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BONUS FOR THE BALTIC SEA SCIENCE - NETWORK OF FUNDING AGENCIES. On behalf of BONUS consortium: Andris Andrushaitis BONUS ERA-NET National Assistant Coordinator GEF/ICES Baltic Regional Project LME Assistant Coordinator. Wh y the B a l t ic ?. BALTIC SEA. 14 states in the drainage area
BONUS FOR THE BALTIC SEA SCIENCE - NETWORK OF FUNDING AGENCIES On behalf of BONUS consortium: Andris Andrushaitis BONUS ERA-NET National Assistant Coordinator GEF/ICES Baltic Regional Project LME Assistant Coordinator
BALTIC SEA • 14 states in the drainage area • EU internal sea – 90 % • long history of co-operation in • culture, economy, trading etc. • common environmental problems • algal blooms • toxic substances • overfishing etc. • long history of research • co-operation • ICES • joint international agreements • HELCOM (environment) • IBSFC (fisheries) • EU Water Framework Directive • Marine Research in ERA • CREST • ESFRI (infrastructure)
Research needs arising from science Driving forces Political instruments Government programmes HELCOM, IBSFC, IMO, EU Funding mechanisms Competed funding by Research Councils etc Annual budgets of ministries Implementing bodies Universities Governmental research institutes Scientists RESEARCH FUNDING Research needs arising from society National International environment environment policy policy Research Programmes
Research needs arising from science Driving forces Political instruments Government programmes HELCOM, IBSFC, IMO, EU Funding mechanisms Annual budgets of ministries Implementing bodies Universities Governmental research institutes Scientists NETWORKS Research needs arising from society National International environment environment policy policy International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Baltic Operational Observing System Competed funding by Research Councils etc
Research needs arising from science Driving forces Political instruments Government programmes HELCOM, IBSFC, IMO, EU Funding mechanisms Annual budgets of ministries Implementing bodies Universities Governmental research institutes Scientists NETWORKS Research needs arising from society National International environment environment policy policy Competed funding by Research Councils etc ICES, Baltic Marine Biologists, Baltic Oceanographers, Baltic Sea Geologists, EU-projects …... ICES,BOOS
Research needs arising from science Driving forces Political instruments Government programmes HELCOM, IBSFC, IMO, EU Funding mechanisms Annual budgets of ministries Implementing bodies Univesities Governmental research institutes Scientists NETWORKS Research needs arising from society National International environment environment policy policy Helsinki Commission, International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission, EU Competed funding by Research Councils etc ICES,BOOS ICES, BMB, CBO, BSG, EU-projects
Research needs arising from science Driving forces Political instruments Government programmes HELCOM, IBSFC, IMO, EU Funding mechanisms Annual budgets of ministries Implementing bodies Universities Governmental research institutes Scientists NETWORKS Research needs arising from society National International environment environment policy policy Baltic Universities BALTECH …... Competed funding by Research Councils etc HELCOM, IBSFC, EU ICES,BOOS ICES, BMB, CBO, BSG, EU-projects
Research needs arising from science Driving forces Political instruments Government programmes HELCOM, IBSFC, IMO, EU Funding mechanisms Annual budgets of ministries Implementing bodies Universities Governmental research institutes Scientists NETWORKS Research needs arising from society National International environment environment policy policy Lack of networks Poor integration Competed funding by Research Councils etc HELCOM, IBSFC, EU ICES,BOOS BUP, BALTECH... ICES, BMB, CBO, BSG, EU-projects
Research needs arising from science Driving forces Political instruments Government programmes HELCOM, IBSFC, IMO, EU Funding mechanisms Annual budgets of ministries BONUS Implementing bodies Universities Governmental research institutes Scientists NETWORKS Research needs arising from society National International environment environment policy policy Competed funding by Research Councils etc HELCOM, IBSFC, EU ICES,BOOS BUP, BALTECH... ICES, BMB, CBO, BSG, EU-projects
Bonus for the Baltic Sea ScienceNetwork of Funding Agencies ERA-NET, funding 3.03 million euros Objective • to form a network and partnership of key agencies funding research with the aim to deepen the understanding of conditions for science-based management of environmental issues in the Baltic Sea The aim is to gradually and systematically create conditions for a joint Baltic Sea research programme including • programme management • evaluation schemes • infrastructure • administration and legal issues • postgraduate training Time frame: 2004-2007
Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning Academy of Finland Forschungszentrum Juelich – Projekttraeger Juelich International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Estonian Science Foundation - Latvian Council of Science Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Scientific Research and InformationTechnology, Poland Danish Research Agency (Danish Natural Science Council) -
TASKS Academy of Finland Task: 4.1. Co-ordination office Task 1.2. Exchange visits of program managers Task 1.3. Providing a common directory of qualified evaluators Task 1.4. Introducing internet-based networking and communication tools Task 4.2. Forum of Programme Managers Task 4.3. Network Steering Committee Task 4.4. Advisory Board Task 4.5. Dissemination of results to European and international actors Task 4.6. Recruitment of new partners -
Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research Swedish Environmental Protection Agency TASKS Swedish Research Council for Environment, ........Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning Task 2.3. Development of a common evaluation scheme Task 2.2. Analysis of legal and administrative possibilities and barriers to funding transnational programmes -
Danish Research Agency (Danish Natural Science Council) TASKS Task 1.1. Exchange information on initiation, preparation, implementation and evaluation of research programmes -
TASKS Forschungszentrum Juelich – Projekttraeger Juelich Task 1.5. Inventory of marine research infrastructures Task 3.1. Proposal/position paper on common use of marine research infrastructure -
Ministry of Scientific Research and InformationTechnology, Poland TASKS Task 2.1. Identification of areas for co-operation in existing programmes and gaps -
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania TASKS Task 3.3. Development of a common postgraduate training scheme -
Latvian Council of Science TASKS Task 3.2. Action plan for creation of joint marine research programme -
Estonian Science Foundation TASKS Task 2.4. Durable integration of national marine research funding schemes in the New Member States into the ERA -
TASKS International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Baltic Sea Regional Project Task 2.5. Ideas for potential future transnational research schemes -
COOPERATION Russian Foundation for Basic Research -
OBSERVERS • Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Germany • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany • Estonian Ministry of Environment • Latvian Environmental Agency • Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation • Nordic Council of Ministers. Marine and Air Pollution Group
Added value created by BONUS • new collaboration between funding organisations • directs research to meet the needs arising from the society – Environmental problems of the Baltic Sea • integrates research funding with environmental policy → complements the work done by the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission • ensures high quality of research • encourages multinational research cooperation • funds from the EU 7th Framework Programme • ERA-NET Plus • Article 169
The problem of a ’Common Pot’ • the goal of the ERA-NET scheme is the opening of national programmes • the Commission is both pushing and attracting the Member States to go towards a common pot • ...”the more open your programme is, the more the Commission will support… • ...up to 50 % topping of your own research funds allocation if the programme is open…. otherwise some 10 % only…. • most of the BONUS partners have legal and administrative barriers which prevent the common pot • BONUS has to find means to take the advantage of all the flexibility that exists
Function Task Earmarking Appoint representative Agreement Decision Funding organisation Agree themes Call Communication strategy Evaluation Recommendation Appoint management Steering Committee Advisory Panel • scientists • policy experts Support Steering Committee Coordination Implementation decisions Implementation communication Programme Management Research Projects
FINAL REPORT Funding organisation Funding Decision Recommendation Ranking Call Final evaluation Steering Committee Decision on the report Advisory Panel EVALUATION National International Rating Annual report Programme Management Management Research Projects Application Projects Function Process Funding intention