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Gim Przymierza Rodzin class IPe –Extreme events on the earth. FLOODS. WHERE ARE THERE FLOODS IN THE WORLD?. Huge floods occur in China, India, Bangladesh Missisippi Valley. In Poland most floods occur near Wisla and Odra. WHAT SHOULD YOU D O DURING A FLOOD?.
WHERE ARETHERE FLOODS IN THE WORLD? • Huge floods occur in China, India, BangladeshMissisippi Valley. • In Poland most floodsoccurnearWisla and Odra.
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO DURING A FLOOD? • Constantly listen to the radio to getinformationabout the level of the floods. • Maintain constant readiness to evacuate. • Don’tpanic! • Carefullyusebridgesand roads. • Don’t drink and eatfood that has been in contact with flood water.
EFFECTS OF FLOODS: • Destroyedhouses and farms. • Death of animals and people.
WHAT CAUSES FLOODING? • Heavy rain • Damming of the river by ice jams or landslides. • Tsunami • Backwater
THE BIGGEST FLOODS IN POLAND: • 1934r. - The flood covered the Dunajec river basin, Raby, part of the basin Wisłoka and Skawa • 1990r.– Floodmillennium • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkhTuToYvls
CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF VOLCANIC EXPLOSIONS • Reasons: • - Magma clogs the mouth of all possibleopennings. • - Strong pressure gas. • - Borehole. • Effects: • - A very large debris. • - Runoff and mudslides. • - Huge boilers.
Where they existin the world • Volcanoes are on the limits of lithospheric plates in places where the oceanic plate pushesunder the continental one. • For example, on the western coast of the Americas (Cordillera and the Andes), the east coast of Asia.
Ring of fire • Zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that surrounds the Pacific Ocean.
Isthere a risk of volcanoerruption in Poland? • In Poland we havesomevolcanos but happilytheyare not active. • ThehighestPolishvolcanoiscalled Ostrzyca Proboszczowickaand has a height of 501 meters. • There are no volcanos which are threatening us.
What shouldyoudo during an eruption? • Do not panic! • Lock the doors and windows. • Put wet towels underthe doors. • Hide your sensitive electrical equipment. • Do not use the phone. • Put on a mask, hold a handkerchief or other material on the nose and mouth, and always wear safety goggles.
An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The location below the earth’s surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, and the location directly above it on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter.
HUMAN ACTIVITY: Earthquakesarealsocaused by humanactivity: subsidencethroughminingactivites, shockcaused by explosions (bombs), building big artificialwaterreservoirswhichaffectbalance of rock masses.
The occurrence of earthquakes • California along the San Andreas fault. • There are also earthquake for instance in Scandinavia. • Frequent earthquakes occur in the Pacific Ring of Fire.
Effects of Earthquakes • Cracks and scratches on the surface of the earth • The slots (sometimes depth of up to several meters) • Ground faults ("cutting" the form of the hill on falling rows of blocks of rock) • Horizontal movement along the fault • Raising the coast and the creation of a cliff (as a result of, or actual raising the coast, or dropping the bottom of the water • Separating the coast of the mainland, and the creation of shallow • Dome-shaped lake (caused by disorders of groundwater)
Protection The fastest protection is a table or door jamb.
Skyscrapers are protected by sphere equivalent. The firstshelters for studentswerebuit in Jerusalem.
Earthquake in Japan • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_wkpXkoXms
Reasonswhy a tsunami occurs: • Underwaterearthquakes • Underwatervulcanoeruption • Landslide rock mass
Coulda tsunami be predicted ? • Yes but itisvery hard. • Radarscan alert peoplebefore tsunami. With theirhelp, we cansee the power and height of a tsunami.
Effects • Destruction of cities • Death of people and animals • Contamination • Epidemics
How to protectyourselffrom a tsunami? • Making a new system of warnings from a tsunami. • Buildingbreakwaters.
Shortanimation Otheranimation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlwZzbGh7Cwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITsllTHZ-D8&feature=em-upload_owner
A Cyclone Whatis a cyclone? How does a cycloneoccur? Where do cyclonesoccur? Whatare the effects of a cyclone? How to protectyourself?
Whatis a cyclone? • A cycloneisanarea of rotatingwindsthatoccurs on the ocean. • It occurs on the ocean and sometimesmovesonto the land. • It lookslike a tornado.
How does a cycloneoccur? For ancyclone to occurtherehave to be specialcondition: • The waterhas to be 26,5°C • Temperature and humidity should correspond to the development of storm clouds. • The distance from the equatershould be atleast 500km. Then the stromcloudsmeet with hot air and the pressurebecomesvery high and the airbegins to move spiral.
Where do cyclonesoccur? Cyclonesoccurnear the equator and the tropics. Theyoccur on the ocean but quicklymoveon to land. Cyclones, rainfalls, floods
Whatare the effects of a cyclone? • Destruction of cities • Death of people and animals • Floods • Epidemics • Contamination
How to protectyourself? When a cyclonehitsyoushould: • Hide in the strongest part of the buildinglike the celler. • Turn off allelectroicaldivices. • If the buildingisfallinghideunder a tableor in between the mattress. • If the cyclonehitsduring the timewhenyouare in your car stop the car and don’tget out.
Interestingfacts • CycloneshavenameslikeCyclone Julia. • A film about a cyclone in Miami: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DShp7d6yozY&feature=player_detailpage
Bibliography • Floods: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood • Volcanoes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano • Earthquakes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake • Tsunami: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsunami • Cyclone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclones