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Student Category CHANGES FOR THE 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR

Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. Student Category CHANGES FOR THE 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR. April 2018. Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. HB 7 - At-risk-indicator-code CHANGES FOR THE 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR. April 2018.

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Student Category CHANGES FOR THE 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR

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  1. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. Student Category CHANGES FOR THE 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR April 2018 Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept.

  2. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. HB 7 - At-risk-indicator-code CHANGES FOR THE 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR April 2018 Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept.

  3. HB 7 – At Risk Criteria Changes for the 2018-2019 School Year • HB 7, passed during the 85th Legislative session (2017), modified the criteria for identifying a student as “at-risk of dropping out of school”. • Criteria 11 and 13 have been updated on the StudentExtension complex type. • However, the actual definition criteria essentially remain unchanged.

  4. HB 7 – At Risk Criteria Changes for the 2018-2019 School Year • Criteria 11 has been updated to read with the correct state agency name: • Is in the custody or care of the Department of Protective and Regulatory ServicesDepartment of Family and Protective Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official; • Criteria 13 has been updated to explain group home situations: • Resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, cottage home operation, specialized child-care home, or general residential operationor foster group home.

  5. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. 2018-2019 School Year changes for lep-indicator-code April 2018 Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept.

  6. LEP Exit Monitoring- Background • Since the 2008-2009 school year, LEAs have been reporting student level information on former LEP students in their first and second year of post-LEP status monitoring. The post-LEP monitoring data was collected under the specific reporting requirements of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, and the requirements for LEA implementation are defined by Texas Education Code (TEC) 29.063, TEC 29.0561, and Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 19 TAC §89.1220(l). Effective with the 2016-2017 school year, the NCLB act was re-adopted as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

  7. LEP Exit Monitoring- Background ESSA allows states to monitor a post-LEP student for up to four years following the exit school year. Currently, LEAs monitor an enrolled LEP student for two years after exiting the LEP program. The TEA is exercising the option under ESSA to collect data on enrolled exited LEP students for an additional two years starting in the 2018-2019 school year and will include this information in the student performance results data for LEAs and campuses.

  8. LEP Exit Monitoring- Background The LEP Exit Monitoring years 3 and 4 will be used in calculating results for the Closing the Gap domain (HB 22) which will be beneficial to LEAs in their accountability ratings. Current research shows positive trends for students exited from LEP status.

  9. C061 – LEP-INDICATOR-CODE Code Table LEP Indicator Codes “3” and “4” are added to code table C061 – LEP-INDICATOR-CODE.

  10. Q&A Question: Is the reporting of the new LEP exit monitoring codes retroactive? Answer: Yes. For example, if a student is reported as a LEP Indicator Code “S” in the 2016-2017 school year, the student would be reported with a LEP Indicator Code of “4” in the 2018-2019 school year.

  11. Q&A Question: How is a student reported in the 2018-2019 school year if their LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is an “S” in the 2017-2018 school year? Answer: The student will be reported with a LEP-INDICATOR-CODE of “3” in the 2018-2019 school year.

  12. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. SB 22 – Pathways in Technology early college high school (p-tech) April 2018 Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept.

  13. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Background SB 22, passed during the 85th legislative session (2017), requires the Commissioner to establish a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program for students who wish to participate in a work-based education program. LEAs wishing to offer the P-TECH program must apply to TEA for permission prior to officially offering the program. More information can be found on the TEA College, Career, and Military Prep webpage.

  14. SB 22 Pathways in Technology TSDS PEIMS Changes • To comply with the SB 22 statute: • The E1612 – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE has been added to the StudentExtension complex type to be collected in PEIMS Submissions 1, 3, and 4. • Added business validations to support new element. • Definition: • E1612 – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE indicates that a student in grades 9-12 is participating in the Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School program.

  15. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – TSDS PEIMS Changes • Element ID – E1612 • Data Element – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE • XML Name – TX-PTECHIndicator • Code Table ID – C088 • Length – 1 • Data Type – CODED • Pattern – # • Submission – 1, 3, and 4 • Mandatory – No

  16. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Business Validations LEAs that apply to offer the P-TECH program and are approved will be required to report participation at the student level.

  17. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Business Validations If a student is identified as a leaver, then the P-TECH indicator cannot be reported.

  18. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Business Validations Only students in grades 9-12 may be reported as enrolled in the P-TECH program.

  19. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Business Validations P-TECH students will be verified that they are enrolled on a campus that is approved for the P-TECH program.

  20. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A Question: How does a LEA become a P-TECH school? Answer: In order to be designated a P-TECH school, the LEA must apply to the Texas Education Agency. More information on this process can be found on the Texas Education Agency’s website: https://tea.texas.gov/ptech/

  21. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A Question: If a student moves from one school, where the student was designated as P-TECH, to another school that does not offer the P-TECH program, how should the student be coded? Answer: P-TECH coding only applies to the student if the school the student is enrolled in offers the P-TECH program.

  22. SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A Question: Will the P-TECH indicator be used for students who were enrolled at any time during the school year? Answer: The P-TECH indicator should be reported for a student that was enrolled on the PEIMS Fall snapshot date for Submission 1, at any point in the year for Submission 3, and then if the student is reported in Submission 4 for a summertime program.

  23. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. 2018-2019 crisis code deletions and additions (c178) April 2018 Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept.

  24. C178 CRISIS-CODE • The CRISIS-CODE indicates a state health or weather-related event that impacts a group of students. • CRISIS-CODE 5A-5C and 06 have been deleted. • Crisis codes 5, 5A, 5B, 5C, and 6 were activated for the 2017-2018 school year and have been or will be deactivated for the 2018-2019 school year. • To provide additional crisis codes to be available for future crises, codes 08-30 have been added to C178 – CRISIS-CODE table for future use.

