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STATEMENT: Girls Have Lower Rates and Less Severe ADHD than Boys Is this true?. Myth # 7: Girls Have Lower Rates and Less Severe ADHD than Boys.
STATEMENT:Girls Have Lower Rates and Less Severe ADHD than BoysIs this true?
Myth # 7: Girls Have Lower Rates and Less Severe ADHD than Boys • According to the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health (2001) girls are less likely to receive a diagnosis of and treatment for ADHD compared to boys despite need. Gaub and Carlson (1997) found that girls with ADHD have greater intellectual impairment, but lower rates of hyperactivity and externalizing disorders compared to boys. Girls with ADHD have more severe internalizing disorders than boys, and both show more similarities than differences in symptoms and treatment needs. Biederman et al. (1999) found that girls with ADHD were more likely to have conduct problems, mood and anxiety disorders, lower IQ, and more impairment on social, family and school functioning than non-referred girls. However, conduct problems were lower in girls than in males with ADHD, which may account for lower referral rates in community and school samples. Girls in clinic samples also had high rates of substance abuse, alcohol, drug and cigarette use, and were at an increased risk for panic and obsessive compulsive disorders (Biederman et al., 1999). • http://www.help4adhd.org/en/about/myths#myth4
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True – boys are more proneto ADHD Do More Boys Have ADHD Than Girls? Published: 09/10/2013 Why do boys have more ADHD than girls? When you hear about a child having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you are more likely to see that it’s a boy. The question quickly arises whether it is possible for more boys to suffer from ADHD as opposed to girls. If the answer is yes then what are the reasons which cause a marked increase in the number of boys having ADHD than the girls? Numerous medical studies have been conducted to reach a conclusion and the results have shown that ADHD actually is more common in boys than girls. According to many research findings, boys are three times more likely to suffer from ADHD when compared to girls. Experimental research data collected during these trials of various US areas have shown that 13.2% of school-aged boys and 5.6% of girls suffer from ADHD. What Is The Reason Behind These Statistics? The most common reason that medical professionals agree that more boys than girls suffer from ADHD has to do with the belief that ADHD is directly link to X-chromosomes. Since girls have two X-chromosomes, they are less likely to be affected with this condition. Even if one of their X-chromosome carries the defect causing ADHD, a girl’s second X-chromosome is likely to act as a backup and minimize the symptoms. Whereas boys only have one X-chromosome and if the gene defect is present in that chromosome, there is no backup to help minimize the effect.
Are There Any Differing Viewpoints? • Sure there are! There are many experts who tend to disagree that boys are more likely to have ADHA in comparison to girls. According to Dr. Marjorie Montague, a PhD professor of special education at the University of Miami, boys are more likely to be diagnosed of ADHD as they are more energetic and can show symptoms more clearly such as hyperactivity and restlessness. On the contrary, girls are less likely to display these symptoms and often go undetected of suffering from ADHD. That however does not mean that girls do not suffer from ADHD as much as boys do. • Parents who notice unusual symptoms such as restlessness, inattentiveness, impulsiveness, hyperactivity or lack of concentration in their children; whether boys or girls; should discuss them with their child’s doctor. Early detection of ADHD can help your child lead a normal and healthy life while managing the symptoms of ADHD at both home and school. • See more at: http://healthagy.com/do-more-boys-have-adhd-than-girls/#sthash.34quwDXS.dpuf • http://healthagy.com/do-more-boys-have-adhd-than-girls/