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“Elevate the Debate” Milwaukee, WI June 4 th , 2014. Wisconsin Poverty Summit @WIPovertySummit #ElevatetheDebate. Poverty in Wisconsin. Ken Taylor Wisconsin Council on Children and Families Robert Kraig Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund.
“Elevate the Debate”Milwaukee, WIJune 4th, 2014 Wisconsin Poverty Summit @WIPovertySummit #ElevatetheDebate
Poverty in Wisconsin Ken Taylor Wisconsin Council on Children and Families Robert Kraig Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund
Federal Poverty Guidelines by Family Size For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $4,060 for each additional person. A full-time minimum wage job produces a gross income of $15,080
Fed. Poverty Definition Limited • It is set at 3 times the minimum food diet in 1963 • Does not include modern draws on resources like work expenses, transportation to work, medical bills • Not adjusted to modern living standards • Not adjusted by geography (varying living costs) • Does not measure depth of poverty • BUT is still best national measure • (Source, UW Institute for Research on Poverty)
% Poverty by AgeLiving Below the Federal Poverty Level 2010 US Census Bureau
% Poverty Over Time: 1959-2010Children and Seniors Sachs JD. The Price of Civilization. 2011, Random House, NY. Chapter 10, pp. 185-208
16 Million American children in the U.S. live below the poverty line That’s more than the populations of New York LA and Chicago COMBINED = 100,000 people
Child Poverty Rates:United States and United Kingdom 26.1 22.5 18.9 10.6 12.3 2010 Smeeding T, Waldfogel J. Fighting childhood poverty in the US &UK: and update. 2010. Cribb J, Joyce R, Phillip D. Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2012 . IFS commentary C124.
What do we know about Wisconsin? • Although our child poverty rate is still below the national average (18% vs. 23%): • Wisconsin’s rate has grown faster than the national rate over the decade • Milwaukee has the 4th highest level of children living in concentrated poverty of the 50 largest cities • There are substantial racial disparities in child poverty rates
Percent of the population living in povertyBy county, Wisconsin, 2006-2010 Source: American Community Survey, 2006-2010.
Free/Reduced Lunch Eligibility Reveals Trend in WI Child Poverty
Concentrated and deep poverty The added challenge of extreme poverty:
The poverty rate for Black kids in Wisconsin is 4X higher than for White kids
Income Inequality Trend Source: https://www.census.gov/hhes/www/income/data/historical/inequality/index.html
Thewealthiest 400now have same wealth as half of all Americans
59% of Milwaukee African American men not employed Source UWM Center on Econ Development
Minimum Wage Jobs Increasingly Support Families, Lost Ground Minimum Wage over $2.00 per hour less then 1968 Minimum Wage workers in 2014 are much more productive and better educated 87% minimum wage workers 20 years or older 57% are women 45% have some college education 587,000 Wisconsin workers make less than $10.10 per hour
Women earn77 cents on the dollar Over a million dollars in lost lifetime earnings
What Impacts Health? Social determinants of health
Income • Access to health promoting goods and services • Psychosocial effects linked with economic resources • Cumulative effects over time and at critical periods. Sources: RWJF 2008, Obstacles to Health Report, Szanton 2005, RWJF-Stable Jobs http://www.rwjf.org/en/blogs/new-public-health/2013/01/stable_jobs_health.html Braveman, Paula. Income Wealth and Health. RWJF Special Issue Brief http://www.rwjf.org/content/dam/farm/reports/issue_briefs/2011/rwjf70448
Employment Sources: RWJF-Stable Jobs http://www.rwjf.org/en/blogs/new-public-health/2013/01/stable_jobs_health.html
Access to health care Access to healthcare: Lack of health insurance coverage among Wisconsin adults ages 18-64, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Chronic Diseases:Age-adjusted rates of heart attack and stroke among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Wisconsin Rejection of Enhanced Medicaid Dollars Leaves over 84,000 without Affordable Health Care
Vocabulary 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Wealthy CHILD’SCUMULATIVE VOCABULARY Middle Class Hart & Risley, 1995 Low Income Age of Child (in months)
Students Not Graduating With a Regular Diploma in Four Years
Source: Hansen et al (2013) PLoS One http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/12/131211183752.htm
Real Wisconsin state school spending plummets to 17 year low--biggest cuts to high poverty districts
What beliefs get in the way of addressing the challenge of poverty? • We Don’t Have Enough Money • Raising wage floor harms the economy • Its no longer possible to solve big social problems • Personal vs. Systems Analysis of social & economic issues
American Poverty Ideology • Faith in markets to distribute resources to the most deserving • Poor are personally responsible for condition • Anyone can make it who is moral (American Dream) • Doing harm by doing good (Dependency) • Deservedness • Contingent on work • Contingent on behavior
Roles—It Takes a Village Individuals Families Private Sector Public Sector Charitable Sector Faith Communities