (1). As a consequence, the artist must express an idea through art, just as painters of abstract art, like Jackson Pollock, use specific colors and techniques to create a certain feeling or idea, which is why the purpose of art boils down to the communication of feelings and ideas. Therefore, a piece of art by a human must meaningfully express an idea. . . . Refutation: The Rebuttal Transition! Claim: challenges the counter-claim Frame of Reference Evidence Commentary Restate an element of claim
Anotheraspect of art is that real art is art that has a great deal of effort, time and history behind it. For real art, artists must truly devote themselves to creating the best form of art they can; they must want and have a desire to connect with viewers and display their pasts and memories for others to relate to and to learn from. Consequently, the amount of love and thought put into the artwork will show and will determine the strength and meaning of the work. For instance, “as soon as the reader feels that the author is not writing, singing or playing for his own satisfaction--but is doing it for the receiver, a resistance immediately springs up, and the most individual and the newest feelings not only fail to produce any infection but actually repel” (Tolstoy 3). Just as Tolstoy claims, each individual who looks at a piece will come to know the artist through the amount of effort the artist gives; and that effortwill create a deeper appreciation for meaning in art. . . . Confirmation: Narration Link ideas with transitions! Restate claim Elaborate on specific aspect of claim Evidence Commentary
In addition, the emotion of the artist transfers to the viewer, which becomes the source of art’s power. Whenartists first perceive their work, the potential for power exists, but is not yet fulfilled. However, when art“causes the receiver to enter into a certain kind of relationship both with him who produced, or is producing, the art, and with all those who, simultaneously, previously, or subsequently, receive the same artistic impression” (Tolstoy ?) then the artist and the viewer of the art create a relationship. This relationshipprovides art with its emotional and intellectual power. . . . Confirmation: Cause and Effect Transition Elaborate on specific aspect of claim Frame of reference Evidence Commentary
Confirmation: Process Analysis Most importantly, art plays a major role in society. Because art incorporates society as a whole and connects people together in process that mimics the process art itself. Therefore, art becomes the power and strength of mankind, for it is the, “…one form of humanenergyin the whole world which really works for union, and removes the barriers between man and man” (Galsworthy 2). Therefore, art consolidates humanity, unites and refreshes beliefs and ideals, a process that reveals how art truly impacts all people, their humanity, and the world itself. . . .
In final analysis, art is the one and only true way to unify humanity. Throughthe chain reaction of emotions, individuals connect first with artists and then connect with each other. With this connection in mind, Leo Tolstoy writes: “Art begins when one person, with the object of joining another or others to himself in one and the same feeling, expresses that feeling by a certain external indications” (1). For these reasons, art revolutionizes individual ways of thinking, a process that reveals and celebrates the power of human diversity and emotion. Conclusion Transition What: restate claim How Allusion: Source Why