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Experience unparalleled orthopedic excellence at Manas Hospital, renowned as the best orthopedic hospital in Jaipur. Our commitment to delivering exceptional orthopedic care sets us apart, ensuring patients receive world-class treatment for a range of musculoskeletal conditions. Manas Hospital features a team of highly skilled orthopedic specialists who prioritize patient well-being. With cutting-edge medical technologies and advanced surgical interventions, we address various orthopedic issues, including joint disorders, fractures, sports injuries, and complex musculoskeletal conditions.
manashospitaljaipur@gmail.com +919799923231 Home AboutManas OurSpeciality Doctors Gallery Events BookAnAppointment ContactUs Emergency 24x7Available Pharmacy HospitalTime Hospital 91-9799923231 GeneralOPD Morning-9AM-2PMEvening-5PM-8PM WelcometoManasHospital Your Trusted OrthopaedicCare DestinationinJaipur Discover excellence in Orthopaedic healthcare at Manas Hospital, yourpremierchoicefor comprehensive OrthopaedicservicesinJaipur. Withalegacyof commitment topatient well-being and a dedicated team of orthopaedicspecialists,wehaveearned the reputationof beingthebestOrthopaedicHospitalin Jaipur Contactus MoreAboutUs OurDoctors MeetOurExpertDoctorsatManasHospital AtManasHospital,we’reproudtohaveateamofhighlyskilledandexperienceddoctorswhoarededicatedtoyourhealthandwell-being.Ourspecialistsbringawealthofknowledgeandexpertisetothetable,ensuringthatyoureceivethebestpossiblecareforyour Orthopaedicneeds.Trust in ourdoctors to provideyou with personalized, compassionate,andexpertcare at every step of yourjourney tobetter health.ThatreasonManasHospital is bestOrthopaedicHospital in Jaipur Dr.HemrajKhorwal Dr.VikasVerma Dr.MukeshAgarwal DrSatishGupta Dr.KavitaKhorwal CashlessServices AllCashlessTPA&InsuranceServiceAvailable
AayushmanBharatMahatmaGandhiMukhyamantriChiranjeeviSwasthya SwasthyaBimaYojana Bima Yojana Weareanauthorizedhealthcareprovider under the RajasthanGovernmentHealthSchemeMediAssistHealthcareTPA (RGHS) RakshaTPA MAHATMA GANDHI Our hospital participates in the Mukhyamantri WeproudlyoerourservicesundertheRajasthan Weareanauthorized healthcareprovider under the Weareanauthorizedhealthcareproviderunderthe AAYUSHMANBHARAT Raksha TPA ensuringaccesstoqualitycarefor eligiblebeneciaries. SWASTHYA BIMA YOJANA, ensuring access to Chiranjeevi Swasthya Bima Yojana, a healthcare Government Health Scheme (RGHS),ensuring MediAssistHealthcareTPA ensuringaccessto initiative dedicated to providing a ordable and cashless healthcaretobeneciaries. qualitycareforeligiblebeneciaries. accessiblemedicalservices. qualitycarefor eligiblebeneciaries. CashlessServices ManasCenterof Excellence TraumaandFractureTreatment KneeReplacement HipReplacement Orthopaedics, also known as orthopaedic surgery, is a medical specialty focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions and injuries a ecting the musculoskeletalsystem. Themusculoskeletalsystemincludesbones, joints, muscles,ligaments,tendons, andnervesthatprovidesupport,stability,and movementtothebody. Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure in which a damaged or worn-out knee joint is replaced with an arti cial joint. It is typically performed to relieve severe knee pain and improve mobility when other treatments havebeenineective. Hip replacement,alsoknown as hip arthroplasty,isa surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged or diseased hip joint with an arti cial joint (prosthesis). It isa common surgical intervention used to relieve pain, improve mobility, and enhancethequalityoflifefor individualswithseverehipconditions. MoreDepartments Events Manasat IndoAfricaTrade Expo2023in Kenya Gallery . Contactus
