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DIGESTION. Physical digestion Chemical digestion Absorption Egestion. Anatomy of digestive system. Physical digestion. Chemical digestion. Digestive juices mix with food wich is transformed into nutrientes . In the mouth , saliva breaks down the carbohydrates .
DIGESTION Physicaldigestion Chemicaldigestion Absorption Egestion
Chemicaldigestion Digestivejuicesmixwithfoodwichistransformedintonutrientes. • In themouth, salivabreaksdownthecarbohydrates. • In thestomach, thegastricjuicesmixwiththebolus of food and theyform a partiallydigestedfoodpastecalledchyme. • In thesmallintestine, thankstotheintestinal juices, thebile and thepancreaticjuice, thedigestion of foodiscompleted. Itforms a paste, calles chyle, whichcontainsnutrients.
Nutrientsabsorption and egestion Thewalls of theintestinecontainveins and capillarieswhichabsorbthenutrientsintothebloodstream. In thelargeintestine, waterisextractedfromtheresidueswhichformfaeces. These are excretedthroughtheanus.