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Union Church Guatemala January 20, 2019

Union Church Guatemala January 20, 2019. Understanding God’s Grace. Grace Alone. Misconceptions : God does not deny His grace to all those who do all they can for others . God helps all those who find help for themselves. Haddon W. Robinson.

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Union Church Guatemala January 20, 2019

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  1. Union Church Guatemala January 20, 2019 UnderstandingGod’s Grace

  2. Grace Alone Misconceptions: • GoddoesnotdenyHisgracetoallthosewho do allthey can forothers. • Godhelpsallthosewhofindhelpforthemselves

  3. Haddon W. Robinson

  4. “No one has problemswithGod’sgraceforthemselves, theyonlyhave a problemwithGod’sgraceforothers.” • “Ifyouknew me as Godknows me, surelyyouwouldnotlike me. I wonderifI’veever done anythingwithpuremotivations. I am verygratefulforthegrace of God.”

  5. Thecallto do a “Cultural Exegesis” whichresults in a MissionalChurchthatpracticesGrace

  6. Matthew 16:18 “And I tellyouthatyou are Peter, and onthis rock I willbuildmychurch, and thegates of Hades willnotovercomeit.”

  7. AnExample of Doing Culture ExegesisChurchStatistics • Financially: peoplebetween 65 and 74 donateanaverage of 3.1% of theirincomewhilethosebetween 18 and 24 only 0.6%

  8. Ontheotherhand, thosewhoearnlesstendtogive more thanthosewhoearn more.

  9. Another example: Anti-Semitic movement,Latin American hezbollah

  10. DEMOGRAPHIC REALITY “Culture Exegesis” “Iglesia CASA DE MI SEÑOR” Cúcuta, Colombia

  11. NeighborhoodKnowledge of: “Provida”

  12. “TheCollapse of thePurpose of theChurch” Old Testament“Redeemthepeoplefromopression and slavery” • Exodus19:3-6“Then Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain and said, “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel:‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”

  13. New Testament“redeemthepeoplefromoppression and slavery” • 1 Peter 2:9“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

  14. A Theology of Mission ReggieMcNeal “Weneedto recapture themission of thechurch. In both Old and New Testamentsweencounter a Godwhoison a redemptivemissionin theworld. In fact, we are astounded at thelengthstowhichGodwillgo in pursuit of hismissiontoredeemthecrowningachievement of hiscreation ---people.”

  15. Haveyouheardthecry of Hispeople?Exodus3:7 The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering • Wrong Response: Develop a churchmentality as a refuge • CorrectPerspective: Develop a redemptivemissiontheology

  16. RedemptiveMissionTheologyGod’s Grace • A movement of transformation that takes us from coercion and legalism to grace and love Revelation1:5b-6 “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.” A theology of Redemption

  17. MissionalSpirituality • Maythepeople of God be moved bytheheart of God. • Mayourhearts be brokenbywhatbreakstheheart of God. “Grace can only be enjoyedbyunworthypeople” Therefore, theonly response fromsomeonewho has received Grace istoextendgrace.

  18. “TheShiftfromChurchGrowthtoKingdomGrowth” WrongQuestions How Do WeGrowThisChurch? How Do WeGetThemto Come toUs? ToughQuestion: How Do WeTransformOurCommunity?


  20. Muchof theefforts of themovements in churchhistory, arisingfromthereformation, wastoreestablishthe New TestamentmodelfortheChurch, orientedtopromote a greater human sensitivity and not as a merelyinstitutionalexpression. • Beyondthetheoreticalpostulatesthatsupportedthedifferentreforms…theycommittedthemselvestoreturningthecommunitarian and social characterthathadtheprinciples of faithderivedfromChristianity.

  21. Thetheologicalwork of theReformationwastheresult of thecombination of at leastthreefactors: • An intense devotionaland spiritual life • A churchcommunitythatwasincarnational and deeplycommittedtothetask of reachingthelost • A specialsensitivitytowardswhatwas happening in thecontext in whicheachpersonlived.

  22. BiblicalPrinciplesforChurchGrowth GRACE REGARDLESS OF RACE “Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul” Acts13:1 • 2 africans • 2 asians • 1 european

  23. GRACE REGARDLESS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS A. Lydia “One of thoselisteningwas a womanfromthecity of Thyatiranamed Lydia, a dealer in purplecloth. Shewas a worshiper of God. The Lord openedherhearttorespondtoPaul’smessage ” Acts16:14 (Upperclassfrom Asia Minor) B. TheJailer “…he thenbroughtthemout and asked, “Sirs, whatmust I do to be saved?...he and allhishouseholdwerebaptized…he wasfilledwithjoybecause he had come tobelieve in God-he and hiswholehousehold.” Acts16:27-34 (Middleclass, employee of theempire, Roman)

  24. C. Fortune-teller (demon-possessedslavegirl) “Thesemen are servants of theMostHigh God, and theyhave come totellyouhowto be saved” Acts16:16-19 (LowestclasspossiblefromGreece) “Grace can only be enjoyedbyunworthypeople” “SCANDALOUS GRACE”

  25. Examples of Grace

  26. Dr. Joel VanDyke “Grace, likewater, flowsdownhill and pools up in thelowest places”

  27. God’s Grace • A movement of transformation that takes us from coercion and legalism to grace and love A Theology of Redemption A Theology of Mission

  28. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven,Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:13-16

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