VisitGallery VisitEvents OurSuccessStories DomesticPatients PhuleriDevi ManasHospitalJaipur|Dr.HemrajKhorwal|slip disctreatment|backpain|कमरदद´´ Share She suffered from Slip Disc due to his whole day work as housewife. She was facing severe lower back pain and right leg pain. Initially, She ignored it, She changed his mattress, then She took medicine from the medical store after that she took Treatment from various hospiCtaolsntbaucttnuostfeel well. However, nothing worked, and her pain worsened even more as she was not able to sit. Her workinglifewashampered, HowdidSherecover? Despite taking medicines like painkillers and steroids from medical store, she was unable to get relief and her pains were constantly recurring. One day one of her family member suggested about Dr Hemraj Khorwal at Manas Hospital Jaipur. She visited theHospitalandmetwithDrHemrajKhorwalin2019.ShewasadvisedtoundergoanX-RayanduponthefindingsoftheX-Ray, ourexpertsdiagnosedthatshewassufferingfromL4L5Slipdisc.After4yearsoftreatment,sheiscompletelyfinenowandis doingallherdailyactivitiesverywell. Watchon Manas Hospitals are Best Orthopaedic Hospital in Jaipur aiming to deliver top- quality and individual-focused Healthcare services. With a team of experienced doctors and trained staff, advanced medical technology, and state-of- the-art infrastructure, Manas Hospitals provide holistic healthcare services not just to residents of cities, but also to people livinginremotelocations,withperseverance,dedicationandcompassion. He got his mother and wife treated at Manas Hospital. Mother had knee pain which was treated and his wife had fracturein righthandwhichwastreatedduringcovidnowbothmotherandwifearehealthyordoingdaily workwell
ManasHospitalJaipur|Fracture|Knee Treatment|Orthopaedic|जोड़ कादद´´|DrHemraj Khorwal Share Watchon InternationalPatients मानसहॉि5पटलमअÆका केेमरीजका हुुआसफलऑपरेेशन|Ilizarov अि5थरोगिवशेेषManashospital Share Howdidherecover? – I am from south African country Sierra Leonel. I was on a motorbike and felt accident-ed on December 16, 2022. firstly I was Treated in my country and it was not success so further I went to Ghana and there doctor say my bone was dead because of non-union. Ghanaian Doctor cut the bone and did plastic surgery and say take rest for six month that reason i was not satisfied thistreatmentsomyfamily doctorsuggestedmetogo indiaandgettreatmentsoI camehere Watchon WHATOTHERSSAY ABOUTMANAS? 5 star Patientreviewsareoftengivento ManasHospitalforthetreatment,Doctorsandother sta s,helpfulcustomersupportteam. Umashanker 2monthsago ptGaurihankarhospitalstaffbehaviourverynicehospitalfacility are goodDr behaviour andTreatment very good BheemaRam 2monthsago Pt..BHEEMARAMHOSPITALStaffbehaviourverygoodHospital facilityveryniceHospitalwardcleanandverygoodDrtreatment andbehaviourverCyogonotadctus RajkumarPareek 2monthsago Patient :-a goddessis seenVerynice hospitalverynice staff nice doctors & doctor hemraj khorwal sir ManasHospital 4.7 Basedon387reviews rreviiewuson Contactus QuickLink SocialLink Specialities AboutManas KneeReplacement manashospitaljaipur@gmail.com 0141-2358127,+919799923231 OurSpeciality HipReplacement OurDoctors Ilizarov D131,JagdambaNagar,Heerapura,Jaipur,RajasthanIndia302021 OurGallery Orthopaedic|Trauma Director HandSurgery Contactus SpineSurgery CashlessServices SportsInjury(ACL, PCL) PrivacyPolicy Arthroscopy Events RespiratoryMedicine Blogs GeneralMedicine Physiotherapy Gynecology and Obstetrics Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Urology ENT Neuro-Surgery ManasHospitaljaipur@2023AllRightsReserved.