  25. C178 CRISIS-CODE CRISIS-CODE 5A-5C and 06 have been deleted.

  26. C178 CRISIS-CODE Crisis Codes 08-30 have been added to the C178 CRISIS-CODE code table.

  27. C178 CRISIS-CODE (cont’d) Cont’d.

  28. C178 CRISIS-CODE (cont’d) Cont’d.

  29. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. HB 357 – Prekindergarten Program for Star of Texas recipients April 2018 Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept.

  30. HB 357 – Star of Texas Award - Background • HB 357, passed during the 85th legislative session (2017), establishes free public prekindergarten for children of peace officers, firefighters, and first responders who have demonstrated remarkable courage and heroism in serving and protecting their communities throughout the state who are eligible for the Star of Texas Award. • Eligibility is defined as a person who has been awarded the Star of Texas Award and has presented proof through one of the following pieces of documentation: • Resolution (certificate) awarded to the individual • List can be found on the Office of the Governor’s website • Letter from the Governor • Letter from a state representative (House or Senate)

  31. HB 357 – Star of Texas Award TSDS PEIMS Changes • To implement the statute, TEA has added a new data element to the StudentExtension complex type. • Add code E1601 – STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE to the StudentExtension complex type for the Fall and Summer submissions (Submissions 1 and 3). • Business Validations added/updated to support E1601 – STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE. • Definition: • STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE indicates that the student is eligible for free public prekindergarten because they are the child of a person awarded the Star of Texas Award.

  32. HB 357 – Star of Texas Award TSDS PEIMS Changes • Data Element Characteristics: • Element ID – E1601 • Data Element – STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE • XML Name – TX-StarOfTexasIndicator • Code Table ID – C088 • Length – 1 • Data Type – CODED • Pattern – # • Submission – 1 and 3 • Mandatory – No

  33. HB 357 Star of Texas Data Validations A child of a Star of Texas Award recipient is eligible for free public prekindergarten. Therefore, a campus may report the student eligible for ADA funding in Submission 1.

  34. HB 357 Star of Texas Data Validations A child of a Star of Texas Award recipient is eligible for free public prekindergarten. Therefore, a campus may report eligible days present for these prekindergarten students in Submission 3.

  35. HB 357 Star of Texas Data Validations The Star of Texas Indicator Code must be reported for all students that are in grade PK.

  36. HB 357 Star of Texas Data Validations The Star of Texas Indicator Code cannot be reported for students that are not in grade PK.

  37. HB 357 – Star of Texas Award Additional Information • You can find additional information regarding eligibility for prekindergarten at the following webpage: • Early Childhood Education • Free Prekindergarten: Star of Texas Award Eligibility Criterion (TAA)

  38. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. hb 22 industry certifications April 2018 Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept.

  39. CONTENTS Industry Certification Reporting Requirement Changes (HB 22) Addition/Deletion of Codes for the C214 – INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE table

  40. 2017-2018 School Year Changes to Industry Certifications Reporting In the Fall of 2017-2018, the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) were revised to allow all high school graduates, who had achieved a post-secondary certification, to be reported as such regardless of the high school graduation plan. Formerly, the reporting was limited to Foundation High School Program (FHSP) graduates. This change was necessary since HB 22 changed the Accountability Ratings in the Student Achievement Domain to include any student that earned a post-secondary certification.

  41. 2018-2019 School Year Changes to Industry Certifications Reporting Due to the importance of industry certification data in the accountability system, and to ensure that all schools are aware of the reporting opportunity on high school graduates regarding Post-Secondary Industry Certifications and Licensures, the Texas Education Agency has made the FIRST-POST-SECONDARY-INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE a mandatory field in the StudentGraduationProgramExtension complex type.

  42. HB 22 Industry Certification Business Validation Changes Revised rule to apply to all graduates and not just Foundation High School Program (FHSP) graduates.

  43. CONTENTS Industry Certification Reporting Requirement Changes (HB 22) Addition/Deletion of Codes for the C214 – INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE table

  44. C214 INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE • For the 2018-2019 school year the C214 – INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE table has been updated to consolidate ASE Heating and ASE Air Conditioning into one code as they are issued as one industry certification. • 110-ASE Air Conditioning has been deleted. • 180-ASE Heating has been deleted • 181-ASE Heating and Air Conditioning has been added.

  45. C214 INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE Code 110-ASE Air Conditioning and 180-ASE Heating have been deleted from the C214 code table.

  46. C214 INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE Code 181 – ASE Heating and Air Conditioning has been added to the C214 code table.

  47. Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 April 2018 Presented by: Region One PEIMS Dept.

  48. SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 Background • SB 1153, passed during the 85th legislative session (2017), requires school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to report on students for whom the school used intervention strategies. • An intervention strategy is a strategy in a multi-tiered system of supports that is above the level of intervention generally used in the system with all children. (TEC 26.004) • School districts and open-enrollment charter schools report on students under Section 504 that received aids, accommodations, or services during the course of the school year.

  49. SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 TSDS PEIMS Changes • To comply with the statute: • E1602 – INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR-CODE has been added to the StudentProgramExtension complex type. • E1603 – SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE has been added to the StudentProgramExtension complex type. • Added business validations to support new elements.

  50. SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 TSDS PEIMS Changes • Element ID – E1602 • Element Name – INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR-CODE • XML Name – TX-InterventionStrategyIndicator • Code Table ID – C088 • Length – 1 • Data Type – CODED • Pattern - # • Submission – 1 and 3 • Mandatory – Yes, in both. Definition: E1602 – INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR-CODE indicates that a student enrolled at the campus participated in an intervention strategy at any time during the school year. (TEC 26.004)

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