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Svein Erik Moen and Olav R. Spilling. Path evolution: The case of a national programme for stimulating the development of regional clusters. NORSI course on «Innovation Systems, Clusters and Innovation Policy» .
Svein Erik Moen and Olav R. Spilling Path evolution: The case of a national programme for stimulating the development of regional clusters NORSI course on «Innovation Systems, Clusters and Innovation Policy»
Path evolution: The case of a national programme for stimulating the development of regional clusters Structure • Cluster programmes in Norway • The Arena Programme • Framework for analysing path evolution • Cases:1. Fish farming technology2. Health and welfare technology3. Information security technology • Classification of all Arena projects • Reflection around the role of the Arena Programme
Cluster programmes in Norway Norwegian Centres of Expertise (NCE) • Addressing clusters consisting of world class enterprises in their field. • 12 clusters representing well established and well performing networks of firms with a significant potential for further development The ARENA Programme • Addressing groups and networks of firms not yet developed as clusters, but with a potential to do so • Currently 28 projects operating, representing at variety of emerging cluster
Mostly based on well established industries, technology oriented, with a long history, but partly moving into new areas. • One addressing the tourism industry • Three projects addressing ‘new’ technological fields: • Instrumentation • Culinology • Energy Trading
The Arena Programme A business cluster programme which offers financial and advisory support for the organisations and strategic development of potential (regional) business clusters. • 70 projects have so far been supported (2002-2012) A variety of sectors and technologies: • Offshore, • Aquaculture • Materials science • ICT sectors • Environmentally friendly technologies • Electric mobility technology • Pharmaceutical technology, health and welfare technology • Water technology • Tourism, cultural industries, events • Media technology Endres i topp-/bunntekst
The Arena Programme (cont.) • Main goal: Strengthen the regional business environment’s capability for innovation and value creation • Addressing groups or networks of businesses with a potential for developing as clusters and increased value creation. • The groups should be based on collaboration between companies and knowledge institutions (universities/research institutes) • The programme is stimulating new and untraditional combinations of networks of actors • Based on annual calls, the most promising business groups are invited to participate in the programme for three years • The programme is organised in collaboration between the tree main innovation agencies (IN, SIVA and RCN)
Two what extent do the Arena projects contribute to innovation in the Norwegian economy? • How can we determine the degree of novelty and innovation potential of the Arena clusters? Secondary data: • Evaluation reports of the programme as a whole • Plans and annual reports for the individual projects • Evaluation reports for finished projects In addition: • Discussions with the program managers Endres i topp-/bunntekst
The path evolution framework: What is ‘new’? • Marginal changes • The development goes on mostly based on business as usual • Radical changes • Emergence of completely new industries and technologies not related to existing industries Three forms of path evolution • Path extension: Further development of existing industries and clusters based on existing technologies and knowledge bases. • Path renewal: Development based on existing industries and cluster, but in related areas (branching). • Path creation: Development based on new technologies and new organisations in new industries. (Based on Tödtlingand Trippl 2011; Aasheim et al; 2012)
The path evolution framework: Key factors We apply the following factors for determining the relative novelty of an emerging business cluster: • Actorsand networks (what type of actors are involved?) • Value chains (producers, users and suppliers of products and services) • Activities (what kind og activities are organised in the new cluster) • Products/services (new or traditional?) • Markets (new or existing?) • Technologies and knowledgebases
The path evolution framework: Categories Path extension:- Upgrading or revitalisation of the businesses- Limited elements of novelty as a strategy for maintaining competitiveness- Building on well-known technologies and knowledge in mature or established sectors in the national system. Path renewal- New development of business activities in areas related to the existing industries and cluster, - The knowledge base does not change radically, but is developed towards areas of relevance to the new development - In the long run, changes of path renewal may become substantial for the national innovation system. Path creation - The project represent a potentially new industrial path- New industries based on new technologies and new organisations are emerging, - A new knowledge base is gradually developing.
Classification of all the Arena projects Preliminary classification of 70 projects – classification based on the intentions and objectives for the projects (not obtained results): • Path extension: 35 • Path renewal: 32 • Path creation: 3 The programme to a little extent stimulates radical innovations and the development of new industries. How can this be explained?
Arena’s objectives Main objective: focus on value creation, not innovation per se: Originally (2002): • Contribute to more value creation in regionally based businesses/industries by strengthening the interaction between industrial actors, knowledge institutions and public actors Later (from 2006): • Contribute to develop regionally based industrial milieus towards more innovation and value creation by strengthening ... Targets: • Increased internal interaction between the project participant • Increased external interaction with external actors (at the national and international level) • More innovative and cooperative firms • More focus on businesses and industrial development in R&D-institutions and educational institutions
Selection criteria • The resource base of the project (i.e. the resources of the participating actors) • The network/relations between the actors • Project quality- Objectives- Strategies- Plans- Embeddedness • Other criteria (specific for the individual calls) Project quality; in particular project management
Evolutionary processes and the role of ARENA Basic processes of evolution ARENA services InformationGuiding potential projects Supervicing project managers Competence services ARENA Mobilisation/ Proposals Selection/ Pilot projects/ Main projects Additional funding/ Exit (Further development after Arena) Variation Selection Retention (Struggle/Growth)
The selection processes of Arena Path extension projects: • Face the lowest barriers for developing and organising the projects • Most factors are well-known, there is an established practice for organising innovation activities • Networks among the relevant actors are fairly well developed. Path renewal projects • The degree of novelty is somewhat higher • But the projects will be organised in the context of elements that are fairly well known Path creation projects: • Call for more radical changes • Barriers for organising may be very high • Challenging to involve a critical mass of committed actors. Endres i topp-/bunntekst
Concluding remarks Low level of path creation seems reasonable: • Given the main objective of stimulating more value creation • Given the lower barriers of organising path extension and path renewal projects • Given the current situation in Norway of positive lock-in in resource based sectors • Higher risks of failure for path creation projects However (issues for analyses): • What is the optimum balance between path extention/renewal and creation projects? • Should the program to a higher extent stimulate path creation projects? • What would be the implication in terms of programme organisation?
Thanks for your attention! olav.spilling@nifu.no